Little Stories for Little Children. Unknown

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Название Little Stories for Little Children
Автор произведения Unknown
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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      Little Stories for Little Children


      John-ny Wil-son and Ned Brown were play-ing at ball one day, and the ball hit John on the hand: he was ve-ry an-gry, and ran af-ter Ned and beat him ve-ry hard. Just then, a man came by and gave John a box on the ear which made him let go of Ned, and he be-gan to cry. Then the man said, “You beat that lit-tle boy and for-get how you hurt him, but you do not like it your-self."

      Then John was sor-ry, and said he would ne-ver do so any more; he shook hands with Ned, and he kept his word, and all who knew him lov-ed him.


      Jane North was an i-dle girl; she did not like her book, and when she was told to read her les-son she would cry, and say she want-ed to play with her doll. So her doll was tak-en from her till she had read; but she read ill, and would not learn to write. So she grew up a dunce, and no one lov-ed her.


      Had each a nice doll, and they took care of them. One day Tom call-ed them to play at ball, and they ran a-way to play, and left the two dolls on a chair. By and by the cat came in the room, and pull-ed the dolls to pieces, think-ing I dare say, that it was fine fun to tear them to bits, and scam-per round the room with poor dol-ly's nose in her mouth.

      When the girls came back, and saw the nice new dolls all in bits, they be-gan to cry, and to beat poor puss; but their mam-ma said, “No, you must not beat puss, for you left your dolls a-bout, and the cat did not know that they were not for her to play with. Next time you must be more care-ful of your toys."

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