The Naughty Girls Book Club. Sophie Hart

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Название The Naughty Girls Book Club
Автор произведения Sophie Hart
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007514939

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Gracie burst out. ‘You’ve got this young woman – Christina Cox – who’s willing to do anything Alexander Black says. To debase herself in any way, and go through the “ten sweet lessons” to ultimate submission. It’s simply not a good message to be putting out there – that violence towards women is acceptable.’

      ‘But it’s her choice,’ Rebecca protested. ‘If anything, she’s the one in control. Any power that Alexander Black has over her comes from what she gives him. I think it’s a really sexy idea.’

      ‘I disagree,’ Gracie shot back. ‘It’s not her choice at all. She only goes along with the spanking and shackles to please him; because she loves him, and hopes she can change him. The relationship is entirely on his terms.’

      ‘Well I liked it,’ Rebecca said firmly. ‘And I think you’re reading far too much into it. It’s just a fun bit of escapism.’

      ‘Well, if BDSM is your idea of fun …’ Gracie smirked.

      ‘I didn’t mean it like that!’ Rebecca blushed.

      ‘And it’s totally unrealistic,’ Gracie continued. ‘Nobody has that many … I mean, not like … not that many times … it’s just not possible …’ she finished, as everyone began giggling once more.

      ‘Now come on, everyone,’ Estelle managed, through her own laughter. ‘We’re all grown-ups here.’

      ‘But isn’t that the point, Gracie?’ Rebecca continued. ‘It’s escapism. It’s bigger than real life – if you’ll pardon the pun. Everyone knows that whereas men get turned on visually, women need something more …’

      ‘So it is porn,’ Gracie declared triumphantly.

      ‘I think it’s more like a fairytale,’ cut in Sue. ‘You have the handsome, rich, older man living alone in his mansion like some storybook prince, and he rescues the young, pretty woman and whisks her off to an amazing life that’s far removed from her everyday drudgery. It’s a classic fairytale.’

      ‘It’s certainly not what I dreamed of when I was growing up,’ Gracie quipped. ‘Being handcuffed to the bed and whipped until my bottom bled … hardly the stuff little girls dream of.’

      ‘Yes, but who knew it could produce such earth-shattering orgasms?’ Rebecca deadpanned.

      Reggie stood up so quickly he almost knocked his chair over. ‘Estelle, could you tell me where the toilets are, please?’

      ‘Certainly. They’re just in that back corner, over there,’ she indicated, as Reggie practically sprinted across the cafe to escape.

      ‘Oops, do you think I scared him off?’ Rebecca whispered guiltily.

      ‘He’ll be climbing out of the toilet window as we speak,’ Sue added wickedly.

      ‘Maybe now would be a good time to have a little break,’ Estelle suggested. ‘Anyone for a top-up?’

      The others murmured their assent, getting up from the table and ordering a fresh round of coffee and cakes. Estelle was delighted as the money dropped with a chink into the till, and the conversation didn’t stop while the women were queuing.

      ‘All I’m saying,’ Gracie was explaining earnestly to Rebecca, ‘is that the heroine – Christina – was like a wet dish cloth. She was so annoying. At times I just wanted to give her a good slap.’

      ‘I think she might have enjoyed that,’ Rebecca grinned. ‘Honestly Gracie, I think you’re getting far too worked up about it. Have some more cake,’ she suggested, taking a large bite out of hers.

      ‘What about Alexander Black?’ asked Estelle, as she sat down again. ‘What do we all think of him?’

      ‘Mmm, I think I’d give everything I own for one night with Alexander Black,’ Rebecca raved. ‘He’s such a sexy character. So manly and masterful.’

      Gracie looked disgusted. ‘I think he has major issues, and shouldn’t be allowed near women, personally.’

      ‘But imagine having a man who adored you that much,’ Rebecca began dreamily. ‘Someone who worships the very ground you walk on, all his energy and passion and desire focused on you, as the sole object of his lust …’

      Gracie snorted derisively. ‘I’d rather not be treated like an object, thank you very much.’

      ‘I have to say, I agree more with Rebecca,’ Sue admitted. ‘Alexander is a rich, powerful man with a commanding presence, and I think that most of us ladies find that attractive. Especially these days, when more and more women are building successful careers and forging ahead in so many areas, sometimes – and it’s not fashionable to admit it – you want to be with a man who can take charge and really be in control.’

      ‘Very interesting, Sue,’ Estelle nodded. ‘I hadn’t thought of that.’ She turned, as Reggie crept sheepishly back across the room and slunk back into his seat.

      ‘Don’t worry, Reggie,’ Estelle smiled. ‘You didn’t miss very much. Although Sue did make a very interesting point about career women wanting a man who can dominate them. What do you think to that? Has that been your experience?’ she asked, hoping to draw him into the discussion.

      Reggie’s eyes seemed to widen behind his glasses, as he looked anxiously at each woman in turn. He swallowed nervously, but his throat felt constricted, and he took a soothing sip of tea before he spoke.

      ‘I mean, it can certainly be very intimidating for a man … if that’s what women want,’ he began, nodding towards the book. ‘Someone who’s very confident and … so on. We can’t all be like Alexander Black, I’m afraid,’ he finished, his tone apologetic. In spite of his large frame, he seemed to physically shrink as he spoke, disappearing under the penetrating gaze of the women.

      ‘We don’t all want an Alexander Black, you know,’ Gracie retorted. ‘And what’s wrong with having normal sex? Why do fantasies always seem to involve all this weird, fetish stuff?’

      ‘I’ll make you a badge for next week – “Vanilla and Proud”.’ Rebecca teased, making quote marks in the air with her fingers.

      Gracie stuck her tongue out in retaliation.

      ‘Thank you, ladies,’ Estelle said firmly, bringing their exchange to an end. ‘And thank you, Reggie,’ she continued in a softer tone, thrilled that he’d actually made a contribution. ‘Well I think that just about wraps us up here. Does anyone have any final thoughts?’

      There was a moment’s pause then Sue began to speak. ‘Being a little bit older than most of you – well, all of you,’ she smiled, looking round, ‘I think I would make the point that it’s all been done before. Every generation thinks they’re the one to discover sex, and they all reinvent it in a slightly different way. In the eighties, it was all about the big, glossy airport novels – you know, the Jackie Collins-type bonkbuster. And then in the nineties, the craze was for true life confessions – whether French housewives or high-class call girls.

      ‘When I was very young, there was all that hoo-hah about Lady Chatterley’s Lover, as it was finally allowed to be published after having been banned for obscenity. But if you read it now, it’s so tame as to be laughable, almost. It’s certainly nothing like Ten Sweet Lessons.

      ‘I’ve never read Lady Chatterley’s Lover,’ Rebecca admitted.

      ‘Me neither,’ said Estelle.

      ‘I always imagined it would be absolutely filthy, but is that not the case?’ Rebecca questioned Sue.

      ‘Well, it does have its moments,’ she conceded. ‘I think the language was one of the most shocking things in it, back then.’

      ‘Why don’t we make that our next book club read?’ Estelle burst out, with a flash of inspiration. ‘Then