Sweet Blessings. Jillian Hart

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Название Sweet Blessings
Автор произведения Jillian Hart
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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Amy had almost refused them service when they came in, a little too bright-eyed and loud. They’d quieted down once they started eating. “They were just finishing up when I walked by.”

      “Good. I don’t like them. I know they’ve been in before, but not this late.”

      Amy knew what her sister didn’t say. Not when we’re alone with them. Yeah, that had occurred to her, too. Big-city crime didn’t happen in their little Montana town, but that didn’t mean a woman ought to let down her guard.

      She could see the two rough-looking men through the kitchen door with their heads bent as they both studied the totaled check.

      “Don’t worry,” she reassured her sister. “We aren’t exactly alone with them.”

      “Good.” Rachel slapped the meat on the grill. “We may get out of here before eleven, if we’re lucky. Say, how’s Westin holding up?”

      Westin. Amy’s stomach clenched thinking of all her little one had gone through. “He had a rough day, and now we’re just waiting for the test results. They can do a lot for asthma nowadays. It won’t be like what Ben went through.”

      They both fell silent for a moment, remembering how ill their brother had been when he was Westin’s age. They’d had to keep oxygen in the house just in case of a severe attack. They’d almost lost him a few times, calling the ambulance while his lips turned blue and he struggled for breath that was impossible for him to draw in.

      Amy’s stomach clamped into a hard, worried ball. It wouldn’t be like that for Westin. She would make sure of it. How, she didn’t know, but she certainly had the strength to will it. That, with prayers, had to make a difference, right?

      “I slipped a little gift for him into your coat pocket. Don’t get mad at me. I couldn’t resist.”

      “You got him that video game, didn’t you? You’re spoiling him, you know. It was supposed to wait until his report card.”

      “Yeah, yeah, but you know me.” Sweetheart that she was, with a heart-shaped face and all gentleness, Rachel shrugged helplessly, as if she had no choice but to spoil her nephew.

      Since it was impossible to be even a little mad at Rachel, Amy just rolled her eyes. “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.”

      “Oh, excellent!” Pleased, Rachel set the hamburger buns on to toast.

      Yep, it was hard to do anything but be deeply grateful for her big sister. Amy gave thanks, as she always did. They’d lost their parents long ago, when they were all still kids. It had only made her hold tight to the loved ones in her life now. Her sisters, her brother, and her son. So tight, there was no way she’d let them go.

      It looked as if the two men, who’d initially been upset there was no alcohol served in the diner, were getting ready to leave. Although Amy couldn’t smell alcohol on them, she suspected they’d imbibed sometime earlier in the evening. Not that she approved, but there was no outward reason to refuse service. In a small town, turning away customers tended to be bad for business.

      Still, they’d done nothing more than laugh a little too loudly while they’d waited for their burgers. Now, with any luck, they’d pay and be on their way. She’d breathe easier once the door was safely shut behind them. They had that rowdy look to them. Men like that…no, it was best not to remember.

      Her life was different now. She was different.

      There was a ruckus from table five. “Hey, waitress! What pie do you got?”

      Oh no, and here she’d been wishing them out the door. Amy had to dig deep to remain patient and courteous. She didn’t like the way they were looking at her. As if she were a slice of pie with whipped cream on top. “We have a few slices of apple left.”

      “Nah. I was hopin’ for something sweeter.” The one on the left—with a gold cap on one front tooth—gave her a wink.

      As if. “I’ll be your cashier if you’re ready.”

      “It’s too bad about that pie. You must be just about done here. Maybe you’d like to come out with us?”

      “No, I have to get home to my little boy.” She waited.

      One gave her an oh-I’m-not-interested-now look.

      The other didn’t so much as blink. “Then maybe you need a night out worse than I thought.”

      “Sorry. Will this be cash or charge?” Hint, hint. Let’s go, boys. Out of my diner. She waited, trying to be courteous but firm.

      “It’ll take us a minute.” The one who was not so interested in her reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

      Good. Rachel’s call bell jangled, signaling the last customer’s burger was ready. She left the men to their arithmetic, glad for an excuse to put as much distance between them as possible.

      She caught a movement in the window’s reflection. The loner was in the act of lifting his coffee cup. Had he been watching her?

      “Hey, waitress.” They were talking to her again.

      She dreaded turning around, but these weren’t the first tough customers she’d dealt with. “Yes?”

      “Are you sure you don’t have a bottle or two hid in back? I know you said you don’t got beer to sell. But me and my buddy here sure could use a couple a beers.”

      “Sorry, we don’t have a liquor license.”

      “What kind of place don’t serve beer?”

      “A family restaurant.” Amy kept her smile in place as she withdrew the order pad from her apron pocket.

      The bigger of the two swore.

      She flinched. Okay, she didn’t want any trouble. She wanted them gone, the faster the better. She pivoted on her heel, hoping this was the end of it. C’mon, just leave your money and go.

      In the window’s reflection, she again noticed the lone stranger. Sitting hunch-shouldered as if uninterested, but his gaze was alert. He didn’t move, although she could feel how his every muscle was tensed like a wolf watching his prey. Waiting to spring.

      It strengthened her. She knew it was the Lord at work in her life, as He always was. For every bad customer, there was always another who was not.

      Thankfully, there was no trouble. The offending parties left a pile of greenbacks and pounded to the door, chewing on toothpicks and making as much noise as possible as they went. The bell chimed when the door shut.

      Trouble averted. Relieved, she hurried over to turn the dead bolt. Thank you, Father.

      Her reflection stared back at her in the glass. She saw a woman of average height and weight, with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her face was shadowed by too many hollows. The circles beneath her eyes looked like gouges from too many nights without sleep.

      Maybe tonight she’d sleep better. A girl had to hope. She had so much to do before she could get home and into her warm bed. There was this one more customer, and then clean-up, and she could be home by eleven, eleven-thirty, depending. Westin would be listening for her. The hard knot in her stomach relaxed a smidgen, just thinking of her little boy. Yeah, she couldn’t wait to get home to him. To see his sweet face.

      Rachel peered at her over the hand-off counter, where a plate piled high with a deluxe bacon burger and fries waited beneath a warming light. “Our last customer looked road-weary, so I made the burger with an extra patty.”

      “I thought you might.” Amy didn’t bother to change the total on the ticket she left on the table with the meal. “Can I get you anything else?”

      The lone wolf was staring out the window again. He shook his head.

      He seemed so far away. His black hair was cut short, but not too short. Just enough for the cowlick at the crown of his head to stick