Economic crisis: Cosmos and people. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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Название Economic crisis: Cosmos and people
Автор произведения Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 2018

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opposition. Moreover, the main events take place when the Earth is in line with them. Besides, the quantity of the solar activity also makes impact on the earth events, as well as the position of the Moon and the resonances implemented by other planets and their satellites between each other.

      People respond to all these factors.

      Their activity is cyclical. It happens so actively that in a moment the dominating psychological type cyclically changes. All the factors are taken into consideration, but the premier violin in this ensemble beside the solar activity belongs to Jupiter and Saturn.

      Something exceptional happens when the Earth gets into its joint impact. The events in the Ukraine in 2014 are the evidence. The abscess in the country was ripping. When everything is done intelligently, when the inner relationships are harmonious, nothing happens. But the abscess finally exploded namely at the time when the Earth appeared between Jupiter and Saturn. This situation has been dramatized by the position of Mars, Venus and Mercury that lined up together on the part of the giant planets. This space event took place on the 22d of February. It was the day when the opposition took the power by force. But at the same time there was a strong magnetic storm (on the 20th of February). Before, Mars went on the one line with Saturn-Jupiter. Space factors covered each other.

      Crisis never happens from scratch. Any crisis is a preliminary to the mistakes of those people who express their free will when it is better to go with the times and try to be in harmony with the motion of the world. The main reason for crisis is the wild and wooly craving for profit which obscures your mind.

      Targeting at easy money create financial “bubbles” that turn to be a heavy burden for the economy and it is not always able to cope with the created imbalance. But all these bubbles burst after the Outer Space command. And people go out of crisis when the determined space situation sets in. The analysis shows that the exit from the economic crisis is connected with the leave of the Earth from the line of Jupiter-Saturn, when these planets get out of the opposition. Or with the termination of the other gravitational and magnetic space anomalies.

      1.3. Crisis 1929

      The active crisis phase started in October 1929

      There is a popular opinion that crisis and the forthcoming depression are the result of the inactivity of the Federal Reserve System which allowed the cutting of money amount by one third. Here is the opinion of the American economist, Nobel Prize winner M. Friedman:

      “Federal Reserve System was established in order to prevent the situation that nevertheless had happened. It was created in order to escape the situation in which you would have to close the banks in the recession stadium. But nevertheless FRS did not prevent the worst bank crisis in the history of the USA. I could not remember any other more shining example when the actions of the government directed for improving anything had lead to the exactly opposite result.

      It happened so, that because of the policy supported by FRS the amount of money was cut by one third. For each 100 dollars of paper money in deposits and in currency or in cash that existed in 1929 there were only 65-66 dollars left by 1933. Such an outstanding collapse by which about one third of the banks were finally collapsed, when the savings of million people disappeared this reduction was unduly.

      Within the same period FRS had an understanding as well as the power to stop it all. And they were persuaded to do it. In my opinion, the mistake of the policy that led to the Great Depression was completely clear”.

      For decades economists virtuously invent the reasons for this crisis. That is why the skeptics in respect of the following conception is regular, although the former head of FRS Bernanke agreed that it was the blame of FRS. But we should note that we are describing the actions of FRS after August 1929, and before that time, namely BEFORE the crises started, there are no claims to money amounts. Before this time it annually increased approximately by 0,7%. Before 1929 money were pumped into the economy in the proper amount, but the crisis started. The squeeze of money started after the crisis had started. At first time FRS pumped money into economy, than it started to withdraw it. One thing after another and absolutely opposite.

      But the thing is that the reduction of money amount did not stop the emotions of the participants of the market. In 1929 the market was in the state of boom and there was the injudicious optimism of most participants of the market. There was a pressure for money due to the growth of the unreasonable optimism of the market participants, their targeting at purchases and playing at the built pyramid. For that purpose they loaned and loaned money. This emotional state of people

      Stocks and shares replaced cash in many aspects. The issue of stocks and shares by the 1st of October 1929 amounted about 87 billion dollars. This volume exceeds the currency in circulation. How could you control and regulate the actions of the market participants by increasing or decreasing the rates of currency circulation if everyone played more often with stocks and shares? And the market participants believed in stability of such deals. The market had been regulated primarily by the manufacturing financial tools than by usual money. Stocks and shares boom created the illusion of growth and prosperity. Optimism suppressed fear and suspiciousness.

      The market participants turned out to be different qualitatively. The currency circulation economic indicators working in general conditions ceased to be taken into consideration by its participants, they ceased to implement their regulating function. Everyone craved for easy money and did not believe in evident and objective figures, they followed their own passions. The market turned to be irrational. But when the market grows emotional and irrational, it quickly comes from the state of optimism to the state of fear and pessimism and vice versa. Namely these hesitations of the emotional state of people became the main reason of market collapse. The sharp change of the emotional state of people, stock players (and the main part of the economically active population of the USA played at the market) was the main reason of crisis. All these things happened unnoticeably and gradually, but in resonance with space processes.

      Since autumn 1929 till summer 1932 Jupiter and Saturn have positioned themselves on opposite sides of the Sun. Their strict opposition took place on the 4th of January 1931. During that period of time the Sun had been broken by their gravitation. The gravitational pull of the Earth falls from the side of the Sun. People grow other. Emotions pulsate. Sense pulsates. Fear to lose money earned by the sweat of the brown started dominating over the greed for money. And then everything mixed up. The “space situation” that was actual by the end of 1929 made many people objectively evaluate the problems of the fund markets.

      And people finally understood that they are inside of the pyramid created by striving for the economically unreasonable profit. But then FRS helped people sober up and started withdrawing money from the circulation.

      Crisis of 1929 happened when the Earth was almost close to the line of Saturn-Jupiter. And there were also other space events.

      October 18 – Full Moon, October 20 – Mercury, Venus and Earth were grouped on the same side of the Sun as Jupiter, creating a burst of gravity. The stock market reduced its activity.

      October 24 – big New York bankers started to issue loans to brokers in order to demand repayment within 24 hours. This decision was justified when other conditions did not play. It was necessary to stir up the market. More often the market reversals occurred in these bifurcation points, and there were the undergoing rapid reversals in the decisions. Reversal occurred and the stock began frantically sold. On the 29th of October the market finally collapsed. The purpose changed: not to gain, but to save something.

      These events, which deep reason is not "space", but the established long-term behavior of the people themselves, started when Jupiter and Saturn had come into opposition. And that had happened before. The giant planets were in conjunction – the stock market got additional charge for growth, in opposition there was a probabilistically vibration tendency of the fall. But by 1929 the imbalance reality and fiction in the market had become so great that it once fell "through the floor." The cosmic factors (force of attraction, solar activity, expressed in the number of Wolf and others) prompted a massive decisions leading to the crisis.
