Blood Royal. Vanora Bennett

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Название Blood Royal
Автор произведения Vanora Bennett
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007322664

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our Queen. And as for our Queen … she might have seemed to you to be enthusiastic about marrying Catherine to your King, but don’t forget you’re an outsider here, and a very young one at that. If you were a Parisian, you’d know without needing to be told that her main pleasure in life these days is goading her son into behaving badly. It amuses her. She’s of a mischievous turn of mind, and the two of them don’t get on. You saw how he reacted. That was him – Louis, our Crown Prince, the Dauphin – making a scene back there. He was right, of course. He should never have risen to her bait; but that’s Louis for you. Always been a fool. He didn’t see she was only considering the idea to provoke him into making the scene he made.’

      ‘Maman,’ Jean de Castel murmured.

      She shrugged off her son’s hand with an irritated little puff of breath: ‘Pah.’ But then she paused. ‘Well, perhaps you’re right,’ she said a moment later, sounding less angry. ‘I’m speaking out of turn. Still, I wouldn’t trust the Queen’s enthusiasm. It’s liable to wane. There’ll be no marriage.’

      Owain nodded, less worried about trying to defend his King than about just trying to keep quiet so the alarming Madame de Pizan wouldn’t go on the attack again. He was mystified by her air of imperious assurance. He was even more mystified by the familiarity – if she’d been a less frightening person, he’d have called it impertinence – with which she described the French royal family. He looked furtively around the quiet and modest room in the quiet and modest townhouse in which he was sitting. He stole another glance at Madame de Pizan’s quiet and modest blue and white clothing. There were no signs that she was a great lady. He’d have said the son was a government official of some sort; not privy to the counsels of the highest in the land, by any means. Was it normal here to discuss the failings of the rulers of the land at every table?

      Changing the subject, Owain hastily asked Jean what his calling in life was. Everyone breathed a little easier, but it wasn’t a subject that brought joy to anyone’s face either. There was a shadow on Jean’s fine dark face as he replied, very carefully and neutrally, that he was an administrator; that he’d had some small experience under the Duke of Burgundy; but that, as Owain might know, the Duke was no longer in Paris, so Jean was now doing some work for the Chancellor of France and seeking a new permanent position and patron.

      Owain nodded, feeling he was beginning to understand. He’d heard about the troubles in France. He knew what Englishmen knew: that since the King of France was too mad, most of the time, to make decisions, the royal uncles and cousins were all wrangling for the chance to power as regent in his ‘absences’, and France had fallen into something like civil war as a result. The Queen and the various quarrelsome princes were almost all on one side, more or less, with their armies, usually led by the Count of Armagnac – and they were all against the Duke of Burgundy. Burgundy was the most powerful nobleman in France – rich, with lands all over north-eastern France and across the Low Countries, and expanding his territory still further in every direction as fast as he could. He was the only Prince whom the people of Paris loved, because they found him reliable. He might be too fond of plotting, but at least he paid his tradesmen’s bills. But he’d overstretched himself last year. He’d been blamed for stirring up riots in Paris against the King’s government, and had taken himself prudently off to his lands when the rioting had petered out. No wonder this family was so gloomy, if their breadwinner had been employed by Burgundy; if, now Jean had lost his patron, they were consumed with money worries …

      Owain turned sympathetically to Christine, seeing lines round her eyes and mouth etched by hardship. Riots, civil war, fear, money problems, a son needing a patron; this was a story he suddenly felt he understood. It must be a constant worry for a widow in her sunset years, he thought. ‘It must be very frightening for you, sitting at home with the grandchildren … with nothing to do but wonder how your son’s faring …’ he ventured kindly.

      He sensed, rather than heard, the indrawn breaths; felt the silence. He’d said something wrong again.

      He didn’t dare look at Madame de Pizan’s face. He could hardly bear the outrage in her voice as she replied, in freezing tones, ‘Well! I do my best to keep busy. In my humble way. I, Christine de Pizan.’

      He fixed his eyes on Jean instead. He saw Jean glance at his mother; he saw the expression of wry amusement on the older man’s face, and realised, feeling mortified, though less full of dread than he’d been a second ago, that Jean was enjoying what must be a look of the purest fury from Madame de Pizan.

      ‘Young man, there’s something you should know …’ Jean said, quite kindly. ‘I could see you didn’t recognise her name when we introduced ourselves out there, but my mother is a very famous woman. She’s written dozens of books, on everything from love to military history. Kings come to her for guidance; dukes seek her advice. Even your King – well, his father – once tried to tempt her to live at the English court. She brought me and my sister up, after our father died, on the money she earned from writing poems; she’s taken on the greatest minds in Europe to teach them the dignity of women. She’s unique; known all over Christendom; an ornament to the civilised world. Also, she has a very short temper. You should know all that before you go on.’

      He paused. He gave Owain a quizzical look, as if waiting to see how he’d react. Owain could see Jehanette was trying not to laugh.

      ‘But,’ Owain faltered, hardly daring to speak for fear of falling into yet another trap he hadn’t suspected. He’d never heard of such a thing. ‘A woman …? Educated …? Writing …? What …?’

      Christine snapped: ‘A woman can educate herself, if she has the wit and application to. I did; why not?’ Then, less angrily, ‘In any case, if this was a just world, all girls would automatically be properly educated, without having to teach themselves – just as boys are. So, no, I don’t just sit at home worrying. You have to help yourself in this life; there’s no guarantee anyone else will help you if you don’t. I go to court. I get commissions. I write: I, Christine. What’s more, I run a manuscript workshop out at the back here, to have my work copied and presented to clients. I don’t have time to sit around being frightened. And let me tell you one last thing, young man,’ she added, with her eyes still full of flash and injured pride, but also, Owain suddenly realised, just the faintest glimmer of dawning humour. ‘My most talented employee, by a long chalk – the best illuminator of manuscripts in Paris, and probably in the world – is a woman too.’

      Owain opened his eyes very wide – even wider than the astonishment he genuinely felt was merited. It had taken a while, but now instinct told him he might have the measure of her at last. To be impressed would appease her. If he could only appeal to the humour he sensed in her eyes; to the good heart that he sensed lay behind her fierce exterior …

      He opened his hands wide, too, in an imitation of the French shrug he’d seen so often today.

      ‘They told me’, he said, with all the worldly charm he could muster, staring back at her as boldly as he dared, ‘that Paris was a city of miracles. And now I know they were right.’

      He bowed. ‘Bravo!’ he heard Jehanette whisper.

      ‘Madame de Pizan,’ he went on, in the same light, unfrightened tone – the words coming glibly to his tongue now he was finding his way; knowing he was on safer ground. ‘I’m honoured to know you. And I beg your pardon for my ignorance. Truly. I didn’t mean to give offence … but I wasn’t to know … there are no women with your genius in my country … and I’m not a man of letters myself … I’ve never read … well, not properly … only the Bible, and my Book of Hours …’

      He could see, from the little nods of Jean’s head, that he was doing all right now. And, as his panic receded, he remembered that he had always wanted to know more about the world of letters. He’d always been intrigued by the priestly scholars in the castles he’d moved between since he came to England; by their austere, dusty calling; but repelled, too, by their elderly, glum faces. He’d always wished they had some of the life and lightness of Red Iolo, Owain Glynd?r’s bard, who in spite of being unimaginably ancient – more than eighty, people said – with