Your Personal Horoscope 2018. Joseph Polansky

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Название Your Personal Horoscope 2018
Автор произведения Joseph Polansky
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008217747

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one on July 13 – actually occurs in your 4th house and this will impact strongly on the family. You will need to be more patient with them as passions seem to run high.

      Two lunar eclipses (the usual number) will also affect the home and family, and we will discuss them more fully in the monthly reports.

      Parents and parent figures in your life are having a stable home and family year. Likewise, siblings and sibling figures. Children, however, are likely to move, and it looks happy. If a parent or parent figure has been ailing, there is good news on the health front towards the end of the year. If he or she is not ailing, there are happy job opportunities coming. Grandchildren of appropriate age are prospering this year – especially after November – and can have multiple moves. This has been the story with them for some years now. They seem very unsettled and restless. Children or grandchildren of appropriate age (or those who play this role in your life) also seem more fertile than usual.

      One of the parents or parent figures in your life is feeling older than his or her years and seems overly pessimistic. Everything looks black. They need to lighten up a bit. He or she seems to be taking on more responsibility, and this could be the cause.

      This is not an especially great year for heavy duty house renovation or repairs. However, beautifying the home in cosmetic ways will go especially well from May 19 to July 23.

      Finance and Career

      A new financial era is just beginning in your life this year, and it will continue for at least seven more years. The financial life is about to become very exciting – very adventurous – just as you like things.

      Uranus is making a major move into your 2nd money house on May 16, remaining there until November 8. This is going to produce many dramatic financial changes – changes of investments, of financial strategy and of thinking. If you’ve been dissatisfied with the way your finances have been going, you have to allow Uranus to shake things up a bit, so that the obstructions can be removed. His goal is to bring you to ‘financial freedom’, but this can’t happen if you’re stuck in old attitudes.

      In general you tend to be a risk taker – the Aries nature is about overcoming fear and developing courage – and now you will be even more so. So what if some things don’t work out as planned! As long as you maintain your fearless attitude, you’ve won. There’s always tomorrow.

      The old financial rule books – the collected financial wisdom of the experts – get thrown out this year (and for the next few years). You’re going to learn what works for you through trial and error and experiment. You will explore new paths. Some, as we mentioned, might not work out – but others will. You will gain all kinds of insight into wealth, not written in any books. This is knowledge worth having.

      Uranus in the money house suggests earning through the high-tech sector – a huge sector. It favours online activities and cutting-edge technologies (some not even invented yet). You will probably spend more on technology too, but it seems like a good investment.

      Uranus favours start-ups – especially in the high-tech industries. These are interesting as jobs, investments or business ventures.

      When Uranus is involved in finance anything can happen at any time. Opportunities can come in the darkest moments when you least expect it. Earnings can be more erratic too. The financial highs can exceed your wildest dreams, but the lows can also be ultra-low. It will be a good idea to set aside money from the good times to tide you over during the low times. The financial swings can be very extreme. One must learn not to fear either the heights or the depths. One must expect nothing, but be ready for anything.

      Career, as we mentioned above, is very important this year. It has been important for many years, but now even more so than before. Saturn’s move into your 10th house of career is the cause. This indicates that you are taking on more responsibility – always a sobering factor. Saturn will exert pressure on you, not a punitive pressure but a pressure designed to educate and organize. Under pressure, one is forced to stretch one’s abilities, to find the best, most efficient way of doing something, to bring out the best that you have to offer. When Saturn is finished with you in two years’ time you’ll find that you can do a lot more than you ever believed.

      This pressure can come in various ways. You can have a very demanding boss, or demanding clients and customers. Satisfying them is a challenge. Saturn in your career house shows a need for more management skills. Good management will enable you to handle all this. Many of you will be placed in managerial positions.

      As we mentioned earlier, the year ahead is about succeeding through sheer merit and for no other reason. It is about being the best at what you do, without gimmicks or short cuts. You will see the positive results of this approach in 2019 and 2020, when you start to reach new career heights.

      Love and Social Life

      Last year was a banner love and social year. Many of you married in 2017, or met significant others. You seem more or less satisfied with the status quo this year. Your 7th house of love is not a house of power. Those of you involved with someone special will probably continue in that relationship. The unattached will most likely stay unattached. There is no cosmic pressure to make drastic changes.

      In general, Uranus’s move out of your sign is a positive move for love. People will find you less rebellious and more stable. A lot of your freedom-loving urges have been sated in the past seven years and you’re more open to settling down.

      Venus, a fast-moving planet, is your love planet. She is a good planet to have as this is her natural domain. In any given year, she will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope. Thus love opportunities can happen in many ways and through many people – it all depends on where Venus is and the aspects she receives. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      Venus will make a rare (once in two years) retrograde movement from October 5 to November 16. Don’t be too upset if a current relationship seems to go backwards instead of forwards, or seems tentative during this period. This is a time to review the love life and to plan positive improvements for the future. You can act on your plans when Venus starts moving forward again. (The same applies to financial matters too.)

      Those of you working towards a second marriage will have very wonderful opportunities towards the end of the year – from November 8 onwards. Something serious is developing here. Those of you working towards your third marriage will have opportunities with people involved in your finances. Wealth seems an important romantic turn on. A business-type partnership can happen from May 16 to November 6. Those working on the fourth marriage have a quiet, stable year.

      Married children or children figures will have their relationships tested this year. They have two eclipses in their house of love. (This would apply to serious relationships too.) Siblings and sibling figures will find love from November 8 onwards. Grandchildren (if you have them) have a status quo social year.


      Neptune, the most spiritual of all the planets, and your personal spiritual planet, has been in Pisces for some years now and will remain there for many more years. However, Neptune is much stronger in his own sign and house than usual. Thus your spiritual urges – your idealism – are much stronger these days. Jupiter, your planet of religion and philosophy, will be making very nice aspects to Neptune for most of the year – until November 8. So there’s a lot of spiritual growth happening. Your dream life is more active and your extrasensory perception is stronger. You’re experiencing all kinds of ‘synchronicities’, meaningful coincidences, these days. It would be tempting to let go of the world and just focus on spiritual matters. But the power in your career house (and especially Saturn’s presence there) forces you to be more ‘worldly’. Somehow you have to be practical and idealistic at the same time, to marry these two urges, to make them cooperate with each other. Getting the right attitude to spirituality will be a big help. When understood correctly it is the most practical thing a person can do. It leads (usually indirectly) to practical, measurable results.