The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential. Nick Udall

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Название The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential
Автор произведения Nick Udall
Жанр Управление, подбор персонала
Издательство Управление, подбор персонала
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007289011

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or home or exchanges between colleagues or friends that come into your mind…

       Use words, images, signs, symbols and pictures to capture your thoughts, ideas, questions, feelings, sensations, dreams…

       Every so often, spend some time reviewing your journal to look for patterns, themes and other pointers to insight.

      This is a great micro-skill in and of itself. It is also extremely effective when used alongside other micro-skills like breakthrough questions (see page 60), medicine walks (see page 61), personal backbone (see page 120) and personal shields (see page 126)…


      how am I releasing the magic of the moment… ?

       Our ability to appreciate the magic of life is based on our experience of the present moment. Thinking about the past or the future prevents us from accessing this magic. How often over the last week have you directly experienced the magic of the moment?

       At some level, presence is our ability to rest in the simple fact of our existence. Can you feel your aliveness? Can you sense this essence in others?

       When we connect at the level of essence, we move into a state of deep appreciation for the beauty of life. We learn to appreciate and empathize with others – to feel what they feel. How honed is your sense of empathy?

       Once we try to release the magic of the moment we begin to observe those aspects of ourselves that get in the way. Our relationships become far stronger when we are able to share these distractions with close colleagues, friends and family members as opposed to blaming others for them. How often do you explore the feelings that are triggered between yourself and others so that together you can become more present?

       We all have habitual ways of thinking and behaving that prevent us from focusing on the moment. What are yours?

       how am I venturing into uncertainty…?


      releasing the hold I learn to trust life's growth elegant response

      over-dramatic? warriors know how to move empty yet direct

      how am I venturing into uncertainty… ?

      Our ability to persevere with life as a creative adventure and to take other people with us on the journey often depends on how we react to life's inevitable ups and downs.

      It's an emotional adventure where optimism is our greatest ally. Underlying this optimism is a fundamental trust in life. This trust enables us to see challenges and setbacks as part of a larger journey. Yet there is another part of us that does not want to let go; it does not trust that the journey will end positively. This part of us over-reacts to each setback and takes it as evidence that our inspiration is false and our innovations will never work. This part of us is driven by fear. In this way, the adventure is not just an outward one of what am I doing? but also an inner one of how am I responding?

      From this inner perspective we need to develop an ability to reflect on our emotional state and to discern how helpful it is to ourselves and to others. Our emotional state is both a source of great power and great danger.

      The question in the South of the inspiring-innovation wheel is therefore designed to help us to stand back and notice our emotional reactions and the extent to which they are useful. As we hold the breakthrough question how am I venturing into uncertainty…? from moment to moment, it heightens our awareness of how we are feeling and how those feelings are affecting the situations we are in. In short, this question focuses our attention on how we react to the unknown.

      allied: trusting

      releasing the hold I learn to trust life's growth elegant response

       Releasing the hold

      It seems inevitable that in the process of being born and growing up, we encounter difficult situations that we must adjust to or learn to live with. If only this emotional ‘stuff’ stayed in the past where it started, it would be fine. Unfortunately it tends to rule our present in a way that most of us are only vaguely aware of. The South invites us to understand these pervasive influences and realize that whilst negativity and conflict, both inner and outer, are a natural part of human life, such emotions break our contact with our creative life force. To evoke the creative potential of ourselves and of those around us we need to bring these emotions to the surface and release the energy that they otherwise consume.1

      Much of what we think and feel is profoundly influenced by our memory. Thus the past influences our thoughts and emotions in the present. Both thoughts and emotions generate physical sensations, and we respond to those sensations in the way we behave. So emotional mastery begins by understanding how these memories first occurred. Then and only then can we begin to see the emotional patterns for what they are – patterns – and choose not to unconsciously collude with them. It is even possible to work at a deeper level and to alter memories themselves, thus changing the whole pattern from the one we got to the one we want (see page 171). In this way we release the hold of the past.

      This work of self-awareness enables us to access the power of trust and optimism. With these positive emotions we can live on the edge of our comfort zones and release fear's hold, trusting in our ability to live with uncertainty.

       I learn to trust life's growth

      Most of our subconscious memories cost us energy because they are based on fear. This fear can take many forms – fear of failure, fear of isolation, fear of not deserving love. And at the bottom of all these fears is the fear that something will happen that will threaten our survival.

      Yet all living things have an innate affinity with their creative life force. The more that we learn to control our fear, the more we can begin to access and trust this force.
