The Cult of Ancestors. The Power of Our Blood. Виктория Райдос

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Название The Cult of Ancestors. The Power of Our Blood
Автор произведения Виктория Райдос
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 2017
isbn 978-5-9573-3559-7

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      Human life and fate itself – the relationships we have with others, work, wealth, health, – is all closely connected to that almost ephemeral state that we call ‘psychology’. And psychology itself is tightly connected to family (upbringing) and the whole bloodline system (genes).

      It is not by chance that many psychological movements of the twentieth century (for example, psychoanalysis, systemic family constellations and psychogenealogy) are based on connections of an individual with their whole family and ancestors, with many modern psychological techniques being closely related to shamanic practices. With all our beliefs in scientific research and evidence, modern humans cannot completely abandon the traditions refined by generations, so that one’s life and the lives of one’s children are not distorted or disharmonized.

      In this book there will be a lot of references to folk customs and various traditional cultures. This not only pays respect to the cultures of past generations, it is also an effective tool. I tend to trust experience that is many thousands of years old. A human in tradition is a human in harmony with the universe, with nature and all of existence, capable of absorbing energy from the world around, as well as from within.

      People who have kept their connection with nature (as well as with their own nature) also maintain a connection with strength. Traditionally, all individuals were in regular contact with the sacral, turning to their ancestor’s spirits and holding ceremonies to influence their present realities.

      To understand the mechanism of how the family line influences humans is important for everyone, especially those who have any ambitions and abilities with magic. In shamanic traditions, the first thing you must do is to make amends with your ancestors’ spirits, because they become a conductor to the spiritual world in general. It is also better to get familiarized with the whole system of how energy circulates among humans and how the forces of life and death operate with something that you can observe closely – your own family line. This is especially important in the modern world where the inheritance of magical traditions in many cases has been interrupted and a whole host of various and often contradictory traditions prevail. In this case, great individual power combined with ignorance can lead to serious mistakes that are harmful, not only to the individual but also to his descendants.

      My name is Victoria Raidos, and I am a Priestess of the Cult of Ancestors.

      I cannot transmit to everyone on Earth what their ancestors want to specifically tell them.

      But I can transmit to everyone what our ancestors want to tell all of us, through this book. I can remind people what they often forget, that humans always have enough strength to solve any problem – even the scariest and seemingly unsolvable. All we need to know is how to find that strength and where to draw it up.

      Real strength can only be found within. You really must value this magical power that you already have and carry inside you.

      Your power is in your blood.

      Blood that you got from your ancestors.

      The Power of Blood

      In this chapter I will explain what the Cult of Ancestors is, why it is needed and how to observe it.

      I will recount how rituals of commemoration were held in the past and how they should be carried out today.

      This is the longest, most complex and most important chapter of the book.

      We all want to live our lives meaningfully and happily. As the old proverb goes: ‘Every man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son’. Become a respected person. Realize our potential and talents. Achieve our dreams. Each of us has enough energy to make all of this happen and to live a life that we want.

      If a person feels that they lack energy, it normally means that they do not know how to use it. Most of this energy we can get from our bloodline. If many people in the family lived their lives reasonably and with content, there is no bad heredity. These kinds of families can be considered as the most respected, because it gives its descendants all the power that has been stored there for centuries. If you are lucky to be born into such a family – use this gift wisely! Remember that you hold a great power that you need to cultivate and continue.

      But what if a family is weak? This happens when there are suicides, unborn children, abandoned family members and curses in the family. These do not give an individual any power, but take it away. Often, in this case, an individual seems unable to start living their own life and inevitably and constantly works on solving problems from the family line.

      Often these bloodline problems lead to complications that seem to appear out of nowhere that a person is not able to solve: lack of happiness in one’s life, suicidal thoughts, physical or psychological diseases, complications in creating their own families (unrequited love, problems with a spouse and children or infertility). And if an individual is doing everything correctly but life still just does not come together, then it is a sign of the problems being a part of an entire family line.

      So what to do? Complain about how unfair destiny is that led to this particular person to be born in this particular family?

      Every individual has their own life path and a goal that he or she should achieve. And all of us have conditions in which we find ourselves as we move along this path. This can be imagined as weights on one’s legs: you have a task that you are performing but at the same time you are not entirely free, with the weights providing added complications. But even in sport, weights are not given for nothing. It is done to achieve better results, to work out some specific muscles, for example.

      The same happens with fate. Our very first reaction to anything difficult is, of course, annoyance. This is so unfair! Why am I the one to have to go through this, to be born into a family where there are so many problems? A family where a genetic disease is inherited, where every other person is an alcoholic or where relatives were tortured and slaughtered? Don’t I have an individual mission on this planet besides working through the problems of my ancestors that they most often created themselves?

      There are individuals whose spiritual level is high enough to understand that what is happening is no accident. They see the complicated conditions into which they were born not as sad coincidences, but conditions necessary for their personal growth and the fulfillment of their destiny.

      The universe makes no mistakes when it creates the very specific conditions into which each of us are born. Everybody has a time when the universe checks how well this person has learnt their life lessons. These are the trials that an individual needs to go through to reach a new level or to confirm being on the level that they deserve. One of these trials can be working through family karma. Maybe in one of your previous incarnations you created this karmic knot yourself, leading to these present family complications. Your task is then to work on your mistake, resolving it or being punished by it. It is very complicated – almost impossible – to step out of this family programming by just wishing it. You can only cure the problems. And there was always someone who was the first one to do something for the first time.

      So it might be you, the first ‘strong one’ in your family line who will change the whole family line for the better?

      The Cult 0f Ancestors

      The Cult of Ancestors forms the foundation of all religions and spiritual teachings. It could even be considered as a ‘family religion’ because it is the veneration of deceased ancestors of one particular family. The spirits of a family are the inhabitants of another world who, by default, are friendly towards their descendants and are ready to assist them. As the main protectors of the family, they are able to give their living relatives help and protection with all the power that spirits possess. The main thing here is to be able to accept this