Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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Название Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection
Автор произведения Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 2018

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athletes, the following relationships are identified.

      1. At different stages of the change in the Earth's rotational velocity the greatest success is achieved by the athletes who are predisposed by psychotype to activity, to higher achievements precisely at the given cosmic energies.

      2. Russian athletes more often win and set the highest records, which are not beaten for decades, in the periods of slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity.

      3. At the stages of different Earth's rotational velocity, different techniques and even systems of selection and athlete training will be more effective.

      These conclusions are proven by statistics: during the most successful years, in terms of intensity of the considered cosmic energies, Russian athletes set historical records that cannot be beaten to this day.

      There are many reasons for speculation and even doubts. But we will insist only on the obvious: at different stages of the Earth's rotational velocity, different types of athletes make great sports achievements. As well as various tree clusters grow differently at the different Earth's rotational velocity.

      To obtain these results, the Earth's rotational velocity was divided into 9 sections: 1 – the highest velocity, 5 – the lowest. The personality type that is more active at point 1 was called type 1/1, the personality type that is more active at point 5 was called type 5/5. The fact is that such cycles exist both on the scale of days and on the scale of years. Type 1/1 has personality traits, psycho-physiological features, which are identified both in day and annual cycles. The examples are presented in Chapter 9.1.

      All sports achievements and athlete personalities, terrorist acts and personalities of famous terrorists, movement of stock markets and other markets, the most important historical events were digitized this way.

      Here is an example of such digitization.

      The code of day of setting the record, stage of day cycle = 1

      The code of date of birth, stage of day cycle = 5

      The code of month of birth, stage of month cycle = 5

      The code of year of birth, stage of year cycle = 5

      According to his birthday, this Chinese athlete is of type 5/5. These types are often particularly active on days of type 1/1. And vice versa. Chinese, like Russians, are very dependent on cosmic energies in their development.

      We have distinguished 9 stages of the change in the Earth's rotational velocity. The probability of setting a record or having a birthday at each individual stage is equal to 0.11. At the same time, code 1 of birthday of great historical record-holders was 56.5%. That is, the probability is 5 times higher… But our athletes set records more often at slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity. Taking into consideration the arguments and calculations presented above, the conclusion is obvious: the dependencies are certainly not random. And the years of great records being set match the years of the greatest difference in the tree growth rate.

      For groups of people examined at different stages of the day and annual cycles the following data were obtained: EEG (electroencephalogram), ECG (electrocardiogram), solved test results, including those that diagnose intellectual qualities, personality traits, unconscious activity (Smirnov's technique etc.). This made it possible to predict changes in people at the change of the Earth's rotational velocity, at a certain arrangement of planets (which is related to the Earth's rotational velocity). This manifests itself in economic growth, in the growth of people's physiological activity and even biota, particularly in growth of tree rings.

      Yu. P. Demakov discovered two tree clusters: one of them grows better at the growth of the Earth's rotational velocity, whereas the other – at its slowdown. GDP growth rates of different countries, achievements of athletes are similarly divided into two clusters, two groups.

      The Earth's rotational velocity is related to many diverse indicators, which are measured by statistics.

      We measure the Earth's rotational velocity by modern techniques since 1962, by instrumental techniques – since 1650. Up to that time, one can judge about the dynamics of changes in cosmic energies by isotopes forming in tree rings, ice cores, by tree ring width, by the Earth's average temperature and other indicators.

      From the graphs built based on the given parameters one can infer informative historical conclusions.

      At peaks of cosmic energies, the heads of disobedient were cut and Russia was actively reformed. Whereas at minima of cosmic energies of the type, under the influence of which isotopes of various substances actively formed – the control over country was often lost, the social structure of society disintegrated.

      People's political activity is also related to the Earth's rotational velocity. In England, people vote for the main parties in accordance with the Earth's rotational velocity. The composition of the main political parties also resonates with the Earth's rotational velocity.

      In Russia, social sentiment, political predilections substantially depend on cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity. All revolutions in our country occurred at slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity and growth of solar activity. Take into account that the cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity are also associated with rotational velocities of other planets, with their mutual resonances. This was analyzed in detail (see Psycho-cosmic energies: protests, revolutions, leaps in development).

      But even in our everyday worries, thoughts, moods and even in our fears we are dependent on cosmic energies.

      People perceive differently increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity. Like plants and biota as a whole, we are divided into groups, clusters, types, which develop better at the increase and decrease of cosmic energies associated with the Earth's rotational velocity.

      The most important applied research result is the understanding of how a person changes at the different Earth's rotational velocities and different combinations of that velocity and solar activity. This knowledge has been translated at the level of statistical dependencies, expert systems, person type diagnosis systems based on EEG (electroencephalogram), solved test results, birthdays and days of established personal achievements during lifetime. For every man, like an athlete, has his own achievements. For every person, those achievements more often took place either on days of type 1/1 or type 5/5. Hence, it is possible to forecast personal effectiveness for the forthcoming cosmic period. The fact is that people, like trees, are more active in their own cosmic period. Moreover, people that represent type 1/1 (as well as type 5/5) unconsciously unite. Type 1/1 is particularly active at the growth of the Earth's rotational velocity. Type 5/5 achieves more at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity. The average lifetime of registered commercial structures in Europe is about 12 years not by chance. This is related to the rotation cycle of Jupiter and Saturn around the Sun, which affects the change in the Earth's rotational velocity. Hence, selection and timely replacement of directors, top managers and personnel taking into consideration the identified dependencies is the company's survival condition in the market.

      The fall of empires is related to the similar dependencies (see “The breath of history”). In Russia, the greatest achievements among population throughout history took