God’s Code. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название God’s Code
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873048428

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in its purpose in that desert vastness. There, at that moment, everything was at stake and they could not even think about failing. However, it was not within their power to manipulate God's designs, much less fate that were uncontrollable.

      They complete five hundred meters. At this very moment, a cold breeze blows softening the heat that suffocated everyone. Philliphe, the more mature, suggests a pause and the the others grant it; therefore, the limit of each should be respected. They take the break to resume the conversation.

      —Where exactly do you want to take us, Uriel and Raphael? (Philliphe questions)

      —Against your destiny. (Rafael)

      —Can you be more specific? (The Seer)

      — I explain. In this desert, there are ten spiritual cities each with a great expert in the various human areas. With their help, we can unveil "God’s code" which encloses the will of the divine in relation to the behavior of creatures. We believe that your pretensions will be satisfied. (Uriel)

      — Splendid. That is exactly what we are looking for! (Marvelous Renato)

      —Is it still far from the first city? (Philliphe)

      — Calm. We hardly started. (Uriel)

      —Can we continue? (Rafael)

      — It's all right with me. (The Seer)

      —I too. I've had enough rest. (Philliphe)

      — Let's go then! (Renato consented)

      The walk is then resumed. With each step, they felt more confident and convinced than they even wanted even if the challenge was gigantic. Luck was thrown next to two mysterious young men who appeared to be from another world by the way they acted. Keep going always!

      Time passes a little. We arrived at fourteen o'clock and the group went to a second time for lunch. Rafael and Uriel take the kettle from their backpack and kindly distribute it among their travel partners. It would be the only meal of the day and they would only eat in the promised city again.

      During lunch, they happily talk, listen to music, hydrate themselves and put on sunscreen because the sun was still strong. At that very moment, they remained with faith, claw and hope, though a little anxious and nervous. But this was already expected because they were about to discover a great mystery and even find meaning for their troubled lives, specifically in Philliphe's case.

      They finish the meal in thirty minutes and they are on their way back to the first city that was still far away. Luckily, they could get there at the end of the night. So, every minute was important and the guides were keen to point this out.

      They remain steadfast in the course and the feelings that predominate at the moment are the same although at every moment fate is closer. In addition to these, the homesickness begins to beat hard for the trio because they were accustomed to amenities that there in the desert would not find. Especially the seer who still had mother and brothers who helped him in all tasks.

      Two more hours pass without further news and no living soul. The fatigue weighs on everyone by the long route already traveled and by the inhospitable climate that sucked their energies. As if calling for help, The Seer and Philliphe suggest another stop. The others accept and in the next eight minutes take advantage to drink plenty of liquids, eat something and receive guidance from the guides. After, they go forward and promise to walk uninterruptedly for another three hours. What a marathon!

      In the period that has already been mentioned, they slow down but continue with the regular strides. When the light goes down once and for all, the guides use powerful flashlights that allow visibility. When the three o'clock is over, a new stop. This time it would be about thirty minutes.

      In addition to the basic hydration, they decide to sit in circles in that dusty and hard soil. Side by side, the conversation inevitably arises.

      — How much longer to get to town? (Asked the impatient Philliphe)

      —Calm. Approximately two and a half hours. (Rafael)

      —What is her name? (Renato)

      — Familyng. (Uriel)

      —Why this name? (The Seer)

      —Because they consider themselves a great family and follow some basic precepts. Arriving there, we'll look for Isael.

      — Cool. Got it. (The Seer)

      — Any more information? (Rafael)

      —No. Enough. (Philliphe contented himself)

      —It's fine with me, too. (Renato)

      They continued their rest in peace and silence. After the thirty minutes, they gathered the remaining energies and resumed the walk. Now the fate of the team was about to unfold.

      In the remaining course, they had some problems: Renato had been stung by a scorpion and luckily the guides had brought the antidote and applied it immediately. He will improve. Besides, Philliphe had exhausted his strength because of his age and had to be helped. Glad they were close. At that point, Rafael and Uriel uttered words in another language, and then the portal had opened. Familyng showed in all its splendor and visitors were allowed to enter.

      After passing the portal, they began to walk the narrow streets with their slopes of the tiny Familyng with its seven thousand inhabitants. The guides took them to a hostel in the main square in order to rest since it was past 10:00 pm. When they arrived at the hotel, they found the bases of the evening in the waiting room and, with certainty, went to the rooms (two). The guides stayed in one and guided them in another.

      Immediately after arriving in the rooms in their respective beds, the members of the teams fell asleep. It had even been a long trip for those who were not used to it. They would dream of the next day that promised great news. Until the next chapter, readers!

      2.1- Values

      Dawns. Soon the trio formed by Renato, Philliphe and the seer wake up and after fulfilling their basic needs like going to the bathroom, drinking coffee, brushing their teeth and wearing clean clothes decide to wake up the guides that they had not yet raised.

      With the permission of the owner, they take the key and with her help they open the door, they approach the dormitories and delicately shake Rafael and Uriel. The strategy works and even with the scare they do not get upset. Then they join the group, take a shower and eat breakfast. After this, they leave the inn and after walking a little they arrive in the square and meet in the same with the guest Isael who had been warned by telephone.

      All greet each other, hug each other, and settle into the seats available in the seats. The guides then take the word:

      —Well, everyone, a challenge starts here. We will discover together "God’s code", words of God for angels and men. In the end, we will know more this invisible God and we will know which way to go. Okay? (Rafael)

      —How will this be? (Philliphe inquired)

      — We will ask inspiration to the divine and we will promote a democratic chat between us. At this moment God will reveal Himself. (Uriel explained)

      —What subjects will be covered? (The seer was interested)

      — There will be ten blocks involving the various human areas. We will start with the family block that has as an expert Isael. (Rafael)

      —This. I am on hand to help you. (Isael was pronounced)

      — Where do we start? (Renato asked)

      —What do you suggest? (Uriel)

      — I want to know about the values necessary and indispensable for a good family base. (Renato)

      — Very well. All right, everybody? (Uriel)

      —Yes. (The others).
