The Story of Jesus The Christ. Helen Braun Hojt

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Название The Story of Jesus The Christ
Автор произведения Helen Braun Hojt
Жанр Мифы. Легенды. Эпос
Издательство Мифы. Легенды. Эпос
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005006929

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when Jesus was older, he was looked down

      upon because he had once lived in Nazareth. But if the people

      were not good the country

      was beautiful. Jesus proba¬

      bly went to school with

      the other Jewish boys, and

      studied Jewish history and

      law, from the books of the

      Bible. We can also think

      of him as playing and work¬

      ing in his father’s carpen¬

      ter’s shop, and with his

      mother in the house.

      He learned, too, from

      other teachers than books.

      The mountains and lakes,

      the birds and flowers, the

      storms, the sunshine, and

      indeed everything he saw

      or heard, had lessons for

      him which he was happy in


      This was how he became

      filled with wisdom; because he saw something to learn in every¬

      thing about him, and was willing to try to learn the lesson.


      Infancy of Christ



      The Bible tells of a journey Jesus took when he was twelve

      years old. Every year in the spring there was a great feast in

      Jems ale m,

      called the Feast

      of the Pass-

      over; and Jews

      from all parts

      of the country

      went to it. The

      women and old

      men commonly

      rode on mules or

      donkeys; some¬

      times on horses

      or camels. The

      young men, with

      long sticks in

      their hands,

      walked beside

      them and led the animals. Children were not generally taken

      till they were twelve years old; those who did go ran a part

      of the way, but when they were tired they were given a ride.

      Ever so many people travelled together, and had such a good

      time on the way! They talked and laughed and sang together,

      stopped at the springs to get water when they were thirsty, and,

      as they walked along, picked the fruit and berries they found by

      the roadside. When they were tired they stopped to rest; for

      manjf of them had a long way to go.

      Thousands of strangers were in Jerusalem when the feast

      began. Every house was full, and tents were put up for those

      who could not find room anywhere else.

      When Jesus was twelve years old his parents took him, for

      Jesus, Twelve Years Old, on His Way to Jerusalem



      the first time, to this feast. It lasted seven days, and then the

      long procession started home again. Jesus was so much inter¬

      ested in what he was seeing and hearing that when the others

      left the city he stayed behind. His parents did not know this;

      they supposed that of course he was with some of their friends in

      the company, and did not look for him until evening. Then he

      was nowhere to be found, and no one remembered seeing him all

      day. Think how troubled his parents must have felt! The boy

      who had never been away from them was lost, and so far away

      from home, too! They

      must go back to Jeru¬

      salem to find him.

      It took them an¬

      other day to get to the

      city, so it was the third

      day before they saw

      their boy again. Then

      where do you think

      they found him? In

      the temple, hearing the

      old, gray-haired men

      talk, and asking them

      questions so wise that

      they were astonished to

      find a boy of twelve

      years who knew so


      Do you think his

      Christ in the Temple parents were glad to

      see him? His mother

      hurried to him and said: “ My son, wiry did you leave us? Your

      father and I have been looking for you, and have been very sad.»



      Jesus answered her: “ Why did you look for me? Did you

      not know that I must be about my Father’s business?» Jesus

      did not mean Joseph when he said “ my Father,» he meant God.

      He was a young boy, but he was very thoughtful, and he knew

      that there was work for him to do in the world; and that his

      work was to teach people how his Father wants them to live.

      He would have liked to have begun his work even now, but it

      was not yet time for him to do so. He went back to Nazareth

      with his parents, and was the same loving, obedient boy that he

      had always been.

      Until a Jewish boy was twelve years old he was called a little

      boy; but after that he was a young man, and was expected to

      study and work as the young men did. Every one must learn

      some trade, or some kind of work by which he could earn his

      living. Joseph was a carpenter, and he taught Jesus to do car¬

      pentry work: to make houses, tables, yokes for oxen, or anything

      that is made of wood.

      So, busy with his studies and his work, Jesus lived at Naza¬

      reth till he was thirty years old. We will leave him there for a

      while, and see what has become of the son of Zacharias.
