Slow Cooking: Easy Slow Cooker Recipes. Katie Bishop

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Название Slow Cooking: Easy Slow Cooker Recipes
Автор произведения Katie Bishop
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007361083

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from the slow cooker base and leave to stand for 5 minutes before cutting into wedges or squares and serving with plenty of crusty bread and grilled cherry tomatoes.

       WHAT ABOUT…

      adding diced black pudding or chorizo when you add the diced bacon.

      Baked eggs florentine



      SERVES 6


       A classic brunch and firm favourite, this version is ideal if you have guests to stay for the weekend. It’s quick and easy to prepare the night before so you can wake up knowing that everything is ready for a hearty breakfast.

       500g (1lb 2oz) fresh baby spinach leaves

       Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

       50g (2oz) softened butter Juice of 1/2 lemon

       4 shallots, peeled and finely diced

       A large pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

       12 eggs

       250ml (9fl oz) milk

       1/2 tsp mustard powder

      Cook the spinach in a large pan of salted boiling water for 1–2 minutes or until just wilted. Drain very thoroughly and cool under cold running water. Drain again and squeeze out as much of the water as possible.

      Butter the inside of the slow cooker dish with half of the butter. Place the spinach into the dish in an even layer. Sprinkle with the lemon juice, shallots and nutmeg and season well with salt and pepper. Dot with the remaining butter.

      Whisk the eggs, milk and mustard powder together in a large bowl and pour over the spinach. Cover with the lid and cook on low overnight or for up to 8 hours. Serve spooned, spinach uppermost, onto hot toasted, buttered English muffins.

       WHAT ABOUT…

      baking individual portions in buttered ramekins. Divide the ingredients among 6 ramekins, cover with buttered foil and place in the slow cooker dish. Pour in enough cold water to come about one-third of the way up the sides of the dishes, cover with the lid and cook on high for 2–3 hours or until just firm.

      Slow-baked sausages and tomatoes



      SERVES 4

       Perfect for brunch, this recipe is quick and easy to prepare and looks after itself overnight while you are sleeping. If you’re cooking for a larger number just increase the ingredients accordingly.

       2 tbsp olive oil

       8 thick sausages, such as pork and herb

       3 red onions, peeled and sliced

       2 beef tomatoes, thickly sliced

       1 fresh rosemary sprig

       1 fresh thyme sprig

       Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

      Warm half of the olive oil in a frying pan over a high heat. When hot, add the sausages and cook for 5–10 minutes or until well browned.

      Place the onions in the slow cooker dish, then drizzle with the remaining oil and toss well to combine. Arrange the tomatoes in a single layer over the onions, then add the herbs and plenty of salt and pepper. Top with the sausages.

      Cover with the lid and cook on low overnight or for up to 8 hours. Using a slotted spoon, place the sausages on serving plates, then remove the herbs and discard. Spoon the vegetables onto the plates and serve immediately with plenty of fresh bread to mop up the juices and maybe a fried egg or two.

       WHAT ABOUT…

      if you want to use the oven? Simply place all of the ingredients into a large roasting tin. Bake, uncovered, in an oven preheated to 180°C (350°F), Gas mark 4 for 60–90 minutes or until browned and caramelised. Turn the sausages occasionally during cooking.

      Potato and black pudding hash



      SERVES 6

       Not the lowest calorie breakfast but so, so good. It is absolutely perfect for a morning after the night before brunch – or come to think of it, perfect at any time of the day or night!

       50g (2oz) chilled butter, cubed, plus extra for greasing

       650g (1lb 7oz) potatoes, such as King Edward or Maris Piper, peeled and coarsely grated

       1 onion, peeled and diced

       250g (9oz) black pudding, cut into 2cm (3/4in) pieces

       100g (31/2oz) grated mature Cheddar cheese

       Freshly ground black pepper

      Butter the inside of the slow cooker dish very thoroughly. Arrange half of the potato in a single layer over the base of the slow cooker dish, then sprinkle over half of the onion, half of the black pudding, half of the cubed butter and then the cheese.

      Repeat this process again, making sure that all of the potato is covered, and ending with a layer of cheese. Season with pepper. Cover with the lid and cook on low overnight or for up to 9 hours.

      Serve spooned onto serving plates and top with a poached egg.


      taking time to make sure that all the potato is covered and not in contact with the air. This will prevent the potatoes from oxidising and turning an ugly grey colour.

      Huevos revueltos



      SERVES 4


       This version of the classic Mexican scrambled egg breakfast dish is wonderfully flavoursome due to the long slow cooking of the vegetables overnight.

       2 plum tomatoes

       1 red onion, peeled and diced

       2 red peppers, deseeded and diced

       1 fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

       2 tbsp olive oil

       Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

       10 eggs

       25g (1oz) butter