Innuendo. Crystal Green

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Название Innuendo
Автор произведения Crystal Green
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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play with some dolls, but her parents had gone in once they’d started arguing again. They’d unwittingly left their bedroom window open.

      You screwed him, her dad had said, agonized. And it wasn’t just one time. Didn’t you think I’d find out?

      In answer, her mom had only cried.

      Now Tam pushed away the memory. But she couldn’t deny that this was why she stayed home so many weekend nights. To avoid a relationship that could one day lead to secrets and lies, to a breakup as wounding as her parents’. A divorce that had given her too many reasons to get tired of the dating world quickly and easily. A divorce that had established a pattern for rejection after her mother had abandoned her without a fight.

      “Tam,” Kyle whispered. His breath was laced with a reminder of the beer he’d had at the last bar.

      The word tingled her ear and, with a final refusal to listen to her misgivings, she gave in to the warmth, finding it could be oddly simple to forget everything but him if she allowed herself to. He nuzzled her cheek, his own scratched with stubble. He smelled like shaving cream—clean and masculine.

      The scent, the friction of a man’s skin on her own, struck a primal chord. She twisted his shirt out of his pants, the vibration of the bass from the main bar throbbing in her ears. Gently she latched her teeth against his neck, tasting the tang of him, and bit lightly.

      Kyle grunted, obviously surprised. Then he laughed softly, sliding a palm under her butt. With determined force, he guided her out of the light and into a corner where the darkness semicovered them from anyone who might wander into the yard.

      Oh, yeah, Tam thought, too excited to even think anymore. It’s on.

      He pressed her back against the brick wall. His arms cushioned her from most of it as he planed his body against hers, fit himself comfortably then—after a second in which they both caught their breath—almost arrogantly. In the next instant, his lips covered hers, wet and carnal. An open-mouthed kiss, it was both demanding and languorous, spinning her mind out of her body and replacing it with pure impulse.

      Solid thoughts escaped her, and she saw butterflies on the backs of her eyelids, free and open, within her reach.

      Grasping at the liberation, she gave herself over to Kyle’s kiss, devouring him right back, threading her fingers through his hair and rubbing her body against his.

      His erection had only gotten harder, prodding her as she wrapped a boot-clad leg around him.

      He gasped for air, almost as if she’d just thrown a punch at his gut. But he recovered quickly, nibbling at her ear and skimming his hand over her boot. He panted, and in the dimness, she could see him glancing down at her leg. At he same time, he arched into her, made her groan low in her throat.

      “These boots…” he said.

      At the hint of frantic reverence in his tone, her confidence climbed a notch. “What about them?”

      He adjusted his grip on her leg, rocking her against his stiffness at the same time. She made another wincing sound of pleasure. Her sex was slick and pounding with longing—damn, she could hardly stand it.

      Expertly, he slid a palm up to the cusp of her boot, inserted a finger into the gape where suede met the cotton of her pants. The black scarf around her hips covered the rest of his hand with its fringes, and the hidden mystery of what he might do next shot a buzzing thrill through her.

      When he rubbed, she reacted with a jerk. He smiled knowingly down at her.

      Dangerous, she thought, grasping at a thread of common sense that unfurled through her brain. He was a near stranger who had way too much sway over her right now.

      But she was allowing him to do this, so she could handle it. She wanted it, and she was ready to take what was being offered.

      He was running his fingers across her leg, getting closer, then dragging away from the ache between her thighs.

      “I’ve already had about fifteen fantasies about you in these boots,” he whispered.

      He almost sounded shy. Sure. As if this Romeo was capable of shy.

      Still…he’d already had fantasies? About her?

      “When I saw you in the bar,” he continued, fingers reaching her outer thigh then, slowly, so slowly, traveling back inward, “it only took me about a second to invent a scenario.”

      Ooooh. His naked admission speared into her, turning her on like a solar flare.

      His fingers strayed to her inner thigh, and she flinched again in reaction, hitching in a tight breath.

      “Tell me,” she said. “Just tell me what you imagined.”

      In the half-darkness, he smiled again—more to himself than anything else, she thought. He toyed with her nerve endings, drawing her out with every exploring touch.

      “It’s nothing too out there.” He stroked upward. “I just wondered if you were going to let me—” he glided his thumb into the crevice between her legs “—do something like this.”

      When he pressed her clit, she strained against him, crying out softly. She didn’t even have time to suck in another ounce of oxygen before he began massaging her. Even through her thin pants, his touch was electric.

      In the midst of this, she had no shame. Why should she? Tam was a woman, one who craved and needed, one who knew right now exactly what she wanted and wasn’t ashamed to claim it.

      She echoed his strokes with tiny movements of her hips, encouraging him, showing them both that she was the kind of woman who went for what she wanted.

      “I haven’t,” she said between pulsations, “worn these…boots at all…. This is…first time.”

      “Good.” With every subtle thrust of his thumb, he watched her, as if entranced by the show. “I’m just going to go ahead and think that they’re all mine, then.”

      At least for tonight, she thought. They didn’t need to clarify that. Didn’t have to make promises about the future when this was enough for now.

      Beats of a building hunger slammed through her, faster, harder. He circled with more intensity, wedging his arm behind her head so it didn’t knock against the wall with every push.

      Then, kissing her again, he used his tongue to accentuate and echo the drives of his thumb, the gyrations of her hips.

      She clung to him for life and sanity. And bit by bit the sharp anguish between her legs expanded, heated, grew until it ate away at every inch of her.

      When she came, it was in tearing doses, one climax, two, wave upon wave of pounding release and quiet fury. She groaned into his neck with each blow until she was done.

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