Название | The History of Witchcraft in Europe |
Автор произведения | Брэм Стокер |
Жанр | Документальная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Документальная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 4064066051761 |
‘And thus they contynued all that afternoone. 3 or 4 of them gaue themselves to Scoffing and Blasphemy, calling the holy Bible, being brought up, bible bable, bible bable; and thus they did aloud and often. All, or most of them ioyned together in a strange and supernatural loud whupping, that the house and ground did sound therwith againe; by reason whereof we were dryven (as I maye say) out of the chamber, and keept out for that daye.
‘This euening we did use some words of exhortation, for the sanctefying of ourselues and the family, against the next daye’s seruice: immediately before which, they all sent forth as they had before, a supernaturall loud whupping and yellyng, such as would have amased one to haue gone into the roome wher they were, but, as one of us opened his mouth, they were presentlye silent, and so continued.
‘The next morning, all 7 being had into a faire larg parlor, and laid ther on couches, M. More, M. Dickens (a preacher, and their pastor) and myself, with about 30 more, assembled together, spent that day in prayer, with fasting, and hearing the word; all the parties afflicted remayninge in their fits the said whole day. Towards the end wherof, they, all of the sudden, began to be most extreamly tormented, beting up and downe with their bodies being held by others, crying also (6 of them) aloud, in strang and supernaturall manner; and, after, they lay as dead, where with they which were present were so affected, that, leuing that good order, which all the day had ben kept, confusedly, euery one with voice and hands lifted up, cryed unto god for mercy in their behalf, and the lord was pleased to heare us, so as 6 of them were shortly delyuered, wherein we, with them, reioyced, and praised god for the same.
‘The first that was dispossessed, was Margaret Byrom, then all the residu (saue Iane Ashton) one shortly after another, between 5 and 6 at night. She began to be vexed by Sathan about 4 or 5 in the morning, and neuer had rest until her deliuerance. All that day she heard only a humming and a sound, but knewe nothing what was said: she could thus heare, but not see. Sometime she sawe, and then marueyled what the company did ther, and how she got thither: howbeit, she heard euery idle word that the children possessed had spoken: she was more extreamly handled that daye than any before, though she had had many sore daies. She was euer full of payne, and it semed to her, as though her hart would haue burst: she strayned up much fleamy and bloudy matter. Lastly, she lay as dead for the space of half an houre, taking no breath. Then start she up most ioyfully, magnifying god, with such a cherefull countenance and voyce, that we all reioyced with her, but were somwhat amazed at hir suddayn lauding of god, with such freedome and earnestnes in speach and gesture.
‘Iohn Starchie, the next, was so miserably rent, that aboundance of blod gushed out, both at his nose and mouth. As the day before, so that day, he gnashed fearfully with his teeth; he, also, lay as dead about the like time, soe that some sayd to us, he seemeth to be dead. Then start he up likwise on the suddain, and prayed god in most cherful and comfortable manner. And so did the rest, who also maide sundry tymes greate shewe of vomyting, and nowe and then vomyted indeede, somthing like fleam, thick spettle. These 4, especially 3 of them used much light behauiour and vayn gestures; sundry, also, filthy scurrilous speaches, but whispering them, for the most part, among themselves, so that they were no let to that holy exercise we then had in hand. Somtimes, also, they spake blasphemy, calling the word preached—bible bable; he will neuer haue done prating; prittle prattle. Margaret Hardman whylest M. More was preaching, used these wordes. I must goe, I must away; I cannot tarrie, whither shall I goe? I am hot, I am too hot, I will not dye; iterating them all: which wordes did greatly incourage us.
When these 6 were deliuered, some desired to know how they assured themselues thereof, and they answered as followeth. Margaret Byrom said that she felt it come up from her belly towardes her brest, thence to her throat; when it left her throate it gaue her a sore lug, and all this whyle a darke myst dazeled her eyes. Then she felt it to go out of her mouth, but it left behind it a sore throat and a filthy smel, that a weke after, her meate was unsauary. It went out in the likenes of a crowe’s head, round, (as to her semed) and sate in the corner of the parlor, with darknes about it a whyle. Then went it with such a flash of fyer out of the windowe, that all the Parlor semed on fyer, to her onlye.
‘Iohn Starchie said it went from him like a man with a bulch20 on his backe, very yll fauored, and, presently, he returned to haue re-entered, but he withstood hym strong in faith. The same, in effect, said Margaret Hardman. Anne Starchie said, he went like a foule ugly man, with a white beard, and a great bulch on his brest as big as a man’s head, and straightway returned to have re-entered, but she faithfully resisted. Euen so said Elinor Holland, the white beard excepted.
‘Elizabeth Hardman said, it was like an urchin,21 and went through a very little hole (as she thought) out of the parler, but, out of hand, returned againe in a very foule shape, promising her gold, and whatsoeuer shee would desier, if she would giue him leaue to enter againe, but she yealded not; then he threatened to cast her into a pit, saying, somtime thou wilt go alone. He said also, he would cast her into the fyre, and break her neck, but she, resisting, he departed like an urchine.
‘And thus the first dayes work was happily ended. But behold the slight22 of the wyly serpent, for when we were all at rest, the sperits sett upon the 5 little children, like so many wolues the seely Lambes. The poore children being newly recouered, and suddenly inuaded, were so frighted, that they clasped fast about their middles those that lay with them, and hid their faces with their bed clothes. M. Dickens was called down, who comming, saw them resisting, and encouraged them to stand fast, neuer to yeald, but to pray and resist with faith, and shortly they were well, and fell a slepe.
‘The next day we inquired how they were assalted. Margaret Byrom said it cam to her like an ugly black man with shoulders higher than his head, promysing her enough if she would consent, and that he would lye still; when she utterly denyed him, and prayed against him, he threatened to cast her into a pitt as she went home. But, when she resisted, he cast her to the ground, and departed twise as byg and foule as hee came, with two flashes of fyer, one before and another after him, making a noyse like a great wynd among trees. She was not assaulted at midnight with the 5, but, after supper, before she went to bed.
‘Iohn Starchie said he came in the former likenes, making many large proffers, baggs of gould &c. But, when he saw he nothing preuayled with sugred wordes, he used terrible menaces, saying he wold breake his necke &c. Anne Starchie said he came in the former likenes.
‘Margaret Hardman said he came in the same forme he went out; proffering golde, but she refusing, he threatned to breake her necke, cast her into a pyt and drowne her, and so departed.
‘Elizabeth Hardman said he came like a beare with fyer in his mouth, wherwyth she was so terrifyed that she lept quite out of her bed, and rann from him, she wist not whither, but one of the company stayed her. Then he desyred her to open her mouth, as he opened his, shewing her two bagges, one of siluer, an other of gold, promising her 9 times as much: but not preuayling, he ran away as a beare that breakes loose from the stake. When she was layd downe and prayed, he came agayn like an ape, promising her golde &c., at her pleasure. Then he menaced to cast her out of the windowe and into the fyer, if euer she stood neare it, and so departed very foule and with an horrible scryke.
‘Ellinor Holland said he came like a great beare, with open mouth, upon her, and presently turned it selfe into the similytude of a white dove; but she resisted, and it departed.
‘Thus we have heard of the dispossession of 6. and what thinges fell out therein, as also presently after the same. It resteth that we conuert our speach to Iane Ashton, the 7. Sathan, upon the aforesaid day, towardes euening, put her to extreame payne, and continued the same longe very near 2 houres after their deliuerance, intising her to say he was gon, and to