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early in my career. Thank you to Dr. Haney, my first tax professor, who truly loved the tax law and instilled this love into his students. My professors at the University of Texas, especially Sally Jones, who loved teaching the tax law and inspired me to teach others. My mother, to whom this book is dedicated, who was my inspiration in all things when I was young, and who, as the controller for my father’s printing company where I worked as an accounting clerk through high school, was my first accounting supervisor.

      Thanks also to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki for introducing me to the seminar and publishing world and for allowing me to be their tax advisor. Sometimes, I’m not sure who is really advising whom. They constantly get me to think about money and business differently, even while I am teaching them new ways to think about taxes.

      Last but certainly not least, thanks to my adorable wife, Louanne and my children, Max and Sam. They have always supported my career. Louanne has long been a source for inspiration; long before she was my sweetheart and was simply my friend. I always knew I could trust her opinion and that she would give me sound counsel. My sons, Max and Sam, have always inspired me to reach higher and become a better person.



Part One—How the Tax Law Can Be Your Best Friend
Chapter One Taxes are Stealing Your Money, Your Time and Your Future
Chapter Two Taxes are Fun, Easy, and Understandable
Chapter Three The Two Most Important Rules
Chapter Four Put Money Back In Your Pocket—Now
Chapter Five Entrepreneurs and Investors Get All the Breaks
Chapter Six You Can Deduct Almost Anything
Chapter Seven Depreciation: The King of All Deductions
Chapter Eight Earn Better Income
Chapter Nine Take Advantage of Your Tax Brackets
Chapter Ten Credits: The Cream of the Tax-Saving Crop
Chapter Eleven Conquer Your Employment Tax Troll
Chapter Twelve Lower Your Property, Sales, and Value-Added Taxes
Chapter Thirteen Estate Planning is Good Tax Planning
Chapter Fourteen Reducing Your Taxes in Other Locations
Part Two—Your Tax Strategy for Tax-Free Wealth
Chapter Fifteen Plan to Take Control of Your Taxes: Entities
Chapter Sixteen Protect Your Wealth from Pirates, Predators, and Other Plaintiffs
Chapter Seventeen Plan to Retire Rich, Not Poor
Chapter Eighteen Business Can be Your Best Tax Shelter
Chapter Nineteen The Magic of Real Estate
Chapter Twenty Stocks Can Lower Your Taxes Too
Chapter Twenty-One Commodities Can be Your Tax Friend