My Secret Life. Various

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Название My Secret Life
Автор произведения Various
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007477715

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or even flirtation.

      ‘This meeting is important,’ she said with a sigh. ‘With our budget tightening, I’m trying to determine if we should continue funding the professor’s research.’

      ‘What’s he study?’

      Marco’s gaze had slid up to her chest, and Tressa suddenly felt as if the silk tank was cut too low. Her cleavage warmed, and she murmured an answer as she tugged at her suit jacket.

      ‘What was that?’

      ‘Women.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Professor Walton is a leading expert in Women’s Studies.’

      The grin on Marco’s face nearly filled the mirror. ‘A man after my own heart.’

      ‘Not like that,’ she snapped. ‘He’s researching the effects of gender and social inequalities on health care.’

      As far as she could tell, anyway. It was one reason why she’d taken the time for a personal visit. With as much money as her company had delegated towards the professor’s research, she’d been having trouble tracking down the actual study protocols and results.

      Marco winked. ‘Believe me, beautiful boss. With men, it’s always like that.’ Slowing, he pulled over to the kerb and parked. ‘Here we are.’

      They’d already arrived at the university. Tressa hurried to collect her things but her driver rounded the car before she could exit on her own. He opened the door and took her briefcase. When he extended his other hand, she took it. The clasp was warm and firm, somehow more intimate than a handshake with other men.

      The intimacy increased by ten-fold when she stretched her foot to the kerb. The skirt that was already riding too high crept up to her hip. Marco let out a low hum when a sliver of her white panties was exposed. She scrambled out of the car, stood and yanked down the material.

      He smiled at her. ‘Have a good meeting.’

      He tucked her briefcase in her hand and she turned away, feeling far from professional. How did he do that to her? With just a look and a touch? She felt his stare on her ass with every step she took and by the time she made it inside the Women’s Studies building, she was a warm, flustered mess.

      Smoothing her hair, she searched for her composure before knocking at Office 248.

      ‘Come in.’

      She was in control again when she opened the door. ‘Dr Walton?’

      ‘Ms Lang.’ The professor stood and shook her hand. His touch was firm but cool. He was a thin, erudite man, the opposite of Marco in nearly every way. ‘Welcome. We’re excited to have someone from Catharsis visit the lab.’

      Her nod was non-committal. He wouldn’t be excited if he knew the reason behind her visit. ‘I’m interested to see your research.’

      ‘Wonderful.’ The professor adjusted his glasses. ‘We’ve been doing some innovative things with the funding your company has provided. So far, the results have been very enlightening. If you’ll come this way …’

      Intrigued, she followed as he led her to his lab. Would she finally get some answers? The door was locked. She watched as he put in a complicated code and verified it with a thumbprint sensor. As far as security went, he got top marks. Stepping aside, he let her enter. Tressa looked around with curiosity. The space was cramped. Books and manuals took up one entire wall, while equipment and tools were scattered everywhere else.

      ‘This is an important area of work that has been largely ignored,’ the professor said. ‘We believe that women will benefit greatly from the results.’

      Tressa wasn’t familiar with the devices, but she wasn’t a physician or a scientist. Her background was in business. ‘I’m sorry, but what area would that be?’

      The professor’s head cocked and his brow furrowed. ‘Why, orgasmic manipulation, of course.’

      Orgasmic … The words slowly took meaning in her head, but he couldn’t be talking about …

      ‘Sex toys, Ms Lang. You look surprised.’

      Tressa gaped at him. Surprised? She was shocked, to say the least. ‘Catharsis funded you to look into issues in women’s health care.’

      ‘Yes, that’s precisely what we’re doing here. Women’s sexual health, to be precise.’

      Oh, dear Lord. Tressa’s fingernails bit into her palms. Marco was right. It was exactly like that. She felt blind-sided. Nothing in her preparation for this meeting had indicated this was what was going on at Western University. Had her predecessor known?

      She shook her head. ‘I’m sorry, Professor, but Catharsis can’t support something like this.’

      As harmless and scholarly as the professor looked, his eyes went steely. ‘Like what? Billions of dollars have been spent studying erectile dysfunction in men. Are you saying, Ms Lang, that women’s sexual satisfaction is unimportant?’

      ‘Of course not.’ Not when he put it that way.

      Walton sighed heavily. ‘Ms Lang, I have five graduate assistants relying on that money to get them to their degrees. Five young, brilliant women, as a matter of fact. Before you decide to cut our funding, at least take the time to learn more.’

      Tressa wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. There was clearly a double standard in play, but where did the ethics stand? He was studying sex toys. She needed to talk to the company’s lawyers and marketing at the very least, but all that attention would put the spotlight on her. This was not how she wanted to start her career as VP.

      Her brain clicked fast. ‘Explain to me exactly what the research entails.’

      The professor’s eyebrows jumped above the rims of his glasses in hope. ‘I can do more than explain it to you, I can show you.’

      She held up her hand. ‘I won’t watch something like this.’

      ‘Don’t watch. Participate.’

      Her mouth dropped open. ‘You want to use sex toys on me?’

      ‘How old are you?’

      ‘Thirty-two.’ But that was immaterial. It wasn’t going to happen. Was it?

      ‘Perfect. I need more data points in that age group. Most of my research subjects are in their early twenties.’

      Tressa’s weight shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. She couldn’t actually be considering this – but she was. If the research was on the up and up and she cancelled it, women’s groups would surely come after Catharsis. Yet if the studies were strictly prurient, right-leaning political groups would come out with guns blazing. It was a no-win situation for her. ‘I suppose I should learn more. Let’s just look at our calendars and find a time.’

      ‘Let’s do it now.’

      She stopped short. ‘Now? But …’

      ‘I don’t have another class for hours, and I do have the protocol established for my next study.’

      ‘But …’ She couldn’t think of a good excuse. She needed to clear up this mess as quickly and quietly as possible, but Marco was right outside, waiting for her.


      Oh God. Her body began humming again. What would he say if he found out? What would he do if he learned what had happened in here? In the back of her mind, she could hear him daring her. She’d worked for too long. Wasn’t it time she got some pleasure in return?

      ‘All right,’ she agreed. ‘But nobody can know about this.’

      ‘Nobody will. Your identity will be kept confidential.’ The professor’s shoulders relaxed. Now that he’d been given the chance to fight for his funding, he seemed more at ease. ‘I’m sure you’ll be happy with your decision. Is there anything in