Пятьдесят современных мыслителей об образовании. От Пиаже до наших дней. Сборник

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of School: Progressivism in American Education, 1876–1957. N.Y.: Vintage, 1964. P. 182.


      Rugg Н., Shumaker A. The Child-centered School. N.Y.: Arno Press: The New York Times, 1969. P. viii-ix.


      Rugg H. Culture and Education in America. N.Y.: Harcourt, 1931. P. 4.


      Counts G. S. Dare the School Build a New Social Order? Carbondale; Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1932.


      Ryan A. John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism. N.Y.: Norton, 1995. P. 340.


      Rugg Н. American Life and the School Curriculum: Next Steps Toward Schools of Living. Boston, MA: Ginn, 1936. P. 332.


      Ibid. P. 354–355.


      Ibid. P. 345.


      Nelson М. R. The Development of the Rugg Social Studies Materials // Theory and Research in Social Education. 1977. Vol. III. P. 68.


      Bagenstos N. T. Social Reconstruction: The Controversy Over the Textbooks of Harold Rugg // Ibid. P. 29.


      Buckingham В. R. Rugg Course in the Classroom: The Junior-High-School Program. Chicago, IL: Ginn, 1935. P. 69–72.


      Rugg H. Foundations for American Education. N.Y.: World Book Company, 1947. P. xi.


      Idem. That Men May Understand. P. 244–245.


      GashingD. А. Т., Jackson А. С. Wittgenstein As a Teacher // Fann K. T. (ed.). Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and His Philosophy. New Jersey: Humanities Press; Sussex: Harvester Press, 1962. P. 52.


      Peters М., Burbules N. С. Wittgenstein, Styles, and Pedagogy // Peters M., Marshall J. Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Postmodernism, Pedagogy. South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey, 1999. P. 152–173. Некоторые материалы настоящего очерка взяты из данной и последующих глав: «Philosophy As Pedagogy: Wittgensteins Styles of Thinking». P. 174–191.


      Gashing D. А. Т., Jackson А. С. Wittgenstein As a Teacher. P. 52.


      Ibid. P. 50.


      Ibid. Р. 52.


      Ibid. Р. 53.


      Цит. по: Drury М.О’С. A Symposium: Assessments of the Man and the Philosopher // Fann K.T. (ed.). Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and His Philosophy. P. 61.


      Wittgenstein L. Culture and Value / P. Winch (transi.), G.H. von Wright, H. Nyman (eds). Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980. P. 38.


      Wright G. Н. von. Wittgenstein. Oxford: Blackwell, 1982. P. 31.


      Wittgenstein L. Philosophical Investigations / G. E. M. Anscombe (transi.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1953. P. 49 (3rd ed.: 1972).


      Monk R. Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius. L.: Vintage, 1991.


      Pascal F. A Personal Memoir // Rhees R. (ed.). Recollections of Wittgenstein. Oxford; N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1984. P. 37–38.


      Rhees R. Postscript // Ibid. P. 191.


      Bartley W. W. III. Wittgenstein. Philadelphia, PA; N.Y.: J.B. Lippincott, 1973. P. 20.


      Wittgenstein L. Zettel. 2nd ed. IG. E. M. Anscombe, R. Rhees (eds). Oxford: Blackwell, 1981. P. 74.


      Hargrove Е. Wittgenstein, Bartley, and the Glöckel School Reform // History of Philosophy. 1980. Vol. 17. P. 461.


      Macmillan C. J. B. Love and Logic in 198411 Robertson E. (ed.). Philosophy of Education 1984. Normal, IL: Philosophy of Education Society. 1984. P. 7.


      Wittgenstein L. Culture and Value. P. 14.


      Ibid. P. 56.


      Цит. по: Nyiri J. C. Wittgenstein As a Philosopher of Secondary Orality (рукопись, публ. в: Grazer Philosophische Studien). «Я не могу сформулировать мою позицию лучше, чем, сказав: она противоположна позиции Сократа, представленной в платоновских диалогах».


      Wittgenstein L. Culture and Value. P. 77.


      Eagleton T. Introduction to Wittgenstein // Wittgenstein: The Terry Eagleton Script, The Derek Jarman Film. L.: British Film Institute, 1993. P. 9.


      Wittgenstein L. Culture and Value. P. 28.


      Idem. Philosophical Investigations. P. 50.


      Ibid. P. 3.


      Fann K. T. (ed.). Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Man and His Philosophy. P. 109.


      Heidegger М. What Is Called Thinking?/J. Gray (transi.). L.: Harper & Row, 1968. P. 14–15. Цит. по рус. изд.: Хайдеггер M. Разговор на проселочной дороге. М., 1991. С. 134–145.


      Murray М. (ed.). Heidegger and Modern Philosophy. L.: Yale University Press, 1978