Loving On the Edge 5-Book Collection: Crash Into You, Melt Into You, Fall Into You, Caught Up In You, Need You Tonight. Roni Loren

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Название Loving On the Edge 5-Book Collection: Crash Into You, Melt Into You, Fall Into You, Caught Up In You, Need You Tonight
Автор произведения Roni Loren
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008115340

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lay back and relax, sugar.” His hands moved down until they slid to the outside of her thighs. She offered no resistance as he tucked his palms under her knees and spread her legs wide, positioning her in the direct line of one of the jets.

      “Oh!” She jerked back as the warm current of water pulsed against her already sensitive clit, but he kept her in place, holding her as well as any restraints ever could.

      “Let me make up for ruining your pleasure earlier. I promise I won’t let you drown.” He dragged his tongue along her shoulder, lapping up the droplets of water beading there. “Mmm, and maybe I won’t let you dry off after the bath. I might just lick you clean instead.”

      She moaned at the image he’d painted and at the relentless throb of water against her. Already, the coils of need inside her were tightening to the breaking point. Her body arched, sending water sloshing out of the tub and onto the tiled floor. She dug her nails into his thighs, trying to keep herself from slipping fully under the water. “Reid. I can’t—”

      “Shh, give in to it. I have you. Just let go, let it all go, and trust that I’m here.”

      The jets were like legions of hot tongues flicking, caressing, and nibbling her most sensitive nerves all at the same time. Tremors coursed through her, sending bigger and bigger waves of pleasure splashing over her, building toward the tsunami she knew was lingering in the distance.

      Reid eased her thighs wider, opening her completely, giving them both a view of her water-slicked nudity in the mirror. He nipped at the back of her neck but kept his eyes focused on the reflection. “You’re so beautiful when you let go. Let me watch you come for me.”

      As if his command willed it, the jets shifted to just the right spot and her nerve endings exploded into bright bursts of sparkling pleasure. A hoarse cry ripped from her throat, echoing off the walls in the room, and her body thrashed against him. He held her in place until she was almost at the edge of sanity, then swiftly kicked off the Jacuzzi and released her legs to sink back against him.

      He gathered her closer to him, turning her, and tucked her head under his chin. Her body continued to quiver with aftershocks as he rubbed a gentle hand up and down her back. When she finally stilled, he slipped an arm under her knees. “Let’s get you out of here and into bed. It’s been a long night.”

      He set her on the closed lid of the toilet and toweled her off with patient attention. Her muscles felt like wet rubber bands, but the buzzing afterglow of her orgasm and the view of the sexy man before her had entertaining other ideas than sleep. Her eyes traveled over Reid’s luscious backside as he bent to grab a T-shirt from his bag. He had slipped on a pair of boxer briefs, but before he had turned, she hadn’t missed the ramrod erection he was sporting.

      When he spun to face her again, he smirked. “LeBreck, are you checking me out?”

      “Can’t a girl look?

      He laughed as he slipped the shirt over her head. “Sure, I give you permission to objectify me at any time.”

      She poked his side. “You’re an arrogant bastard, you know that?”

      He bent and laid a quick kiss on her lips. “You love it. Now come on, off to bed with you.”

      Reid carried Brynn into the bedroom and settled her beneath the covers. She closed her eyes and for the brief moment, he let himself drink in the view. The polished, put-together professional was nowhere to be found. Her makeup had long since worn off and her blond hair was starting to curl where it’d gotten wet. He loved seeing her like this—her only adornment the flushed hue of a woman well satisfied. If she were his, he’d make sure that she went to bed every night with that look.

      He groaned inwardly. There he went again—thinking stupid shit about staking some claim on her. He’d already stuck a toe in dangerous waters, offering to take her on as a sub if she ever wanted to join him at a club. As if she’d ever be open to that after she found out why he was really here.

      Didn’t matter. She’d recoiled at the idea anyway. And how could he blame her? Brynn didn’t want a guy who could offer her a weekend collar; she wanted one that would offer her a lifetime ring. Deserved it.

      She shifted onto her elbow and peered up at him from under her lashes. “I think it’s time you get a little TLC, too.”

      Her voice was as innocent as a spring morning, but the suggestion in those moss-colored eyes shot straight to his groin. “Sugar, it’s almost three in the morning.”

      She nodded toward the now aching bulge in his shorts. “Doesn’t look like your friend knows that.”

      He gave her a rueful smile. There’d be nothing he’d like more than to slide in bed next to her and keep her awake until the sun came up, but he knew better. Besides the fact that they needed to be rested for tomorrow, one-on-one sex with Brynn was not an option. “Don’t worry about that. He can’t help standing at attention anytime you’re around. You’ve already given me more than enough tonight.”

      Her eyebrows lifted. “Since when have you gotten enough?”

      He laughed and kissed the crown of her head. “Since I discovered years ago that you are absolutely insufferable without sleep. I refuse to subject myself or the rest of the resort to that tomorrow.”

      She pushed her lip out in a mock pout and shifted into a sitting position, bringing her thin T-shirt and the hard points of her nipples into clear view. “I’m not that bad.”

      “Uh-huh.” He turned away from her and headed toward the closet, trying to think of anything besides how much he wanted to tear the shirt off her, seize those tight little buds with clamps, and test out that spanking bench taunting him at the end of the bed.

      He’d lock her down on all fours, spread her wide so he could enjoy every detail of that smooth pussy, her sweet ass. He’d tease and pinch and nibble until her honey dripped down her thighs—until he knew she was aching just for him. Then he’d take her—utterly and completely—until she was so exhausted that all she’d be able to do when he was done with her would be to curl in his arms and let him hold her while she slept.

      His erection hardened to the point of pain, and he had to stifle a groan. Fuck. He needed space. Air. Something. Before he broke every rule he’d set for himself coming into this thing. He yanked a pillow and extra blanket off the top shelf of the closet and spun to face her.

      “Get some rest, LeBreck,” he said, forcing a casual tone. “We have another full day ahead of us tomorrow.”

      Her attention zeroed in on the items in his hand. “You’re not sleeping in here?”

      “I’m a rough sleeper. It’ll be best for both of us if I use the sofa bed out front.” He knew the excuse was lame, knew she would see through it. But at the moment, he didn’t care. He needed out of the room. Now.

      A cool mask stole over her features, and he could almost see the mental retreat from the openness they’d shared a few minutes earlier. She leaned over and clicked off the bedside lamp, plunging them into shadows. “Don’t forget to shut the door on your way out.”

      He cringed at the icy tone. He’d hurt her. He’d known it would, but if he stayed, he’d hurt her much worse. So without another word, he stepped out of the bedroom and put a solid wooden door between them—hoping it was strong enough to protect them both.


      Brynn sat on the side of the bed with her knees to her chest, staring out the window as the last glimmers of the setting sun peeked through the trees bordering the back of their cabin. She and Reid had wandered to every possible place on the grounds today—smiling, touching, acting like a couple. Convincing everyone within shouting