Healed By The Single Dad Doc. Annie Claydon

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Название Healed By The Single Dad Doc
Автор произведения Annie Claydon
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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Their bites often don’t hurt much at first, but give it twenty-four hours and they can become infected very quickly. If he’s been drinking he probably didn’t register the pain.’ She turned to Ethan. It was a relief, but no particular surprise, to see that she was calm and collected. Almost welcoming the opportunity to do something which didn’t revolve around last night.

      ‘It’s certainly infected.’ Ethan took a surgical marker pen from the first-aid kit, drawing around the edge of the hard red lump that surrounded the bite, and noting the time so that any increase in the swelling could be monitored.

      ‘You think we should call an ambulance?’ Mags anticipated his next request.

      ‘Yeah, this definitely needs to be looked at. I’ll clean it and dress it to stop the bleeding.’ He looked up as a young man appeared in the doorway, holding a medical bag.

      ‘Sorry I’m late. If I could take a look at the patient now—’

      ‘This is Dr Conway,’ Mags broke in. ‘He’s worked with us before.’

      ‘Oh.’ The young doctor looked flustered and more than a little put out. Ethan stood, holding out his hand.

      ‘If I can fill you in on the details, maybe you can take things from here.’

      * * *

      ‘His face... If looks could kill.’ Kate smiled up at him as they walked out of the police station.

      Ethan shrugged. ‘If he’d got to the patient first, I don’t imagine he could have done any better. I personally thought my diagnosis of a lizard bite was quite inspired. And I made it so quickly!’

      The look of smiling outrage that Kate shot at him was exactly what he’d been aiming for. ‘Your diagnosis?’

      ‘Yeah. It was me that said lizard first, wasn’t it?’

      ‘I don’t think so. What kind of lizard was it you had in mind again?’

      Ethan chuckled. ‘Oh, you know. One of the ones with teeth.’

      ‘They’re the ones you really don’t want to bite you.’

      ‘My thoughts exactly. And whoever did say lizard did a very fine job.’

      He hadn’t planned on this. Before he’d seen Kate this morning Ethan had managed to convince himself that Mags was right and that the urge to see Kate, which had escalated into need, was just a result of his having witnessed the attack on her last night. But now laughter was buzzing between them and all he wanted to do was put his arm around her. To try and make her forget the things that had made her so hollow-eyed when he’d first set eyes on her this morning. It was confusing.

      She looked up and down the high street as if she wasn’t quite sure which way to go. Then she smiled up at him. ‘I’m just looking for the bus stop. The police still have my car. Apparently there are some fingerprints and fibres on it.’

      ‘Can I give you a lift home?’ Somehow, making the decision to stay rather than go made him feel better. Sam was occupied and with his grandparents. Why shouldn’t he spend some time with Kate?

      ‘Thanks, but I’m not going home.’

      ‘Where are you going, then?’

      Kate hesitated, as if that wasn’t something she really wanted him to know. Ethan raised his eyebrows in a signal that he wasn’t going to accept silence for an answer.

      ‘Actually, I’m going to the hospital. My arm really hurts, and I thought I’d go to the minor injuries clinic.’

      Ethan rejected the urge to ask her why on earth she hadn’t mentioned this last night. ‘I’ll give you a lift there, then. We can pick up a coffee on the way, if you like.’

      ‘They gave me some tea.’

      ‘Me too. I need something to wash the taste away.’ He grinned at her. ‘And coffee from the vending machine at the hospital isn’t going to do it.’

      She laughed suddenly. ‘Yes, okay then. Thanks, coffee and a lift would be great.’

      * * *

      ‘I can walk from here. It’s only down the road.’ Ethan had gone to fetch the coffee, and that had given Kate some time to think. It felt safe in his car, but that was only a temporary relief, and she had to get used to functioning on her own.

      ‘It’s Saturday, and there are bound to be queues at the minor injuries clinic. If they’re too long I can take a look at your arm myself.’ He settled back into the driver’s seat.

      No. Feeling safe with Ethan was one thing. Relying on him was something very different. And she had the perfect excuse.

      ‘I’m sure your partner won’t thank me for keeping you away for so long. Didn’t you say that you gave up working at weekends to spend more time with your family?’

      ‘With my son. My wife died eighteen months ago and it’s just me and Sam now—’ He broke off as Kate’s hand flew to her mouth.

      ‘Oh. I’m so sorry.’

      He nodded, seeming almost as lost for words as she was. ‘It’s... I didn’t intend to be so blunt. I just can’t think of a more tactful way of saying it.’

      Kate swallowed hard, suddenly wanting to take a large swig of the coffee he still held in his hand. A sugar rush would be good right now.

      ‘It’s up to you to say it however you want. What you and your son are comfortable with is what matters.’

      Ethan smiled suddenly, nodding. ‘Sam’s the one who really matters.’

      ‘Of course. And I’m sure he wants you home on a Saturday morning, doesn’t he?’

      ‘Not this morning. I took him over to my parents when I knew I was coming down to the police station, and they’ve promised him a trip to the adventure park. I doubt he’ll appreciate me coming home too soon.’

      It would be wiser to turn his offer down nicely and get out of the car. But Kate couldn’t do it, not now. She reached for the cardboard beaker in his hand.

      ‘Thank you. It’s very kind of you.’

      He grinned, reaching for the ignition, and then thinking better of it and leaning back in his seat, taking a sip from his own drink. ‘My pleasure. Anyway, I’m intrigued to know whether you’re actually going to drink that.’

      Kate peeled the plastic top from her beaker, squinting at her drink. ‘Why, what have you put in it?’

      ‘Only what you asked for—an extra shot of espresso, whipped cream and caramel. Just one sugar, this time. It sounds...interesting.’

      ‘Ah. So you’re a “don’t put flavours in my coffee” type, are you?’ His medium-sized cup, alongside her large one, indicated that he probably was. Kate took a sip from her beaker and rolled her eyes in an expression of defiant bliss.

      Ethan chuckled and started the car.

      * * *

      It had been a relief to tell Kate where he stood. Letting her know that Sam was the single most important thing in his life now and hearing her obvious acceptance of that had cleared away his doubts and allowed him to concentrate on the matter at hand.

      A and E was crowded and so was the minor injuries clinic. Kate seemed to be sticking close by his side, nursing her arm against her chest, and Ethan reckoned it must be really hurting her. He decided on a quieter place, away from the noise and activity, and steered her towards the lift.

      ‘This is your office?’ She looked around as he opened the door and ushered her inside. ‘It’s very tidy.’

      ‘I don’t spend much time in here. Not much chance to make a mess.’ Ethan wondered what Kate thought of the straight lines and utilitarian order. Her own surgery was neat and comfortable but one wall broke the pattern,