Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You. John Van Auken

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Название Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You
Автор произведения John Van Auken
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047941

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      “(Q) Does the spirit entity have a separate consciousness apart from the physical, and is it as the consciousness of [Morton Blumenthal] when he dreams, or has visions, while asleep?

      “(A) The spirit entity is a thing apart from any earthly connection in sleep, yet connected. For the earthly or material consciousness is ever tempered with material conditions; the superconsciousness [this term for the highest level of consciousness or even a level beyond consciousness is originally found in ancient Yoga and presently in Jungian psychology] with the consciousness between soul and spirit, and partakes of the spiritual forces principally. In consciousness we find only projections of subconscious and superconscious, which conditions project themselves in dreams, visions, unless entered into the superconscious forces. In the consciousness of earthly or material forces there enters all the attributes of the physical, fleshly body. In the subconscious there enters the attributes of soul forces, and of the conscious forces. In the superconscious there enters the subconscious forces, and spiritual discernment and development. (900-16)

      “(Q) Have the lower forms of creation, such as animals … have any life in the spirit plane?

      “(A) All have the spirit force.” (900-24)

      Here we have our first clear demarcations of the mind. From Cayce’s perspective, and many other sources, our mind has a superconscious, a subconscious, and an outer conscious level. And though they are one, they operate on different levels or planes of awareness. The subconscious is the bridge or “go between” for the earthly conscious level of mind and the higher, spiritual superconscious level of mind. Cayce sees the subconscious as the mind of the soul, while the superconscious is the mind of the spirit, and that leaves the earthly self with the three-dimensional, material mind in which the personality exists. Cayce called the soul the “individuality” to give us a sense of it being personal but much larger and more eternal than the personality.

      Here are some more explanations from Cayce:

      “For only the spirit and soul are eternal but they are as much a body in the eternal realms as the physical body is a body in the material realm.” (5159-2)

      “For the soul is eternal and if the entity will analyze its own self, it is body, mind and soul. Soul … longs for spiritual interpretations, mental understanding, and physical harmony and rest. These are parts of the experience of every soul.” (5330-1)

      “As has been experienced in the mental self, there is as much reason to dwell upon the thought from where the soul came, as it is upon where the soul goes. For, if the soul is eternal, it always has been—if it is always to be. And that is the basis, or the thought of Creative Force, or God. He ever was, He ever will be. And individuals, as His children, are a part of that consciousness. And it is for that purpose that He came into the earth; that we, as soul-entities, might know ourselves to be ourselves, and yet one with Him; as He, the Master, the Christ, knew Himself to be Himself and yet one with the Father.

      “Thus the purpose of manifestation in the material plane; that we may apply here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept, that we may become like Him.

      “And as the entity has through the experiences seen and aided others in the application of their efforts and their abilities to become more and more aware of their relationships to the Creative Forces or God, so may the entity—as He gave—in patience you become aware of your soul.

      “For, as indicated in the three-dimensional consciousness—the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost—time, space and patience—body, mind, soul—all answer one to another. Hence the first law, ‘My spirit bears witness with thy spirit.’ These become, then, the first principles in this entity’s analyzing of itself and of its activity in the earth.” (3003-1)

      Edgar Cayce taught: “Spirit is the natural, the normal condition of an entity.” (816-10) Now, given how physical we are—or at least how physical we see ourselves—this is a perplexing statement. How can our “natural” or “normal” condition be that of spirit? And if it is, where is that spirit in us today, in these physical bodies with personalities?

      chapter 4

      Our Mind—Ever the Builder!

      Edgar Cayce’s deep-trance channeling brought a vision of the mind that few have seen. From his view, the mind is the shaper, the maker, and ever the “builder” of the person, of the soul. And what the mind is fed becomes its reality, even if that reality is an illusion, or worse, a perversion of the truth. And who is to blame for this? None other than ourselves. Cayce would not back away from the concept that each of us was given free will, and whether we engage it or not is our own doing or undoing. Therefore, we each have to take responsibility for what we feed our minds and what we think about most of the time.

      “In the material, the mental, and the spiritual experience of many souls, many entities, it has been found that there be those influences that do have their effect upon the thought of those that would do this or that. Who gives it? Self!

      “Just as it is when an entity, a body, fills its mind (mentally, materially) with those experiences … that add to the carnal forces of an experience. Just so does the mind become the builder throughout. And the mental mind, or physical mind, becomes carnally directed!

      “The mind is the builder ever, whether in the spirit or in the flesh. If one’s mind is filled with those things that bespeak of the spirit, that one becomes spiritual-minded.

      “As we may find in a material world: Envy, strife, selfishness, greediness, avarice, are the children of Man! Longsuffering, kindness, brotherly love, good deeds, are the children of the spirit of light.

      “Choose you (as it has ever been given) whom you will serve.” w(5753-1)

      How does one feed one’s mind spiritually? By deeper reflection and expanded awareness coming from within the higher mind. Cayce taught that our spirit already knows the Spirit of its Maker; all we have to do is give it some time and space to connect with that higher consciousness, as in this next reading:

      “But he that looks within is higher, for the spirit knows the Spirit of its Maker—and the children of same are as given. And, ‘My Spirit bears witness with your spirit,” says He that gives life! What is Life? A manifestation of the first cause—God!” (5753-1)

      Even when it comes to illnesses, Cayce directs us to the deeper mind. For him psychosomatic was not only a mental disorder, it was the cure! Mind over matter was a reality from his perspective.

      “(Q) What should I do to improve my mental condition in regards to ailments?

      “(A) Think in wholly constructive manner; that is, as this: There is creative in the system that which may meet the needs of the physical body in its everyday activity, and sufficient to store energy for the resuscitation of used forces. Make that known in self. As the mind accepts a condition as being positive, it acts upon that condition, yet when negative forces are continually set before self, and expected—and the expectancy is as of such to make the reaction of such a nature as to destroy, then negative forces become the more active. Necessary, then, that the body—any body—keep the near normal of a constructive building in the mind; for Mind is the Builder.” (202-4, his emphasis)

      He encouraged us to set aside some time to analyze ourselves!

      “Oft analyze, in self’s own inner self, the why’s of those desires and hopes, consider as to whether these are in keeping with the spiritual purposes.

      “For, while mind is the builder, it is the purpose, the intent with which an individual applies self mentally, that brings those physical results into materiality. And these should be kept coordinant one with another. For, as has been given, there must be those meetings of self in material manifestation of the ideals and purposes of the spiritual and mental aspirations of an individual.