Why Am I Here?. Joyce Keller

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Название Why Am I Here?
Автор произведения Joyce Keller
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048597

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have come to know some of my guides extremely well, particularly those who have been with me through my entire life. One of these is Babaji, who in Hinduism is revered as the Father. To me he is a patient and very blessed teacher. Babaji first appeared at my bedside when I was four years old, looking remarkably like Santa Claus with a dark tan. Through Babaji and his equally holy sister, and feminine counterpart, Mataji, I was carefully, but pointedly, guided to the world beyond conventional Western thought.

      Other guides come and go for different purposes, and some, I have learned, have been with me over many lifetimes. Of these, I have had particular influence from members of the Self-Realization Fellowship. This organization, with which Babaji and Mataji are fundamentally involved, is written about extensively by its founder, Paramahansa Yogananda, in his extraordinary book Autobiography of a Yogi. The principle tenet of self-realization is that the purpose of life is evolution. This is accomplished through self-effort, says Yogananda, and through “lifting of man’s limited mortal consciousness into God Consciousness.” Self-realization is the knowledge that “we share kinship with God, and possess a superiority of mind over body, and soul over mind.”

      Through my work with master teachers, life-work with individuals on clairvoyant or intuitive levels, and through my own readings, I have become convinced of these and other spiritual truths. Many of these are offered in Why Am I Here? in the hopes that they will be of interest and service to you.

Part I

       I consider myself a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, and Confucian.

       Mahatma Gandhi

      CHAPTER 1

      The Tip of the Iceberg

       The System

      If you are reading this book, it’s pretty clear by now that you must have wondered at least once whether you’ve lived in another time and, if so, who you were. Maybe you have wondered if, and how, those past lives are affecting your present life. Have you also wondered about being instantly attracted to a special person, knowing on some level that you have not only met before, but might even be soul mates? Do you have recurring money issues and wonder whether these problems are part of some pattern set in place even before you were born? Do you play music by ear without any training and wonder how? Do you have a special affinity for languages? Do you know a prodigy? All of these, I have come to learn, are indications of past-life issues, tendencies, and relationships, as well as karma that has been left unfinished. My intention is for this book to help you bring these issues out into the open, and achieve a successful and fulfilling resolution, once and for all.

      Why Am I Here? offers a simple system to unlock the secrets of your past lives and their impact on your present life. It’s not your imagination when you feel you “know” that teller at the bank, or that you dislike your neighbor upon first sight; you may very well have had negative interactions with this person in a recent lifetime.

      This book will tell you:

      •What you were like in your past life

      •Why you were born

      •Where you are going with your life

      •What you should be doing with your life

      •Who your soul mate might be

      •Your greatest financial success

      •Your best career path

      •The karmic issues you are tangling with

      Why Am I Here? also contains:

       My one-of-a-kind Karmic Dictionary, which you can use to pinpoint the underlying emotional cause behind a particular issue.

      Why Am I Here reveals my tried-and-true technique to find your soul mate and stay together, and how to attain the fulfillment and lasting abundance you strive for. It will help you discover the life contract that you agreed to prior to your birth, and to become what you are meant to be—fulfilling your most deeply held dreams and potential.

      Why Am I Here? does this by taking an obscure but amazingly helpful technique of reading the “Nodes” of the moon (from your astrology chart), and turning this information into a workable system meant to improve your life.

      Ancient metaphysicians realized that the position of the “South Node” in a person’s birth chart indicated his most recent past incarnations and experiences. In my own work, I came to realize that this signal could be used as a means of unlocking the mystery of where that person had been, and what attitudes he might be carrying over. I refer to this “carry-over” as the soul memory.

      The metaphysicians also discovered that the “North Node” indicates the most important lessons, experiences, and relationships a person may experience in their current lifetime. I refer to these promising possibilities as the soul potential.

      Why Am I Here? helps you quickly access this information, then apply it in the most creative, effective way possible.

       There is nothing noble to being superior to some other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self.—Hindu Proverb

       Unlocking Your Karma

      Why Am I Here? offers a simple, easy-to-understand system for discovering and correcting your karma.

      In my twenty-odd years as an on-air psychic on America’s longest-running New Age live, call-in radio show, I’ve developed a system of tuning into and correcting life’s problems. I have put this system into practice not only in my own shows and books, but on The Morning Show with Regis Philbin, on Oprah, Entertainment Tonight, and in countless other public forums.

      The system is easy and begins with “unlocking” your karma. To do this, my system isolates certain aspects of our individual makeup, including personality trends, why we’re here, and where we’ve come from.

       The Keys

      You’ll see that unlocking, or advancing, one’s karma is not difficult if you understand the keys.

       Where Is Your Personality Taking You?

      The first key is uncovering your basic make-up. These are your character traits, or the way you address the situations in life. The personality has the ability to move us in either a negative or a positive direction, which are both pointed out here.

       Where Have You Come from?

      The second key is uncovering where you’ve come from. The Soul Memory Tables indicate why you have been born in the present, and what your lesson is.

       What Is Your Potential?

      The third key is uncovering why you’re here, or the purpose of your birth. This is what you’re here to do now to get rid of karmic indebtedness incurred in the past.

      The Soul Potential Tables give an indication of current life lessons, health, money, success issues, and soul mates.

       Initiate the Karmic Shift

      The fourth key is initiating the Karmic Shift, or the awakening of a new outlook, by recognizing the situations that are in place for our growth. The Challenges List helps identify these situations.

       Remove Harmful Attitudes
