Название | The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century (Vol.1-5) |
Автор произведения | Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigne |
Жанр | Документальная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Документальная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 4064066051587 |
14. Rector totius Ecclesiæ.
15. "Fremens ut leo, asserens omnes uno gladio jugulari." (Anastasius, Bibl. Vit. Pontif, p. 83.) Roaring like a lion, declaring that he would slaughter all with one sword.
16. "Visum est et ipsi Apostolico Leoni, ... Ut ipsum Carolum imperatorem nominare debuisset, qui ipsam Romam tenebat, ubi semper Cæsares sedere soliti erant et reliquas sedes."... (Annalista Lambecianus; ad an. 801.) It seemed to Apostolic Leo that he ought to give Charles the name of Emperor, inasmuch as he was in possession of Rome herself, where the Cæsars were always wont to sit, and of their other possessions.
17. See Ep. ad univer. Episc. Gall. (Mansi xv.)
18. "Cujus quidem post adeptum sacerdotium, vita quam turpis, quam fœda, quamque execranda extiterit, horresco referre." (Desiderius, Abbot of Cassino, afterwards Victor III. De Miraculis a S. Benedicto, etc., lib. 3, init.) How base, how foul, and how execrable his life was, after he attained the priesthood, I shudder to relate.
19. "Theophylactus, cum post multa adulteria et homicidia manibus suis perpetrata," etc. (Bonizo, Bishop of Sutri, afterwards of Plaisance. Liber ad amicum.) Theophylact, (Benedict,) after many adulteries, and many murders perpetrated by his own hand.
20. "Hi quocumque prodeunt, clamores insultantium, digitos ostendentium, colaphos pulsantium, perferunt. Alii membris mutilati, alii per longos cruciatus superbe necati," etc. (Martene et Durand, Thesaurus Nov. Anecd. i, 23.) These, wherever they appear, are subjected to insulting cries, to pointed fingers, and to blows. Some are mutilated, others by long tortures cruelly slain.
21. "Dilexi justitiam, et odivi iniquitatem, propterea morior in exilio."
22. "Velle et esse ad hominem referenda sunt, quia de arbitrii fonte descendunt."—(Pelagius in Aug. de Gratia Dei, cap. 4.) To will and to be are properties of man, because they spring from the fountain of free will.
23. Libri Duo de Ecclesiasticis Disciplinis.
24. Myconius' History of the Reformation, and Seckendorf's History of Lutheranism.
25. Muller's Reliquien, vol. iii, p. 22.
26. Œcolampad. De Risu Paschali.
27. Nicol de Clemangis, De Præsulibus Simoniacis.
28. Words of Seb. Stor., Pastor of Leichstall in 1524.
29. Füsslin Beytræge, ii, 224.
30. Metern. Nederl. Hist. viii.
31. Hottinger, Hist. Eccles. ix, 305.
32. Order of 3rd March, 1517, by Hugo, Bishop of Constance.
33. Müller's Reliq. iii, 251.
34. Steubing. Gesch. der Nass. Oran Lande.
35. "Uno anno ad se delata undecim millia sacerdotum palam concubinariorum." (Erasm. Op. tom. ix, p. 401.) In one year eleven thousand priests were reported to him as living in open concubinage.
36. Schmidt, Gesch. der Deutschen. tom. iv.
37. Infessura.
38. "Amazzò il fratello Ducha di Gandia et lo fa butar nel Tevere." He assassinated his brother, the Duke of Gandia, and made him be thrown into the Tiber. (MS. of Capello, ambassador at Rome in 1500, extracted by Ranke.)
39. Intro in camera ... fe ussir la moglie e sorella ... estrangolò dito zovene.—(Ibid.)
40. Adeo il sangue il saltò in la faza del papa.—(Ibid.)
41. E messe la scutola venenata avante il papa.—(Sanato.)
42. Gordon, Tomasi Infessura, Guicciardini, etc.
43. Da man an alle Wände, auf allerley zedel, zuletzt auf den Kartenspielen, Pfaffen, und Munche malete.—(L. Ep. ii, 674.)
44. Apologia pro Rep. Christ.
45. Müller's Reliq. tom. iii, p. 253.
46. Felleri, Mon. ined., p. 400.
47. Adrien Baillet. Hist. des Demêlés de Boniface VIII avec Philippe le Bel.—(Paris, 1708.)
48. Guicciardini. History of Italy.
49. I will destroy the name of Babylon.
50. Scultet. Annal. ad. an. 1520.
51. "Qui prœ multis pollebat princibus aliis auctoritate, opibus, potentia, liberalitate, et magnificentia.—(Cochlœns. Acta 1. p. 3.) He surpassed many other princes in authority, wealth, power, liberality, and magnificence.