MADE IN ESSEX. Laura Ziepe

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Автор произведения Laura Ziepe
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство Зарубежные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007486496

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even louder and Cupcake made a growling sound.

      ‘Cupcake, honey,’ Nicola chipped in. ‘Be nice.’

      ‘Yes Cupcake, stop that. Come inside, that’s enough,’ Lisa said sternly, wagging her finger at the dog.

      They heard a girl shouting in the flat opposite and when she appeared Lisa stood there with her mouth wide open, agog.

      ‘Oh hi, it’s Lisa, isn’t it? What are you doing here? Is that your flat? Buddy, stop that yapping!’ she yelled at her dog, brazenly.

      ‘Adele? You live here?’ Lisa asked, her voice almost a whisper, hoping she was just visiting a friend. This couldn’t be happening!

      ‘Babe, these flats are like the nicest round here for miles. Of course I live here!’ Adele cackled, reminding Lisa of a witch.

      ‘Oh …’ Lisa said feebly, her earlier excitement bursting like a bubble.

      ‘So is this your flat or your friend’s?’ Adele asked, eyeing them one at a time quizzically.

      ‘It’s mine,’ Nicola informed her politely, ‘and Lisa is going to be renting a room as from tomorrow.’

      ‘Oh amazing!’ Adele smiled, ‘we can do dinner and have girly nights in. How great is it we live opposite?’

      Lisa nodded unenthusiastically, ‘Yeah, really great.’

      ‘Excuse the state of me, girls, I’ve only just got back from last night, if you know what I mean,’ Adele grinned, pulling her dressing gown round her tighter.

      ‘What’s his name?’ Nicola asked with a wry smile.

      Adele held her hands up with a mock-offended look. ‘Now come on. Do I look like the kind of girl that would kiss and tell? Sorry, I didn’t catch your name?’

      ‘It’s Nicola.’

      ‘I’m Adele.’ She picked up Buddy who was still barking at Cupcake and shut him in her flat. ‘Give them time and they’ll be best friends,’ she gave a short, gravelly laugh, which sounded like she smoked too many cigarettes. ‘Do you mind if I take a look at your flat?’

      Lisa looked at Nicola, willing her to say no. She wanted to get away from Adele and pretend this wasn’t happening. How could she live in the flat opposite? Out of the whole of Essex, what were the chances of them both being in the same building? It wasn’t fair! This was supposed to be their dream flat. A chance to finally taste freedom. This wasn’t freedom – what with Adele living dead opposite, showing up at their door every night, like Lisa bet she would. Girly nights in? This was a complete nightmare!

      ‘Of course you can,’ Nicola said, scooping up Cupcake and walking inside.

      Lisa followed reluctantly.

      ‘Oh, it’s so tiny compared to my one!’ Adele exclaimed, looking delighted as she nosed around in every room. She noticed Nicola’s frown as she made her way out of the bathroom. ‘Of course, it’s more homely or whatever this way though.’

      She clearly doesn’t want to get on the wrong side of Nicola, Lisa thought resentfully.

      ‘How big is your one then?’ Nicola enquired.

      ‘It’s got a much bigger lounge and the rooms are double the size,’ Adele boasted smugly. ‘Your one is really cute and small, though I could never live somewhere as little as this myself.’

      ‘Well I like it,’ Lisa retorted.

      ‘Oh great, champagne!’ Adele squeaked, walking to the kitchen and looking through the cupboards for a glass.

      Nicola looked at Lisa questioningly and Lisa gave her a furious expression to show how annoyed she was with Adele for just inviting herself in for a drink. What a nerve she had! Helping herself to their champagne! Who did she think she was?

      ‘We can’t stay for long,’ Lisa lied, frustrated that Adele had ruined her morning. First she found out Jake was engaged, now this.

      ‘Oh I’ll just have a quick glass to celebrate us being neighbours. Oh, it’s Moët,’ Adele said disparagingly, trying to disguise her grimace as she tasted it. ‘I haven’t had this since I was a teenager.’

      ‘What’s wrong with Moët?’ Nicola asked, puzzled.

      ‘Nothing, hun. It’s nice. I think I’ve just been spoilt with expensive champers in my time and it’s hard to go back to the cheap stuff. I’m a Cristal girl myself. Ignore me,’ Adele said, flapping her hand.

      ‘We will,’ Lisa said under her breath, making Nicola snort with laughter. ‘Anyway Adele, I hope you don’t mind, but we really must be going soon.’

      Adele looked disappointed. ‘Oh right. Where are you going?’

      Lisa was caught off guard. Where could she be going? ‘Oh … erm … we’re …’

      ‘She needs to go to the clinic,’ Nicola helped out quickly.

      Lisa shot Nicola a baffled look, who then made a face as if to say the clinic was the first thing that came into her head.

      ‘The clinic? Are we talking …?’ Adele nodded, eyes widening as she gave them both a knowing look.

      ‘That’s right,’ Nicola said, continuing the lie, ‘the STD clinic.’

      ‘But it’s Sunday,’ Adele frowned. ‘What clinic is open Sunday and what’s actually wrong?’

      Lisa faked a strained expression. ‘I’d really rather not say.’

      ‘Oh, well okay then,’ Adele said, looking rather uncomfortable as she downed her champagne. ‘Though if you want my advice the best clinic to go to is the one in Romford and ask for Dr Stevens, he’s the best. Hot too. He’s helped me loads in the past.’ Adele looked flustered as she realised what she’d just said. ‘Not loads exactly … just the one time. Anyway, must go, I think I can hear Buddy barking for me!’

      She turned and left, leaving Nicola and Lisa standing there in fits of laughter.


      Sam woke up and groaned. His head was throbbing in pain and he was gasping for a drink. What on earth had happened to him last night? How did he get home? He shivered, and wondered why he was completely naked. He had been so drunk and he could feel that he was going to be paying for it today. He got his phone from his bedside table and saw he had two messages. The first was from Jade. He squinted as he read the message, trying to focus on the words.

       Morning. Hope you don’t mind, but I’m coming over this morning as I left my red notebook at yours and also think we need to talk. Xx

      The message was sent about an hour ago, so he needed to sort himself quickly. He didn’t want Jade seeing him in this state. He was bemused when he saw his previous message was from Adele, and then memories of him speaking to her and apologising came flooding back to him.

       Hi Sam. I left early this morning before you woke. I hope you don’t mind. Had the most amazing night with you;) You’re still as good as I remember! Adele xx

      Sam felt as though someone had punched him. Still as good as she remembered? What was she talking about? What the hell happened? Surely he hadn’t … he couldn’t even bear thinking about it. This was a disaster! He felt his face burning and a sick feeling wash over him. He deleted the message, jumped up and grabbed his dressing gown, running to the toilet and just making it on time before he spewed up vast amounts of liquid. What a mess, he thought, as he hugged the toilet seat, feeling like death. Why on earth had he thought it was a good idea to drink so much? He was such an idiot! What had Adele meant? he questioned, as he got up and walked to the kitchen to get a sachet of Alka-Seltzer. He put the white tablet in a glass of water, waited for it to dissolve and then downed it as though his life depended on it. Please make me feel better, he prayed as he wiped his mouth, and inhaled deeply as another