Sex and the Stranger. Justine Elyot

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Название Sex and the Stranger
Автор произведения Justine Elyot
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007477593

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favoured her with an indulgent smile and angled himself into position. Her entire body was trembling with anticipation and she gasped as she finally felt the head of his cock demanding entry. She relaxed and he slid inside in one long exquisite thrust. With a primal cry she threw back her head, adjusting her position so he could go further, deeper. She wrapped her legs around him, hooking her feet together in the small of his back as though she could trap him there. Encircling her with his arms, he pressed his body into hers as he thrust himself in and out, filling her completely before withdrawing, only to fill her again.

      Leaves rustled around Natalie’s head, distorting her gasps and sighs as he fucked her. She buried her hands in his hair, smoothing it away from his face so she could see his eyes. They burned with unrestrained lust. He had abandoned his languorous pace and was taking what he wanted as much as giving her what she demanded. Natalie had always liked her sex rough and frenzied and it excited her more to see that he was losing himself as much as she already had.

      Without warning her companion rolled them over until Natalie was on top. Gazing down into his eyes she felt a kind of primitive freedom she had never experienced before. She sat up, impaled on his cock, and arched her back. The moon hung above them, heavy and red.

      From somewhere in the woods an owl gave a high twittering call and some other, wilder, creature shrieked as if in response. The voices of the night. Natalie could imagine they were the voices of their Celtic ancestors calling to them across time. Perhaps their pagan blood was soaked into the very leaves they were lying on now.

      She clasped his hands for balance and rode him, delighted to see him losing control along with her. He closed his eyes and moaned as she swivelled her hips against him. Her toes dug into the cool mud beneath the leaves, an unexpectedly erotic sensation. A sudden impulse struck her and she clawed away the leaves on either side of them, plunging her hands into the mud and smearing it over her lover’s chest. Surprise flickered in his face but then he followed suit, painting her breasts and belly with mud too.

      Natalie grabbed another handful of mud and decorated his face. They might be Celtic warriors on the eve of battle, celebrating life before facing the threat of death. He followed her lead, drawing muddy fingers across the bridge of her nose and sketching spirals on her cheeks. Then he grinned and flipped her onto her back.

      Laughing, Natalie flung a handful of mud at him, hitting him squarely in the chest. He pushed her down into the leaves and began to fuck her again, much harder this time. His chest pressed against hers, smearing her with more of the sweet cool mud. She adjusted herself so that each thrust made contact with her clit. She was already stimulated almost beyond endurance and she knew that would send her over the edge. In a frenzy of excitement, Natalie thrashed beneath him, digging her fingernails into his back and clawing deeply to make him hiss with pain and pleasure.

      The fury of their passion forced Natalie deeper into the cushion of leaves until she could feel nothing but mud against her back. It squelched rudely as they fucked and she felt the crescendo of an orgasm. It caught her off guard, just as he had, and racked her body with spasms of ecstasy so intense it made her scream. She pressed her open mouth against his shoulder to stifle her cries as she surrendered herself to the shattering orgasm. Never before had she climaxed from sex alone and the feeling was as exquisite as it was alien.

      The jolts of pleasure racked her body and she heard her companion gasp each time her sex contracted around him. Lights were still sparkling behind her eyes from her own climax when he suddenly gave a deep low groan as his body shuddered and she felt the hot jets of his seed inside her. She clung to him tightly, flexing the muscles of her sex to prolong her pleasure and enhance his.

      At last they broke apart and collapsed into the leaves, limp and spent. Natalie stared at the silhouettes of the Six Maidens, all chastely averting their faces. She couldn’t believe what she’d just done. And with a complete stranger! The two of them were absolutely filthy. Covered in mud and leaves. The air was ripe with the musky scent of sex and Natalie was surprised to find that she already wanted more. She reached over to caress his dozing cock. To her delight, she felt it twitch in response. She suspected it wouldn’t be long before he could take her again. And again.

      Then a sudden thought struck her and she sat up, glancing around nervously. ‘I hope no one heard us. They’d do us for public lewdness as well as trespassing.’

      ‘Oh, I doubt that,’ her companion said with a sly grin. ‘Besides, only one of us is trespassing.’

      She blinked at him for several seconds before the realisation sank in. Then she blushed to the roots of her hair. ‘Oh my God,’ she moaned. ‘Private property. Of course. I had no idea.’

      He regarded her with mock seriousness. ‘Well, perhaps I could be persuaded not to involve the authorities.’

      Giggling, Natalie clambered to her knees and clasped her hands. ‘Oh please, sir, I’ll do anything to avoid going to jail!’

      ‘Anything? That does rather put you at my mercy, doesn’t it?’

      ‘I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.’

      He smiled again, sexy and sinister. ‘I warn you – I can be a very demanding master.’

      He stood up and Natalie felt her insides flutter with desire again at the sight of him. He gently pulled her to her feet and led her towards the altar stone. The candles had burned down to almost nothing, but the moon was still gloriously bright. It illuminated the blanket, making it look as though the altar was drenched in sacrificial blood.

      ‘Two goblets,’ he said. ‘How very thoughtful.’

      He held them both out expectantly and Natalie obeyed the unspoken command, pouring a measure of wine into each one. They drank deeply and then he set both goblets down on the altar. Natalie trembled in anticipation. He took her by the arms and turned her around to face the stone. Then he gently pushed her down over it.

      She closed her eyes as she stretched out along the length of the altar, grasping the edge of the red blanket and parting her legs to make herself an easier target. Soon she felt his cock pressing against her soft wetness and she whimpered as he entered her again. She was sore from their earlier exertions but that only seemed to enhance the pleasure.

      This time he wasn’t gentle. Now that he knew what she wanted, he didn’t waste time with foreplay. He plunged himself in to the hilt, gripping her pelvic bones like handles as he pounded her ruthlessly. Natalie clung to the far edge of the altar under the gorgeous onslaught. The blanket did little to protect her mud-spattered breasts from the rough surface of the stone and the friction against her nipples quickly became a sweet torment. Once more her cries pierced the calm of the night as they discarded all propriety and gave themselves over to animalistic passion. She didn’t even know the man’s name or she would have screamed it into the trees.

      Just as it hadn’t taken him long to recover, it didn’t take him long to come once more. And as he did he snaked his fingers around to her clit and teased it to madness again. She was hovering on the verge of another climax when she happened to glance up at the path that led into the clearing.

      A group of night-time ramblers stood there, staring in open-mouthed horror at the sight of two muddy figures enacting what could only be some bizarre sexual ritual on the altar of the Six Maidens.

      The soft laughter in her ear told her he’d seen them too. But he didn’t stop what he was doing. He pinched her clit between his fingers and Natalie arched her body upwards, sending a cry up into the heavens as she came. Some unseen creature answered her call and then the only sound was the crunch of dry leaves beneath the rapidly retreating boots of the hikers.

      Her legs were incapable of holding her up and she wilted over the stone, where she lay spent and exhausted until she felt the chill of a goblet at her lips. She lifted her head and drank gratefully, then smiled up at her companion.

      ‘I’m Natalie, by the way.’

      ‘Pleased to meet you,’ he said. ‘My name’s Lucian.’

      He helped her up and wrapped the blue robe around her shoulders.