Название | Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning |
Автор произведения | Collins Dictionaries |
Жанр | Книги для детей: прочее |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги для детей: прочее |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9780008204297 |
amlochrog adj many-sided
amlosgfa nf crematorium
amlosgi vb to cremate
amlwg adj plain, clear, manifest, evident, prominent
amlwreigiaeth nf polygamy
amlwreigiwr (-wyr) nm polygamist
amlygiad (-au) nm manifestation
amlygrwydd nm prominence, limelight
amlygu vb to manifest, to reveal, to evince
amnaid (-neidiau) nf beck, nod
amneidio vb to beckon, to nod
amnest (-au) nm amnesty
amod (-au) nmf condition
amodi vb to covenant, to stipulate
amodol adj conditional
amp (-au) nm amp
amrant (-au, -rannau) nm eyelid
amrantiad nm wink, twinkling, second
amrediad nm range
amreiniol adj not privileged
amrwd adj uncooked, raw, crude
amryddawn adj versatile
amryfal adj sundry, manifold
amryfus adj erroneous, inadvertent
amryfusedd (-au) nm error, oversight
amryliw adj variegated; multicoloured
amryw adj several, sundry, various
amrywiad (-au) nm variant
amrywiaeth nm variety, diversity
amrywio vb to vary, to differ
amrywiol adj sundry
amser (-oedd, -au) nmf time; amser sbâr spare time
amseriad (-au) nm timing, dating, date
amserlen (-ni) nf time-table
amserol adj timely; temporal
amseru vb to time, to date
amserydd (-ion) nm chronologist
amseryddiaeth nf chronology
amseryddol adj chronological
amwisg (-oedd) nf covering, shroud
amwisgo vb to enwrap, to shroud
amwys adj ambiguous
amwysedd nm ambiguity
amyn conj, prep unless, except, but
amynedd nm patience
amyneddgar adj patient
an- prefix un-, in-, de-, dis-
anabl adj disabled
anabledd nm disability
anad adj: yn anad above all, more than
anadferadwy adj irreparable
anadl (-au, -on) nfm breath
anadliad nm breath, breathing
anadlu vb to breathe
anadlydd (-ion) nm inhaler
anadnabyddus adj unknown
anaddas adj unfit, unsuitable
anaddasu vb to unfit, to disqualify
anaeddfed, anaddfed adj unripe, immature
anaeddfedrwydd nm unripeness, immaturity
anaele adj awful, direful; incurable
anaesthetig adj anaesthetic
anaf (-au) nm blemish, defect; wound
anafu vb to blemish, to maim, to hurt
anafus adj maimed, disabled
anair (-eiriau) nm ill report, slander
anallu nm inability
analluog adj unable
analluogi vb to disable
anaml adj infrequent, rare ▶ adv rarely, seldom
anamlwg adj obscure, inconspicuous
anamserol adj untimely, mistimed
anap (anhapon) nmf mischance, mishap
anarchiaeth nfm anarchy
anarchydd (-ion) nm anarchist
anarferol adj unusual, extraordinary
anarfog adj unarmed
ancr nmf anchorite, anchoress
ancwyn (-ion) nm dinner, supper; delicacy
anchwiliadwy adj unsearchable
andras nm curse; devil, deuce
andwyo vb to spoil, to ruin, to undo
andwyol adj harmful, ruinous
anedifeiriol adj impenitent
aneffeithiol adj ineffectual
aneglur adj indistinct; illegible
aneirif adj innumerable
anelu vb to bend, to aim
anenwog adj unrenowned, ignoble, mean
anerchiad (-au) nm salutation, address
anesboniadwy adj inexplicable
anesgusodol adj inexcusable
anesmwyth adj uneasy, restless
anesmwythder, anesmwythdra nm uneasiness, unrest