Shadow Protector. Jenna Ryan

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Название Shadow Protector
Автор произведения Jenna Ryan
Жанр Зарубежные детективы
Издательство Зарубежные детективы
Год выпуска 0

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his waistband. “Logan,” he answered with a trace of impatience.

      Easing away, Sera searched her shoulder bag for the sunscreen she’d bought during one of Sig’s filling station stops.

      Logan’s quiet, “When?” brought her head up and Fred away from his inspection of the four by four’s front tires.


      “Oh, hell.” Her fingers stilled as a feeling of dread crept in.

      “I’ll get back to you, Captain.” Logan broke the connection.

      “He’s dead, isn’t he?” She said it simply and without inflection. But it hurt. It cut deep and it bled.

      Fred looked from one to the other. “Who’s dead? Someone in Blue Ridge? “

      “His name was Sig Rayburn,” Sera revealed. “He brought me here. He was a good cop with good instincts, but instead of being shot in the leg, this time he’s dead.”

      Logan’s eyes were steady on hers. “It’s not your fault, Sera.”

      “Not directly,” she agreed. “But indirectly—well, you decide.” Removing her hand from her shoulder bag, she opened it. “I have his lucky rock.”

      HE’D DIED IN an alley. Like his partner, there’d been no bandanna, but every cop worthy of his badge knew who’d pulled the trigger.

      That made it personal, Logan thought. Now, not only was he going to keep Sera safe, but he was also going to get the bastard who’d killed Sig and make damn sure he never saw the light of day again.

      With his mallet, he drove a fence post deep into the ground, then gave the baling wire he’d been stringing a yank and secured it to the top.

      He’d come to Blue Ridge to get away from this kind of crap—the gang leaders cops could never manage to touch, the targeted shootings, the senseless murders, all the garbage and destruction city life had to offer.

      He’d been born and raised in a small town. He was where he wanted to be, doing what he wanted to do. And he still couldn’t escape the urban nightmare.

      He took a swing at another post and felt the impact race along his arms to his shoulders. He wouldn’t let Sig or Sera down. But damn the woman, she was getting to a part of him he’d half forgotten existed.

      Yes, she was beautiful. So were plenty of other females in the world. Surface meant nothing—he’d learned that lesson early on. And hormones tended to get in the way of good judgment.

      Another slam, another shoulder-numbing jolt. It was after 7:00 p.m. According to the medical examiner, Sig had died around 8:30 a.m. He’d taken a single bullet to the throat, preceded by a sharp blow to the left side of his skull.

      Fixing the last length of wire, Logan swiped an arm across his forehead. He knew she was behind him before he turned. She smelled like jasmine and late summer roses. She was every man’s gypsy fantasy.

      Except for the sea-green eyes. Those were pure, storybook siren.

      Without looking, he took a final pull from his Bud. “I’m not feeling chatty right now, Sera.”

      “I didn’t think you would be.” Coming around him, she dangled a half-done bottle of bourbon with an overturned shot glass on the top. “My uncle does trauma clinics on Sunday nights. He says sometimes we need a little poison to kick-start a difficult emotional process.”

      Logan drew his work gloves off with his teeth. “Sounds more like something you’d say.”

      “I just did.” She glanced away. “Logan, I’m really sorry about Sig. I teased him a little—actually, a lot—for being superstitious. Now he’s gone, and I have his rock, and who knows, it’s a big universe, maybe there was something to his belief.”


      Although her lips turned up, her eyes remained on the trees. “Figured you’d say that. But whether I believe in Sedona rocks or not, Sig did, and that’s the point. What I don’t understand is why he left town without it.”

      Logan downed the bourbon in a single swallow. When his throat reopened, he poured another. “Did he give it to you?”

      “Only to hold.”

      “If he didn’t ask for it back, he wanted you to have it.”

      “I was afraid you’d say that.”

      The ghost of a grin appeared as the liquor worked its magic. “Seems we’re a step ahead of each other tonight.” He handed her the glass. “To Sig,” he toasted and raised the bottle to his lips.

      Her eyes glinted before she tossed the liquor back. It amazed him that she only gasped once. “Med school,” she explained at his prolonged look. “Real ass of an anatomy professor. His students, Andi and I among them, plotted his dissection at a dozen off-campus bars.” Moving closer, she used her index finger to tip his hat back. “I’ll be honest with you, Logan. You scare the hell out of me, and that’s a big admission for me to make because I of all people know how to deflect this kind of fear.”

      “Yeah?” Capping the bottle, he set it and the glass on the post beside him. “So what say we do this now, and get it out of our systems.”

      It might have been surprise that flitted through her eyes. Whatever it was, the gleam behind it chased it out. She almost jerked when he caught her jaw in a light V. But then she relaxed and went with it—as he drew her closer and crushed his mouth to hers.

       Chapter Five

      Sera’s mind blanked out. Her blood fired as need spiked. He tasted like bourbon-flavored sex.

      Logan took his time, exploring her mouth with lazy thoroughness. It wasn’t what she expected. Heat seared the edges of her control, but he didn’t rush her, didn’t take her on a wild ride to nowhere. Instead, he let the anticipation rise, made the hunger build. She might even have taken a hungry bite back.

      Somewhat dizzy but decidedly intrigued, Sera gave his lower lip a tug, then reluctantly made herself end it.

      His left hand dropped and his lashes lowered, but he didn’t step away. “Not the best idea I’ve ever had,” he murmured.

      “Not the worst either.” A smile sparked her eyes. “But maybe not the smartest, all things considered.”

      “It’s one of my bigger failings.” With his fingers still wrapped around her neck, he stared down at her. “Sometimes I forget to consider the consequences of my actions.”

      Was any part of her body not tingling? Sera touched her thumb to each fingertip. “On the upside, Logan, that was some action you undertook. On the down, you’re dredging up feelings I’m not sure I want to deal with. You’re also undermining my resolve.”

      “Which is?”

      “Present nightmare excluded, to control my own destiny.”

      “So there’ll be no using the Force on you.” The faint smile lingered as he unhooked his ringing cell phone. “Yeah, Logan.”

      Sera experienced a moment of regret when he moved away, then reminded herself that distance was good. Another shot of bourbon wouldn’t hurt either, but giving in would be weak, and she had no intention of becoming—well, a weak person.

      “You sure your grandsons didn’t take them?” Safely out of range, Logan threw his mallet in a Dodge truck that had seen better days and tossed Sera a set of keys. “Okay, I’ll come by tomorrow. Meantime, check the barn and whatever other outbuildings are still standing.”

      When he bent to retrieve his work gloves, Sera tried not to notice how good he looked in his jeans and red T. “Is Grandpa Bulley missing some knives?” she asked.

      A roll of baling