Men No Dzhen, aka Ahimura Hideo, aka Michael Zosimovich Dzhen. Victor Gryaznov

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Название Men No Dzhen, aka Ahimura Hideo, aka Michael Zosimovich Dzhen
Автор произведения Victor Gryaznov
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005096364

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the merit of a dynasty of Min is obvious in development of China and the world community of that time.

      Therefore I rejoice the name and spirit of the emperor as the poet has told, in me is very strong.

      The house in which I was born, has been constructed till 1910 of oak columns and covered by a slate tile. All manor consisted of four buildings. The house in which we lived from four rooms and kitchen. Just the same house for servants. The third house with a verandah and a penthouse and a banquet room served for reception of visitors. On distance of fifty metres from our house there was a structure in which warehouse, a toilet and a stable settled down.

      All ensemble was-an equipotential rectangle-a square in which there was a platform – a court yard on which it was possible to play in football. The manor has been fenced by the stone fence covered with a tile. In a fence was available three collars. All ground area from the house to a fence has been set by fruit trees. All cultures Here grew: apple-trees, pears, plums, cherries, a strawberry and so forth Since May from a strawberry and finishing the end of October-a pear, my mouth did not know a respite. We with the average brother Nad Din ate all fruit with the great pleasure.

      Behind the house a hill with high old pines. Between trees a swing in height of ten metres on which we occasionally shook.

      On slopes wild apricots and peaches, east nut grew.

      Our ancestors were based upon this hill. On their tombs the big monuments with hieroglyphs have been established. And before tombs the big stone table for sacrifices has been established. On it in parental day put entertainments for ancestors. As on a hill, I remember, there were ancient stone statues.

      From the house on the east huge rice plantations were stretched. In small ponds and lakes fish got divorced. The area of farmland made about three hundred sixty hectares.

      In several kilometres from plantations proceeds in the half-kilometre river Ku Ryon Gang in width. The river of nine dragons. The legend says that when that of this river nine dragons have taken off for the sky. Behind the river high rocky mountains the Yak the Dignity that is translated, as medicinal, curative mountain at once rise. On its slopes medicinal grasses, including a ginseng grow many. A life root. Besides here many Buddhist temples. The described places are very beautiful and exotic, and involves here tourists from every corner of the globe.

      I consider that to me have strongly carried that was born and have lived till sixteen years in this unique district. The healthy climate, a natural food, have strengthened my health on all life that in a consequence has helped to overcome many difficulties and heartrending experiences.

      My grandfather and the father lived very richly. It they are obliged to my great-grandfather Men Ku Re. It held a post of the governor of the North Korea. A province of Phe Nan Do. It is clear that it was very influential person and all admired it. By estimations of contemporaries it was strict and fair, in this connection has got honour and respect in all social classes.

      When I was still small, it often came to our house, put me on knees, ironed and told fairy tales or that be instructive. It was the second person as my mum which caressed me, gently pulled out on a head. I think that the emanations of the strong person, it strengthened my will.

      It is necessary to tell that in families of children of noble family brought up in Spartan style. I do not remember, what the grandfather or the father when be took me for a hand. Anybody never joked. In a family of our servants the laughter was always audible. Jokes were at the slightest pretext released. And I very strongly envied them.

      In 1931 to me there was a fifth year when the great-grandfather has died.

      Ten days went a never-ending stream people for farewell to it. To Lineal descendants, and it about hundred persons, black suits of Be by It the Dignity and headdresses of Be to you Dhu who carried three years have been sewed. Suits put on for parental day. The funeral procession was grandiose, in it have taken part about five hundred persons. People bore set of banners with an inscription Men Kure Mae Se. The coffin has been covered by a black varnish and had the huge sizes. In the length about five metres. On a cover the dragons, different animals and terrible devils are cut out. The coffin was born by twelve persons. Ahead of a procession there was a person in a mask and scattered coins. Then there were people with banners May Se. Behind a coffin relatives and other.

      So I have waited a funeral favourite the great-grandfather. Its image

      Has remained in my memory on all life.

      Now I will tell about a case in which result I have not died nearly. To tell was in a condition of clinical death more truly, but the foresight has rescued me. Business was so. To me was four years, and I have had been ill with measles. As a result of complication it is strong ослаб, and the state of health continued to worsen. I was examined by my native uncle Men Ke Sik. It worked the doctor also had private clinic. After survey it has made the conclusion that the medicine is powerless against this illness. Also has left. Illness continued to progress, I have fainted, and at me heart has stopped.

      Buddhist temple

      Mother in an inconsolable grief sat over me and loudly sobbed. At this time by our house there passed the wandering monk-lama. He has heard crying and has come into the house. After survey he has agreed to help. Has got from the bag a bunch what that grasses, has curtailed it into a match, has set fire and has made cauterisation on a stomach. This procedure has not given result. Then it has made cauterisation on area of heart and has slapped me on a breast. I have made a breath and have opened eyes. The monk has told that I will long live, and I will never suffer a heart disease and stomach diseases. It is more when did not meet to me in life. God has sent it in time what to save my life.

      Cauterisations were so strong that scars from them have remained on all life. On the left breast the nipple, instead of it has completely burnt down an equal place.

      The average brother Nad Den has gone to the first class and I ran behind it in school. Has started to demand, that me, the same have sent for study. When mother was tired me to persuade, took and has spanked in a soft place.

      All the summer long I played with country children. Left in the morning in one shorts, came back in the evening all dirty, suntanned. Sometimes we left in the city of Phal Van for five kilometres where there was a market.

      In 1933 to me the sixth year has gone. Once the father, having returned from service, has planted me nearby and has told: «The Sonny! The next year you will go to school and now it is necessary to begin already preparation»!

      Has put before me the collection of thousand hieroglyphs «Chen Za Moon».

      Employment at us passed every evening. I automatically repeated a pronunciation for the father. Fulfilled phonetics.

      Mother did not know hieroglyphs. At that time women were not authorised to study hieroglyphs. She knew the Korean writing and spoke on Japaneze a little.

      With Mother

      In April, 1934 the father has left service and has bought the house in the district city of Enben as in it educational institutions have concentrated. The big brother No Hyp has arrived in a grammar school, and me the next year in school. We have lodged to the address: a province of Phen An Bukdo, district Enben gun, the city of Enben of Si, a site With Bu Dong N 165. The house stood on a carriageway, therefore in it was noisy.

      The father has left public service, has concentrated on a country economy, began to expand it. Affairs at it went well. He was engaged in maintenance with seeds, stock, fertilizers, production sale as solved problems of the workers.

      In the autumn, after harvesting, it suited a holiday on which all congratulated. Seventy percent of grain were received by the peasants, thirty percent