Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies. Jason Vale

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Название Juice Master Keeping It Simple: Over 100 Delicious Juices and Smoothies
Автор произведения Jason Vale
Жанр Кулинария
Издательство Кулинария
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007364329

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a parent’s dream. Designed to get the kids ‘ready’ for anything; to have a ‘steady’ supply of nature’s fuel going into their systems and to give them that juice ‘go'.

      2 apples (Golden Delicious or Royal Gala) 1 small raw beetroot 1 small broccoli stem ½ celery stick 1 inch slice cucumber ½ inch slice pineapple (diced to fit into feeder) 1 lime (peeled) ice

      Put one apple in the chute followed by the beetroot, broccoli, celery, cucumber, pineapple, lime and then ‘sandwich’ with the other apple. Juice the lot, then add ice to cool. All juices taste better when cool, especially veggie ones!

      Juicy Note: You can juice pineapple with the skin on, it just depends if your juicer can take it. Oh, and don’t forget to wash it well.

      Look what’s in it! Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C and E, iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, chlorine, bioflavonoids, potassium, folic acid, boron, ellagic acid, carotenes, amino acids, natural sugars and anti-oxidants.

      How will it juice the little ones? Beetroot is one of nature’s finest blood builders. The nutrients in this juice are good for young brain function, great for their growing bones, extremely hydrating (an excellent natural diuretic); they are also antibacterial, help with constipation, and are excellent for nails, hair and skin. This is an all-round amazing juice.

      Juicy Note: If your kids’ ‘poo’ turns red, don’t panic – it’s the beetroot. (Of course, if this should continue, see your GP.)

       ‘I have been overweight all my life, constantly trying to slim down. Since reading your book, I’ve lost weight and never been happier or felt better.,


      So Berry Good

       Freshly extracted pineapple juice, natural

       live yogurt, fresh blue and blackberries

      Of all the recipes in this ‘Kids’ Stuff’ section, children love this one more than any other. The good news is that it is not only incredibly sweet and delicious, but also one of the healthiest smoothies you can make. If you are at all concerned about your kids’ health, pour one of these in a flask and stick it in their packed lunch every day.

      ¼ medium pineapple (fairtrade wherever possible) 1 handful blackberries 1 handful blueberries 100g low-fat live yogurt (if vegan, this can be left out) 4 ice cubes

      Juice the pineapple and place all other ingredients in the blender – blend until smooth.

      Look what’s in it! Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, all the essential amino acids, natural sugars, essential fatty acids, good bacteria, anti-oxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, folic acid, bromeline, potassium and ellagic acid.

      Why is it soooooooooooo berry good for the little chaps?

      It is so good that if I wrote everything this wonder smoothie could do, it would take a mini-book in itself. It’s packed with anti-oxidants, which help to keep your kids’ skin as soft and clear as the day they were born. So Berry Good is also packed with anti-ageing vitamin E and amino acids – the building blocks for the entire body. If you thought it couldn’t get any better, this super smoothie is even loaded with essential fatty acids, vital for heart protection and good elasticity in the skin and is a rich source of calcium and iron. This really is one of the most powerful smoothies you will ever make your kids – and they’ll love it!

       Juicy boost

      For extra acai and goji berry goodness, add 1 heaped teaspoon of Juice Master’s Ultimate Berry Boost. These two anti-oxidant stars are the new super-foods on the block and make this berry good smoothie super berry good!

      Juicy Schools

      I love speaking at schools. My whole juicing philosophy of ‘if you can’t eat it – drink it’ is never more apt than when teaching kids healthy eating (or drinking, to be more accurate in this case). On one occasion I had to leave Cornwall at 2am in order to drive to a school in Ramsgate for 8.30am. I remember having only 1–2 hours’ sleep (if that) and thinking on the way: ‘Why did I agree to do this again?’ However, the second I started the talk and saw the transfixed looks on so many willing-to-learn kids’ faces, I knew why I had made the long journey. They were astonished by juicing and smoothie-making and they all had a go at making juice and tasting even the most vegetable of juices. Much to their, and the teacher’s, surprise, they loved them!

      At the end of the session I threw open a competition. Whoever came up with the best recipe would get into my new book. Out of all the recipes I received this one stood out, for the way it was written more than anything else. It also tastes damn good.

       ‘Thank you for your talk. You really made me think. I approved of the vegetable juice that you served. I could see what you meant by the ‘earthy’ taste, but other than that, I thought it did taste like ‘liquid sunshine'. I also learned that a fruit smoothie is a perfect thing to wake up to in the morning. Thank you again for your talk.,


      My Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

       (by Paris Duce, year 5)

      ½ lemon 1 apple ½ orange 1 handful of grapes 1 handful of raspberries 4 strawberries ½ cucumber

      Juice the apple, orange and lemon and add to the blender with all the other ingredients. Blend until smooth.

       ‘I just want to say your recommendation of the juicer was excellent because it does its job brilliantly. I love orange juice and crapple [a mixture of carrot and apple juice]. I enjoyed your book thoroughly. I was wondering if you could recommend a juice or a smoothie + could have when + come back from school as a snack.,



       the body does indeed clean itself naturally - but only if it is given the chance to do so!

      ‘Detox’ is a bit of a buzz word in the world of health and nutrition, but not everyone buys into it. Many people, particularly in the medical world, often dismiss the notion that we ever need to detox. They reason that the body naturally ‘detoxes’ all the time, regardless of what we do.

      This is true, the body does indeed clean itself naturally – but only if it is given the chance to do so! If you constantly pollute the environment in which your cells bathe there will always be a degree of toxicity in your system. There isn’t a wild animal on the planet who ever needs to ‘detox', but, then, there isn’t a wild animal on the planet who pollutes their system either.

      This is why it is so worthwhile to give your organs and digestive system a much needed rest from the burden of all that processed food. It just so happens that a juicy detox is a wonderful way to do it. To get you started here’s my 3-Day Super Juice Detox, but all of the following recipes can be used for a 1, 2, or 3- day detox.

       Juicy boost

      To fast-tox your detox, simply add a teaspoon of Juice Master’s Ultimate Detox Boost powder (see page 13) to any of the detox recipes.
