Название | Английский язык. Speaking 1 ОГЭ, ЕГЭ |
Автор произведения | Яна Малова |
Жанр | Руководства |
Серия | |
Издательство | Руководства |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9785449855145 |
Text 4
People have always wanted to learn and share information. At different times they I used different methods to exchange news. They made fires and beat drums to signal important events. Later, they invented letters which were carried by special people called runners. They had to cover long distances to deliver information. The use of horses and birds made the delivery quicker. The state post in Russia appeared in the 17th century. It was rather slow but quite reliable. In 1851, the post started to use the railway. Since then the speed of information exchange has been growing constantly.
People evah always wanted ot learn dna share information. Ta different semit they used tnereffid methods ot exchange swen. Yeht made serif and teab smurd to signal important stneve. Retal, they invented srettel which were deirrac by special elpoep called runners. They dah to revoc long distances ot deliver noitamrofni. The esu of sesroh and sdrid made the delivery rekciuq. Eht state tsop in Aissur appeared in eht 17th century. Ti was rather wols but quite reliable. In 1851, the post detrats to use the yawliar. Since neht the speed fo information egnahcxe has been gniworg constantly.
Peop le h aveal way swan tedtole arn an ds hare inf ormat io n. Atdif fe r enttime sth eyIu sedd ifferen t m etho dst o exch ang e ne ws. Th eymade fir esan db e at d rumsto si gna li mpo rtantev e nts. La ter, t heyinven te dlet terswhic hwe re c arr iedbys peci alpeop lecal le d run ne rs. T heyhadto cov erlo ngdis tanc estodel ive rin for mat ion. T he us eo fho rs esand bi rds ma det hedel iver yquic ker. Thes tatepos tin Rus si aapp eare dinth e 17th centu ry. Itwa srat hers lowb utquite re li able. In 1851, th e po stst artedtou sethera il way. Sinceth enth esp eedo finfor mat i on exch ange ha sb ee ngr owingcon stant l y.
.yltnatsnoc gniworg neeb sah egnahcxe noitamrofni fo deeps eht neht ecniS. yawliar eht esu ot detrats tsop eht,1581 nI. elbailer etiuq tub wols rehtar saw tI. yrutnec ht71 eht ni deraeppa aissuR ni tsop etats ehT. rekciuq yreviled eht edam sdrib dna sesroh fo esu ehT. noitamrofni reviled ot secnatsid gnol revoc ot dah yehT. srennur dellac elpoep laiceps yb deirrac erew hcihw srettel detnevni yeht, retaL. stneve tnatropmi langis ot smurd taeb dna serif edam yehT. swen egnahcxe ot sdohtem tnereffid desu I yeht semit tnereffid tA. noitamrofni erahs dna nrael ot detnaw syawla evah elpoeP
.y l tnats nocgniwo rgn ee bs ah egna hcxe no i tam rofnif odee pse htne htecniS. yaw li arehtes uotdetra tsts op e ht,1581 nI. elba il er etiuqtu bwol sreh tars awtI. yr utnec ht71 e htnid erae ppaa is suR nit sopetat sehT. rek ciuqy revi ledeh ted am sdr ib dnase sr ohf oe su eh T. noi tam rof nir evi ledotse cnat sidgn olre voc otdahyeh T. sr en nur d el lacel poepla icep sybdei rra c er ewh cihwsret teld et nevniyeh t, ret aL. stn e vetnatr opm il ang is otsmur d ta e bd nase rif edamye hT. sw en e gna hcxe o tsd ohte m t nereffi ddes uIye hts emittne r ef fidtA. n oi tamro fni erah sd na nra elotdet naws yaw laeva h el poeP
Text 5
Making weather forecasts is hard, complicated, scientific work. 70 per cent of its success depends on the accurate analysis of air pressure. Areas of pressure up to 9 kilometers above the Earth are measured by computers. Devices also record the vertical movement of air that can cause clouds, rain and snow. If the air goes down towards the Earth, it destroys the clouds and we can enjoy the blue sky. A front in the atmosphere is another important factor for predicting the weather. The fronts may stretch for thousands of kilometers and can be clearly seen from space. It’s interesting that cold fronts move faster than warm ones.
