Beyond Temptation. Lisette Ashton

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Название Beyond Temptation
Автор произведения Lisette Ashton
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007479214

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were only distant. Lowering her pussy over his face, she sucked on the swollen tip of his erection.

      He shook beneath her.

      She felt sure he was exerting a monumental effort of willpower as he struggled to quash his climax. His shaft juddered against her lower lip.

      Determined, Robyn sucked harder.

      Her finger was deep inside him and she pulled it slowly away. His groans were barely muted by the pressure of her pussy lips. She knew he couldn’t resist the inevitable impulse much longer and she prided herself on having brought him to the brink of another orgasm so swiftly.

      His sphincter tried to expel her finger in a sudden rush. She held the sheathed digit firmly, battling his body’s natural resistance. The cock in her mouth stiffened and she knew that she had pleased him too well. A second after that thought, she felt the pulse of his climax. His shaft trembled and then spat a spray of semen against the back of her throat.

      His flavour was hot and oily and noisome. Greedily, she sucked every last drop of his seed.

      He fell soft as soon he had climaxed. Her finger was pushed out by the intensity of his orgasm. Robyn’s own minor climax mimicked his. Swallowing the last droplet of his explosion, she turned to grin at him.

      She licked her lips.

      ‘Wonderful,’ she whispered, and she meant it. He was still lapping at her sex and Robyn gently pulled herself from his reach. She placed a grateful kiss upon his lips, smiling when she realised her breath was tinged with the scent of his come.

      She nodded down at his shrivelled length. ‘You’d best put that away if you intend joining the remainder of the party.’

      He fastened himself up as she climbed off the bed. ‘I have to tell you now,’ he began. ‘The rest of your party is likely to be a serious disappointment.’

      Robyn laughed and kissed him before straightening the hem of her skirt. ‘That’s just how it should be.’

      She stepped into her shoes and wondered why she had found him so appealing. If he could have developed another erection, she would have happily used it. But she no longer felt the violent pulse that had caused her to drag him off to the bedroom. In truth she felt absolutely nothing for him.

      Not that it mattered, she consoled herself. This was how life should be.

      She was a married woman and, like her husband, she was allowed to discreetly play with other partners. It was better than being trapped in the restriction and claustrophobia of a conventional relationship. If someone caught her eye she was allowed to do more than just enjoy the fantasy of being with that person. And she didn’t have to betray her own moral code or disappoint the expectations of her partner. She could use anyone she wanted for the sake of satisfying her personal appetites. It was an arrangement that had always suited her in the past and she couldn’t see anything changing her opinion of it in the future.

      Robyn took a step towards the bedroom door. ‘Perhaps we should get downstairs before our absence is noted?’ she suggested, hoping the words would encourage Dominic to move.

      ‘Will I be getting an invitation to your next dinner party?’

      Nodding, she went over to the bedside cabinet and cleared the spent rubbers from the top. She reached into the open drawer, brought out a small black packet and handed it to him. ‘The next time you’re invited, bring this with you. We’ll see if we can work together to make better use of it.’

      Laughing, he tucked it into the breast pocket of his jacket. He looked on the point of saying something else when the door behind him burst open.

      ‘What the hell is going on here?’ Harold demanded.

      * * *

      Two hours later the last of the guests had left.

      As Robyn and Harold said their farewells and closed the door, she sensed the potential eruption of his volatile mood. Nevertheless, she was determined to make her point.

      ‘You really embarrassed me in the bedroom with Dominic.’

      Harold’s glare was ferocious.

      ‘I don’t give a damn about you and your embarrassment. That was the last time I’ll allow it to happen. You have one last chance, woman, and I won’t be giving you a second one.’

      ‘One last chance? What the hell are you talking about?’

      ‘I mean it, Robyn. That was your last fucking chance.’

      Robyn stared at him, shocked by the vitriol of his outburst. ‘Darling? What do you mean? What’s wrong?’

      ‘You were fucking him, weren’t you? Don’t try and deny it because I know it’s true. I saw him licking you out.’

      Robyn shrugged. She had never been able to lie to her husband and, on this occasion, she saw no reason to bother attempting an untruth.

      ‘If you were watching, you could have joined in. I’ve never been averse to a threesome in the past. I always thought you were rather partial to them. What’s wrong? Did Sheridan blank you?’

      He wore a thunderous expression. His finger pointed at her in accusation. ‘I’d thank you not to cheapen Sheridan’s behaviour so that it equates with yours.’

      ‘What the hell does that mean?’ Robyn demanded.

      Her husband’s anger seemed to have come from nowhere. She wanted to remind him that they were in an open relationship – and had always been in an open relationship – but she sensed he would tell her that she had been wrong about that. The idea that she had imagined the unwritten rules that they lived by was too bewildering for her to contemplate.

      ‘You’re fucking Sheridan,’ she reminded him. ‘And I fucked Dominic. Where’s the crime?’

      ‘I am not fucking Sheridan,’ Harold hissed.

      Robyn sniffed.

      ‘Bullshit,’ she spat. ‘The pair of you have been inseparable all evening. I’ve seen Siamese twins who’ve spent more time apart.’

      He slammed his palm against the front door. The harsh sound echoed around the walls.

      ‘I’m not fucking Sheridan,’ he growled. ‘And I’ve already told you not to drag her down to your standards. You’d better listen to what I’m saying, Robyn, because I’m beginning to lose my patience. I demand that you don’t make me a cuckold again.’

      Robyn wiped the back of her fist across her eyes, smudging her mascara. ‘Have you been working your way through a seventeenth-century dictionary?’ she asked. ‘Who the hell uses words like “cuckold” nowadays?’

      His lips tightened but he didn’t respond to her remark about his word choice.

      ‘I’ll say this once and only once, so you better stop trying to be clever and start bloody listening. You’ve had your final chance tonight. If you go to bed with one more person other than me, it’s the end of our marriage.’

      Robyn stared at him, wondering if this was some weird beginning to a role-playing game. It was the last hope of a desperate woman and she knew there was no real chance of that being the case. She could see none of the usual mirth that sparkled in Harold’s eyes as he spoke to her. He looked earnest and sincere as he delivered his ultimatum.

      ‘Climb into bed with another man, and that’s it. Our marriage will be over. I’ll cut you off without a single penny.’

      ‘You can’t be serious,’ Robyn gasped.

      The cruel set of his smile told her that he was more than serious. ‘Try me, and see just how serious I am.’

      In the light of his sombre expression, Robyn knew better than to try him. And, as the tears began to well in her eyes, she wondered how she could have misinterpreted the rules of their open marriage so badly.