Virtually His. Gennita Low

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Название Virtually His
Автор произведения Gennita Low
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0

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that flower.

      Two, you have to think outside the norm. Your day-today solutions won’t work in remote viewing. The key is in trusting that you can locate a target from ideas, concepts and feelings. The key is in becoming an observer instead of a participant, and processing what you feel and think.

      Three, you have to be able to reduce outside physical and sensory interference. Things are hooked up to you sometimes. You are constantly monitored. The key is in the ability to ignore your physical body and absorb what your mind sees as your reality. That way, you won’t need to walk miles around this room simply because you happen to be doing that in a remote viewing session.

      I think those three points are the most important, although there are always more secrets. Yes, Miss Roston, we do have a secret handshake. That’s between you and your monitor.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Seven

      Remember, you are sensing your targets, more than seeing them. At first, anyway. For example, coming out from a dark cave into sudden sunshine won’t be an immediate knowledge. You’ll just suddenly sense brightness, and then you’ll sense coming out of some space. It is up to you to turn around and look behind you and make the deduction of where you are, i.e. coming out of a cave. This is what your monitor’s duty to you is—as an anchor and a guide. He can’t see what you see but the more you trust him to guide you, the more he’ll see through your eyes.

      Yes, Miss Roston, we do use experienced remote viewers as monitors, too. The problem is, the monitor who is very talented becomes so involved with the target that he or she involuntarily starts remote viewing as well. Then you’re left on your own. Yes, it’d be nice if there was a way we could communicate what we see, but that’s still not possible yet. That’s why your drawings are important. I’m aware your artwork is terrible, Miss Roston.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Eight

      Bilocation is your phantom body, so to speak. When you first bilocate, you’ll feel like you’re falling at a rapid pace. Or a stumbling sensation, as if you’d spent the previous night drinking too much.

      Concentrate on your senses. We’ll teach you how to isolate one at a time so you don’t get confused. Inexperienced beginners have a difficult time adjusting and figuring out where they are. For example, we’d send them to Mount Fuji and even after several promptings to describe their sensations, they couldn’t deduce that they were on a snowy mountain.

      You’re correct, Miss Roston, in focusing on the cold first, since that’s the obvious first sensation, to discover the source. That’s a good start.

      Are we ready? Please sign the Human UseAgreement Form in front of you. Please read the part stating that you understand that you’re participating in an experimental program using humans, and that you’ll not hold the federal government responsible for any damage that might occur.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Nine

      This first exercise has to do with diversion from fixation on one’s body. Look into the mirror and study the reflection, including yourself. The object is to trigger the mind into “observation mode.” You’re essentially looking at a 2-D visual reflection of a multidimensional environment, thus making it easier for your mind to digest and process the needed information.

      No, Miss Roston, I’m not saying you can’t trust your senses. That’s another exercise. Remote viewing is all about point of view, just like witnesses to an accident. We’ll work on point of view first. In other words, the “observation mode” enables you to filter out overwhelming sensations and interruptive perception. Now, each of you report to your monitor what you observed in the mirror.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Ten

      I’ll pound this into you all at every stage of our lessons. In remote viewing, the most important element is noncontamination of the remote viewer. Our Intel must be as objective as possible. That’s why we use multiple remote viewers who do not work together because we want to analyze and compare all the Intel given by them and not be worried about possible corruption.

      Who decides the physical target? Someone not directly associated with the remote viewing process. He decides the target pool and has no contact with any of the remote viewing process. To preclude contamination and possible sensory leakage, a middle person is usually used between the person who runs the pool and the viewer.

      There are various ways to reach a target. The novice remote viewer acts on the information in an isolated envelope, sometimes with coordinates. You’ll find that, as you progress, you won’t need that anymore. Sometimes an Outbounder, a physical presence at the target, is all you need. This is usually for very complicated targets.

      Contamination of data happens easily. A monitor who asks too many questions or pushes a remote viewer too quickly can destroy a whole operation. No, Miss Roston, we don’t send remote viewers to the physical site after the collection of Intel. One, you’ll be too out of it, physically and mentally. Two, you aren’t trained to handle certain aspects of that Intel. Oh, yes, I do know what you all are being trained to do. It remains to be seen whether you can do it, doesn’t it?

      Remote Viewing Training Session Eleven

      I realize you’re experienced in combat training, so your belief system has been honed to rely on what is around you in the physical world, and the rules and restrictions around that. In remote viewing, there are no particular rules and restrictions. You can say that your conscious mind is delving into your unconscious mind for information and at each level, you’re tapping deeper. You’re “out there” in the ether, but you’re actually also relying on “in here,” whatever your belief system is—in the brain, in the mind, in your soul, in your head.

      The level each of you can achieve depends on your belief system and your ability to get past what might be uncomfortable for you. Some of you won’t be able to do it and there’s nothing wrong with that. Forcing yourself won’t help at all; in fact, it will just make things worse. I’ve seen this happen in trainees too eager to please.

      Now, the first simple step in talking about the unconscious mind is, perhaps, agreeing that there is a subconscious state of mind. Show of hands? For example, we’ve all done lucid dreaming at one point or another in our lives, finding ourselves in a dream and being aware of it, yes?

      We have attempted to get the individual mind to do this at will, but so far, we haven’t had much success. Usually, the moment the individual realizes he’s dreaming, he wakes up, and loses control of whatever situation he’s been in.

      Yes, Miss Roston, I would call lucid dreaming a sort of simple remote viewing, like a question-and-answer session between conscious and unconscious states. How interesting that you think it’s more than that. Maybe you’re in the wrong experiment.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Thirteen

      Please read the 1990 Report given by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). The organization sent an agency to test out a task for a certain remote viewing program. The task was specifically this: could an agent in the field be tracked through remote viewing, and was it possible to target what that agent might be doing? You will find the agency’s conclusions at the end of the report. I’ll give you a hint, Miss Roston. We received a special funding bonus in 1991.

      Remote Viewing Training Session Fourteen

      This partial quote hangs on the wall of The Monroe Institute in Virginia where we’re going for a visit this afternoon:

      “I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, in these exercises, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use such greater energies and energy system as may be beneficial and constructive to me and those who follow me.”

      You’ll learn today that there are many different techniques in achieving remote viewing and that there are other agencies besides ours who are actively working on their own programs. Yes, Miss Roston, we share some of our findings with them. Yes, Miss Roston, some being the relevant