The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book. Victor Hirtzler

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Название The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book
Автор произведения Victor Hirtzler
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4057664594099

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of butter in pan, add two cups of fresh-boiled sprouts, season with salt and pepper, and fry for a few minutes. Then add a cup of fresh-boiled chestnuts, mix well, and serve with a sprinkle of parsley on top.

      Boiled spinach. Clean the spinach and wash in four or five waters, as it is difficult to remove the sand. It is sometimes necessary to wash as many as ten times to remove it all. Put a gallon of water and a handful of salt in a pot and bring to the boiling point. Add the spinach, and boil over a very hot fire, so it will remain green. It will require from five to ten minutes, depending upon the tenderness of the spinach. Drain off water and serve plain. Or, cool with cold water, press dry with the hand, and prepare as desired.

      Spinach, English style. Add a small piece of butter to plain spinach.

       Table of Contents

Sliced pineappleCroquettes Liviannienne
WafflesEggs Beaujolais
Honey in combCamembert cheese and crackers
Potage Victoria
Bass, Provençale
Stuffed lamb chops, Maréchal
Curried Lima beans
Château potatoes
Lettuce salad
Nectarine ice cream
Assorted cakes

      Croquettes Liviannienne. Mix four leaves of melted gelatine with one pint of mayonnaise and use to bind some crab meat. Cool and form in small croquettes, roll in chopped yolks of hard-boiled eggs mixed with chopped parsley.

      Eggs Beaujolais. Poached eggs on toast covered with sauce Colbert.

      Potage Victoria. Half velouté of chicken and half purée of tomatoes. Garnish with turnip cut in small squares, string beans cut in half-inch lengths, and a few peas.

      Bass, Provençale. Split a bass, remove the bones and skin, put in buttered pan, season with salt and pepper, put some sliced tomatoes and a few small pieces of butter on top, and bake in oven. When done cover with white wine sauce with a few pieces of tomato in it.

      Stuffed lamb chops, Maréchal. Broil the lamb chops on one side. Cover that side with force meat of veal quenelles decorated with chopped tongue and truffles, put in buttered pan, cover with buttered paper, and bake in oven for ten minutes. Serve with fresh mushroom sauce. (See veal force meat recipe Jan. 11.)

      Macédoine water ice. Two pounds of sugar, three quarts of water, and six lemons. Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the rind of four lemons and the juice of six, strain and freeze. When frozen add one quart of assorted fruit, such as small seedless grapes, stoned cherries, and apricots, strawberries, and pineapple cut in small dices, or any other kind in season, or canned. Before adding the fruit to the water ice put it in a bowl with a little powdered sugar and kirschwasser, and leave for an hour. This will prevent the fruit from freezing too hard.

      Normandie water ice. Two pounds of sugar, two quarts of water, and the juice of six lemons. Mix together, add one quart of crabapple pulp and one gill of cognac. Freeze.

      Curried Lima beans. Put some boiled Lima beans in a sauce pan and cover with well seasoned curry sauce. Before serving add a small piece of fresh butter and some chopped parsley.

       Table of Contents

Stewed rhubarbConsommé favorite
Boiled eggsBroiled shad roe, maître d'hôtel
Dry toastMirabeau salad
CoffeeLemon pie
Potage à l'Anglaise
Fillet of flounder, Meissonier
Chicken, Valencienne
Jets de houblons
Sybil potatoes
Hearts of romaine
Macédoine water ice
Lady fingers

      Consommé favorite. Garnish the consommé with asparagus tips cut in small pieces, and chicken dumplings stuffed with goose liver, the size of a large olive. Teaspoons may be used to form the dumplings.

      Broiled shad roe, maître d'hôtel. Season the roe well with salt and pepper, roll in olive oil, and broil. Serve with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with quartered lemon and parsley.

      Mirabeau salad. Cut in one-inch squares one cucumber, two tomatoes, and one potato. Put in salad bowl separately, cover with vinaigrette sauce. Add one teaspoonful of French mustard in the vinaigrette. Lay anchovies over the top, and a green olive cut in strips, in the middle.

      Potage à l'Anglaise. Put in vessel two pounds of lean mutton, and one pound of barley. Cover with water, season with salt, add a bouquet garni, and boil for two hours. Then remove the bouquet and the meat, strain through a fine sieve, add one pint of boiling thick cream, three ounces of sweet butter, and a little Cayenne pepper.

      Fillet of flounder, Meissonier. Cook the fillets in white wine. Make a white wine sauce and add a Julienne of vegetables, and pour over the fish before serving.

      Chicken, Valencienne. Salt and pepper a jointed chicken and sauté in pan with butter. Put on platter and serve with suprême with truffles and fresh mushrooms, cut in small squares, and quenelles (chicken dumplings), teaspoon size. Garnish with heart-shaped fried crusts of bread.

      Coupe St. Jacques. Slice some fresh fruits, such as oranges, pineapple, pears and bananas, and add all fresh berries in season. Put in a bowl with one-quarter pound of sugar, and a small glass of kirschwasser and of maraschino. Let stand for about two hours. Then fill coupe glasses about half full with the fruit, and fill the remainder with two kinds of water ice, raspberry and lemon. Smooth the top with a knife, and decorate with some of the fruit used for filling.

       Table of Contents

Baked applesHors d'oeuvres variés
Scrambled eggs with parsleyPilaff à la Turc
RollsPont l'Évêque cheese
Potage Quirinal
Fillet of sole, Normande
Squab en compote
Artichoke Hollandaise
Peach ice cream
Pound cake