Russian cooking for men. Honey goodies. Alexey Glazyrin

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Название Russian cooking for men. Honey goodies
Автор произведения Alexey Glazyrin
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449813930

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of fruit and cheese.

      Assorted sandwiches are prepared on slices of wheat bread in the same way as open sandwiches, with honey and various fruits and vegetables.

      Sandwiches with curd, oranges and honey

      4 slices of wheat bread, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 100 g fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 orange, vanillin to taste.

      Brown the slices of bread in a dry skillet. Pour raisins with boiling water. After 5 minutes, drain the water, dry the raisins and mix with cottage cheese, honey, vanilla and orange, divided into small slices. Lay the mass on bread and garnish with orange.

      Sandwiches with fruit assortment

      Slices of white bread with honey, top with various sliced (if necessary) fruits and berries – to taste.


      100 g of white bread or cookies, 20 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of candied honey (the liquid will spread!), 1 tablespoon of nuts.

      Pound the butter, add honey, some nuts, chopped and pounded. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the base, sprinkle with nuts. Instead of nuts, you can take berries or fruits (fresh or from compote), but put them on top of honey and butter.

      Sandwiches with curd and carrots

      4 slices of white bread, 100 g of fat cottage cheese, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of honey, vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon of raisins.

      Pour raisins with boiling water, leave for 5 minutes to swell. Rub the cottage cheese, add the raw carrots, vanilla sugar, honey, raisins grated on a fine grater. Squeeze the paste obtained from the cornet into slices of bread.

      Sandwiches with Oranges and Raisins

      100 g rolls, 20 g butter, 25 g green salad, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 tablespoon of steamed raisins, 1 tablespoon of honey.

      Cover white bread with butter and honey. On the edge, half-live a leaf of lettuce, slices of apple and orange slices on it. You can use apple compote. Nearby lay a slice of raisins.

      Dessert sandwiches on a roll

      3 bagels, 50 g butter, 200 g sweet curd cheese, fruit from compote or jam, nuts, sugar.

      Cut the bagels into circles, spread with butter and honey, put on them a thick layer of cheese and halves of apricots, plums, nuts, cherries, strawberries and so on.

      This mass can be lubricated and cookies. It can be made with a filling inside like a sandwich.

      Hot Sandwiches with Cheese and Apple in 7 Minutes

      4 slices of white bread, 2 tablespoons of butter, 4 thin slices of hard cheese, 2 apples, 1—2 tablespoons of chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.), 2 tablespoons of honey.

      Peel and peel apples and chop them. Grease bread slices with butter and honey, put apples on top, then cheese and bake in the oven until the cheese melts (4—5 minutes). Sprinkle hot sandwiches with a mixture of chopped nuts and honey.

      Sandwiches with curd and sweet cherries

      .4—6 slices of butter rolls, 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 glass of sweet cherry.

      Pre-rinse the cherries, remove the «ponytails» and bones (the easiest way is to pick out the bones with the help of an ordinary, not tailor, pin). While the cherry dries up, grind the cottage cheese with honey and sour cream. Lubricate the slices of bread with the resulting mass and cover the entire surface of the sandwich with cherry.

      Sandwiches with Cheese and Juice

      4 slices of white bread, 100 g of Kostroma or Dutch cheese, 1—2 tablespoons of berry or fruit juice, lemon or orange peel, 2 tablespoons of honey.

      To add grated cheese to wine or juice, honey, beat until smooth, cover the bread, garnish with zest, fruits and berries.

      HOT APPLE Sandwiches

      4—6 slices of butter rolls (but not white bread), 2—3 apples, 1 egg, a glass of milk, 2—3 tablespoons of butter, salt and honey to taste.

      Beat the egg with salt, honey and milk. Cut apples peeled and peeled into thin slices. Dip the roll in the egg mixture, roll in flour and put on a greased baking sheet. On each slice of bread, put «sliced» apple slices, lightly grease with honey and bake sandwiches in a hot oven for 10 minutes.

      Chapter Three SALADS

      Pretty common dishes are salads with honey. For their preparation, raw, boiled, pickled and pickled vegetables, raw and pickled fruits are used. Products intended for salads should be chilled. Before cooking, each type of vegetable is stored in a separate bowl. Decorate the dish using the basic techniques of decorating salads. It is important to remember that at the same time it is necessary to show the main products included in the salad. Decorated salad is poured with honey. Dessert salads can also be whipped cream or sprinkled with grated nuts, or you can use other methods that are available in the arsenal of every housewife.

      Regularly eating salads prepared according to these recipes, you will enrich your diet with healthy products consumed in kind. Of particular value are honey and walnuts, which contain vegetable fats, proteins, vitamins A, B, G, P, E, mineral salts (especially iron and cobalt) and other biologically active substances.

      The following dishes improve vision, restore strength and well-being, are useful for atherosclerosis


      100 g of carrots, 150 g of beets, 200 g of potatoes, 300 g of pickles, 150 g of green onions, 50 g of onions, 100 g of honey.

      Boil vegetables, prepare from them the usual vegetable ¬ vinaigrette.  Before serving, pour honey and mix.


      100 g of cottage cheese, 2 carrots, 1 tablespoon of honey

      Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add honey, carrots, grated on a coarse grater, previously washed and peeled. Mix everything, put it out and serve.

      SAWED Cabbage WITH HONEY

      200 g of sauerkraut, 1-2 heads of onions, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of liquid honey.

      Rinse the sauerkraut in cold boiled water, discard in a colander, add chopped onions, mixed with honey and vegetable oil. Put in a salad bowl, garnish with cranberries on top.


      5 potatoes, 2-3 oranges, 1 handful of walnut kernels (can be replaced with hazelnuts), salt, honey to taste, 200 g of mayonnaise or mayonnaise and sour cream, mixed in equal amounts, green lettuce.

      Boil the potatoes in a peel, cool, peel, cut into cubes. Grind the kernels, and leave the most beautiful for decoration. Peel the oranges, divide into slices, cut them in half, remove the seeds. Combine all components, mix, season with honey and mayonnaise. Cover the bottom of the salad bowl with green lettuce leaves, put seasoned salad on them, decorate with nut kernels.


      30 g of nut kernels, 500 g of fragrant apples, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 30 g of raisins, 2 tablespoons of cream, honey to taste.

      Grind the nuts.  Peel the apples, core and cut them directly into lemon juice.  Mix all the components of the dish and add honey to taste.

