Чудоба, или Приключения Алочки и Васи. Дарья Мясникова

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Название Чудоба, или Приключения Алочки и Васи
Автор произведения Дарья Мясникова
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 2020

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костюме на неё смотрело чудище с всклокоченными волосами, покрытыми комочками многолетней пыли, которая почти равномерно распределилась и по всему наряду. По комнате прокатилась волна смеха. Хохотали все: и мальчишки, и взрослые за столом, и даже старенький дед, который сидел в кресле и совсем не мог ходить, хихикал и всё приговаривал:

      – Ну, уморила, девка!

      Ещё несколько секунд, и слёзы обиды хлынули бы из глаз Алочки, но тут её озарила идея. Она скорчила весёлую гримасу и начала носиться по комнате, изображая дикую обезьянку. Она прыгала, визжала, кувыркалась. Её поведение обескуражило взрослых, но мальчишки пришли в полный восторг. Праздник удался!

      На обратном пути домой Алочка получила нагоняй от родителей, зато после этой встречи Нового года соседские мальчишки не только стали её уважать, но и признали своим предводителем.

      Катюшка улыбнулась и, взяв бабу Галю за руку, сказала:

      – Здорово! Ты молодец, бабушка, что не

      растерялась и нашла выход из положения! Не реветь же весь Новый год над испорченным костюмом? Пойду-ка я тоже что-нибудь придумаю… – и вдохновлённая Катюшка полетела в детскую


      Surprising costume

      New Year holidays are wonderful time! It’s warm and merry at home. Adults smiles and don’t hurry. There was everybody in the kitchen today: from baby to adult. Mother was cooking salads, grandmother was beating batter for a cake. Katushka who wasn’t at the nursery today was peeling the fifth clove with concentration and protruding lips.

      – Katush, – said her mother lovingly, – I think it’s enough. Even dad who loves everything spicy might be scared by this beet-root salad if I put five cloves more in the bowl!

      – Then we’ll give the salad to the Father Christmas, – daughter answered seriously.

      – Why to him? –asked curious Baba Galya with a smile.

      – Ba, look out the window. It’s cold, you see. Father Christmas is driving in a sledge in the forest, perhaps, he’s cold. Our salad with garlic will warm him. It’ll get him rid of snot, – uttered careful granddaughter having sniffled and making a reach for another clove.

      Mum and granny giggled. Katya was in a good mood today. She has a good night’s sleep, didn’t grizzle, she helped to prepare festive dinner, and the adults, to her surprise, changed a lot as well. Think, for instance, of her mother. Even when it was her birthday and she was waiting for the guests, she was serious and occupied. Today she was absolutely different – merry, relaxed and extremely beautiful.

      – Mummy, – said Katya after having decided to continue the

      conversation, – you’re the most beautiful on the face of the earth!

      – Even with hair curlers and a bathrobe? – mother was surprised.

      – Yes! – answered Katya.

      – Well, I’ll have to answer this description! Anyway, the guests are about to come, – pronounced mum untying her apron and looking at the clock. – Wait, I’ll be back soon.

      In five minutes the kitchen was full of the Snow Queen’s beauty. Mother was with beaded white shoes, a long blue dress decorated with tinsel and a carved crown on the head, it was difficult to recognize her.

      – Wow! – said Baba Galya and Katushka in unison.

      – Well, daughter, in this dress we should keep you away from the beet-root! Sit down and relax, I’ll tell you how I amazed all the guests with my surprising costume when I was a child.

      Katushka looked into Baba Galya’s eyes very carefully and thought, “I can’t believe that there was a time when grandmother was like me. That would be wonderful to meet, to play with little Galochka- Alochka and to ask, “How are you?””.

      Meanwhile, grandmother started her story about the adventures with her brother.

      That year the neighbors from the same street invited father, mother, Alochka and Vaska to celebrate the New Year. They had three sons, a year apart in age, a bit elder and younger that Alochka. It was time to go out, but she hasn’t decided yet which dress to put on to pay a visit. If there were girls, there wouldn’t be any questions, but this time there are boys…

      If she puts on a sequined tinseled snowflake dress, these troublemakers will certainly pull the decorations and rip everything. If she chooses the cat costume, she’ll back home without tail. Maybe, the fox costume? No, she’s been fed up with the fox in three years, and, anyway, her hair will sweat et become gummed up under the hat with flaps in the warm house.

      – Alochka, baby, are you ready? I’ve clother Vasya and taken the rooster costume. And who will you be at the party? – asked mother trying to put on the hat on constantly twirly Vasya.

      – I’ve decided to put on a trouser suit. I’ll be… a girl wearing a

      blue suit! – answered drily Alochka who did love to amaze guests with her costumes, but today something went wrong.

      – It’s strange, but okay. If you’ve decided like that.

      Well, can we go out? – uttered mother.

      It was a real magic night. It was snowing. One might see a wonderful dance of every flying snowflake under the street lights. The path to the neighbors’ house sparkled with diamonds. Alochka wasn’t in a hurry at all to see the naughty boys, she walked slower and slower enjoying the freshness of the air and the beauty of the New Year night.

      – Daughter, where are you? We are already knocking at the neighbors’ door! – said mother in a bit annoyed voice.

      – I’m coming! I’ll just finish up my snowman and get up to you! – answered Alochka putting one snow ball on another.

      In ten minutes all the family: father, mother, Vasya