Making rehtaew forecasts si drah, complicated, cifitneics work. 70 rep cent of sti success sdneped on the accurate analysis of ria pressure. Saera of pressure pu to 9 sretemolik above the Earth are derusaem by computers. Secived also record eht vertical tnemevom of air that nac cause sduolc, rain and wons. If the ria goes nwod towards the Htrae, it destroys eht clouds and ew can yojne the blue yks. A tnorf in the atmosphere is rehtona important factor for gnitciderp the weather. The stnorf may stretch rof thousands of kilometers and nac be clearly nees from ecaps. It’s interesting that dloc fronts move faster naht warm seno.
Mak ing weat her f orec astsish ard, c ompl ica ted, s cien tifi cwork. 70 perc ento fits s ucc essd epe ndson t hea cc uratea nalys is o fair pres su re. A reasofpres su reupt o 9 kilo meter sabovet heE art hare m easu red b ycompute rs. D evic esals orec ordth everticalmove men tof air th at c an ca u seclo uds, ra in an dsn ow. Ifth eai rgoe s do wntowardstheEarth, itdestroyst he cloudsandw e canen joy th eblue s ky. Afront int heatmosphere i sanotherimporta nt fa ctorfo rpredi ctingthe wea t her. Thefro ntsma ystret chfo rth ousan dsof ki lometersand canbe cl earlyseen fromspa ce. It’sint erest ingthatco ldfr ontsm ove f asterth anwarmones.
seno mraw naht retsaf evom stnorf dloc taht gnitseretni s’tI. ecaps morf nees ylraelc eb nac dna sretemolik fo sdnasuoht rof hcterts yam stnorf ehT. rehtaew eht gnitciderp rof rotcaf tnatropmi rehtona si erehpsomta eht ni tnorf A. yks eulb eht yojne nac ew dna sduolc eht syortsed ti, htraE eht sdrawot nwod seog ria eht fI. wons dna niar, sduolc esuac nac taht ria fo tnemevom lacitrev eht drocer osla seciveD. sretupmoc yb derusaem era htraE eht evoba sretemolik 9 ot pu erusserp fo saerA. erusserp ria fo sisylana etarucca eht no sdneped sseccus sti fo tnec rep 07.krow cifitneics, detacilpmoc, drah si stsacerof rehtaew gnikaM
.senomrawna htretsa f evo mstno rfdl octahtgni tsere tnis’tI. ec apsmorf neesylrae lc ebnac dnasretemol ik fosd nasuo htr ofhc tertsy amstn orfehT. reh t aew ehtgnitc iderpr ofrotc af tn atropmirehtonas i erehpsomtaeh tni tnorfA. yk s eulbe ht yoj nenac e wdnasduolc eh tsyortsedti, htraEehtsdrawotnw od s eogr iae htfI. wo nsd na ni ar, sdu olces u ac na c ta ht ria fot nem evomlacitreve htdro cero slase cive D. sr etupmocy b der usae m erah tra Eeh tevobas retem olik 9 o tpuer us serpfosaer A. er us serp riaf o si sylan aetaru cc aeh t nosdn epe dsse ccu s stif otne crep 07.krowc ifit neic s, det aci lpmo c, dra hsistsa cero f reh taew gni kaM
Text 6
Scientists have long been working on new orbital technologies for growing plants. They tried to grow different plants on the International Space Station. Then the plants were sent back to the Earth for further study. This year, for the first time, astronauts could eat green leaves grown in space. Space farming is extremely important for the future space missions planned to Mars because it gives fresh food and vitamins. The new plant growing system is very smart. It informs humans when the plants need water. Special sensors measure the thickness of the leaves. If they become too thin, detectors send signals. This technology helps save water in space and grow a good harvest.
Scientists evah long neeb working no new latibro technologies rof growing stnalp. They deirt to grow different stnalp on the International Ecaps Station. Then the stnalp were sent kcab to the Earth for rehtruf study. Siht year, for eht first emit, astronauts dluoc eat green sevael grown in ecaps. Space gnimraf is extremely important rof the future ecaps missions dennalp to Mars because it sevig fresh doof and vitamins.