Regency Mistresses: A Practical Mistress / The Wanton Bride. Mary Brendan

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Название Regency Mistresses: A Practical Mistress / The Wanton Bride
Автор произведения Mary Brendan
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0

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rudely petitioned to pay for her groceries, she had wondered if he might indeed do so.

      Helen suddenly became conscious that Betty was hovering behind her. The young woman’s gaping mouth and bulging eyes indicated her great interest in the proceedings. Before Helen could dismiss her entranced maid, Samuel Drover supplied both women with another piece of riveting information.

      ‘The gentleman left cash on your account, too, so you’re not to fret on this load.’ He gave a sideways nod at his cart. After a silent few seconds he politely queried, ‘Shall I start to bring it in?’

      ‘Please do.’ It was a firm instruction from Helen, issued after only a tiny hesitation.

      Mr Drover lowered his head and humbly backed away a step or two before setting about his task.

      Helen proudly elevated her chin. ‘Please set fires in the parlour and the bedchambers. Then when the provisions are checked we will plan what to prepare for dinner.’

      ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Betty agreed in a buoyant tone.

      Charlotte’s bright words, issued from the parlour’s doorway, reassured Helen that her sister had observed, if not heard, what went on. ‘Heavens! Do you think that George is feeling so guilty over his foul behaviour this afternoon that he has paid the bill at last and sent us some food?’

      Helen subdued the sour laugh that scratched at her throat and limited her response to a wry smile. She did not intend to lie to her sister over the source of their improved fortune. But omitting to mention who was their benefactor might be wise until she had a notion of how to present it all to Charlotte.

      Besides, Charlotte now seemed too embroiled in her own tribulations to bother with mundane domesticity even if a tasty meal and a warm bedchamber were finally in the offing. Helen could tell that her sister was again lost in her own thoughts as she fiddled with her hat ribbons and sighed loudly. ‘Why do you not go and freshen yourself, Charlotte? Put a brush through your hair and wash your teary cheeks before we dine.’

      Charlotte sucked in a rejuvenating breath. With a little nod she turned towards the stairs. Halfway up the flight she pivoted towards Helen with a plea that proved her thoughts were indeed fixed on her beloved. ‘Will you promise me that very soon you will go and see Philip? Please tell him that I am so sorry and that—’

      ‘Hush!’ Helen interrupted Charlotte, but she gave her an indulgent smile. ‘I have said I will go there and so I shall.’

      In a moment Charlotte had skipped out of sight and Betty had bustled into view with the coal scuttle.

      Helen quite expected to hear the sounds of Mr Drover whistling and Betty humming a tune. She felt heat flood her complexion as she imagined what occupied their minds as they happily went about their business. The grocer and her servant had come to the same conclusion about what prompted the gentleman’s intervention in her domestic affairs. It had improved their attitudes enormously to think that she was paying in kind for her keep. Helen didn’t for one moment blame either of them for suspecting such an arrangement existed. Had she not already challenged Jason Hunter to clarify what motivated his benevolence? She had received no proper answer from him and was still unsure what prompted him to be generous. But the thought of accepting his charity or his pity was anathema to her.

      She could, of course, leave the food on the cart and the coal in the bunker. Charlotte and she could swallow their pride and scrape an existence on Rowan Walk instead of in Westlea House.

      Helen felt tranquillity trickle through her as an inner battle ebbed. In her mind it was settled, and there was nothing new or daring about her plan. A host of women before her had resorted to a discreet liaison to keep themselves and their families clothed and fed. He seemed honest and generous and there was nothing about his person that revolted her … quite the reverse … As to her part, she was sure that she could adopt a brazen attitude and willingness. She glanced at her dowdy appearance and gave a wry smile. Perhaps a little artifice with a needle and a rouge pot might not go amiss either.

      A little breath caught in her throat as she contemplated the decision she’d made. She might try to be rational and practical, but there was no denying Sir Jason was a powerful and exciting man. What if her proposition was rebuffed, or worse, mocked? Helen felt a fluttering in her abdomen as she imagined dealing with the humiliation of his rejection. The feeling strengthened as she imagined dealing with his agreement to her suggestion! She felt heat seep into her complexion at the haunting memory of making love with Harry. Would she want to again have the sensation of a man’s hot skin welded to hers when, perhaps, he might not even like her very much? She quickly concentrated on Jason’s kindness to her, the intensity of his grey gaze when he looked at her. He liked her at the very least, she was sure of it!

      ‘It looks as though Bridgeman has forgiven George for not selling him Westlea House.’

      Mark Hunter’s cynical observation drew his brother’s interest. Jason dropped the opera glasses from his eyes and turned to look to his left.

      Colin Bridgeman and George Kingston were indeed looking very cosy together in one of the boxes. Bridgeman had his head tipped back and was guffawing. Of Iris Kingston there was no sign, although Jason had seen George and his wife arrive together. Jason’s coach had drawn up outside the opera house at the same time as had George’s. The gentlemen had coolly acknowledged one another with a nod. The ladies had exchanged disdainful summarising stares. Diana’s audible aside that a far superior harlot would be needed to put her in her place had made Jason inwardly smile as they proceeded to the stairs in the King’s Theatre.

      The house had been scintillating with light and laughter as Jason and Diana took their seats in one of the green boxes just before the performance started.

      Now the curtain had fallen on the first act and a buzz of conversation was again growing louder in the auditorium. The performance had been pleasing, but now the main entertainment had begun as people flitted from place to place to pose with friends and gossip over the latest on dits. Mark Hunter had moments ago ambled in to speak to his brother, leaving behind in his own box his current amour. The abandoned actress was with her gallants, yet her soulful eyes were constantly straying to Mark despite the fact that he appeared oblivious to her attention.

      Soon after Mark had arrived in Jason’s box, Diana had left it. Jason had made no objection when one of his mistress’s young admirers had entered his domain. The fresh-faced boy had politely asked if he might escort Mrs Tucker to Lord Frobisher’s box where her friend Mrs Bertram was holding court.

      The appearance of the eager young buck hovering behind him had started Jason reminiscing on his own youth. For the past few minutes he had been idly training his glasses on the pit to watch the boisterous gentlemen congregating there. Fifteen or more years ago it would have been he and his friends—George Kingston included—laughing and joking whilst fixing a lascivious eye on the elegant females up in the boxes. It had been a game amongst young bloods then, as he imagined it was now, to compete for a lady’s signal. Wagers had regularly been laid on who would be first to be beckoned by a society beauty to indulge in a little flirtation … perhaps more than that before the night was out.

      Jason had been following, with some lazy interest, the interaction between Michael Langham and Lady Corbin. The ageing countess had finally given up on subtlety. Her bosom was spilling from her gown as she hung over the edge of her box, frantically jiggling her fan at the object of her desire.

      But now Jason lounged back in his chair, bored with the mating rituals of the beau monde. His eyes narrowed on the two gentlemen to one side of him, still deep in conversation.

      ‘I’d not be surprised if George were negotiating some sort of deal with Bridgeman,’ Mark suggested with a quirk of a dark eyebrow. ‘Can’t be selling him his wife, though.’ He gave a coarse chuckle. ‘I hear Bridgeman’s had Iris for free.’

      ‘As have above half the gentlemen here tonight,’ Jason murmured on extending his muscular legs comfortably in front of him.

      ‘I saw those two together in Hyde Park yesterday. Kingston made quite a spectacle of his youngest