Massacre at Paris. Christopher Marlowe

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Название Massacre at Paris
Автор произведения Christopher Marlowe
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 0

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you should be preserved.

         Cossin, take twenty of our strongest guarde,

         And under your direction see they keep

         All trecherous violence from our noble freend,

         Repaying all attempts with present death,

         Upon the cursed breakers of our peace.

         And so be pacient good Lord Admirall,

         And every hower I will visite you.

Exeunt omnes

      [Scene v]

      Enter Guise, Anjoy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, Montsorrell, and Souldiers to the massacre.

         GUISE. Anjoy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, sweare by

         The argent crosses on your burgonets,

         To kill all that you suspect of heresie.

         DUMAINE. I sweare by this to be unmercifull.

         ANJOY. I am disguisde and none nows who I am,

         And therfore meane to murder all I meet.

         GONZAGO. And so will I.

         RETES. And I.

         GUISE. Away then, break into the Admirals house.

         GETES. I let the Admirall be first dispatcht.

         GUISE. The Admirall,

         Cheefe standard bearer to the Lutheranes,

         Shall in the entrance of this Massacre,

         Be murdered in his bed.

         Gonzago conduct them hither, and then

         Beset his house that not a man may live.

         ANJOY. That charge is mine. Swizers keepe you the streetes,

         And at ech corner shall the Kings garde stand.

         GONZAGO. Come sirs follow me.

      Exit Gonzago and others with him.

         ANJOY. Cossin, the Captaine of the Admirals guarde,

         Plac'd by my brother, will betray his Lord:

         Now Guise shall catholiques flourish once againe,

         The head being of, the members cannot stand.

         RETES. But look my Lord, ther's some in the Admirals house.

      Enter [above Gonzago and others] into the Admirals house, and he in his bed.

         ANJOY. In lucky time, come let us keep this lane,

         And slay his servants that shall issue out.

         GONZAGO. Where is the Admirall?

         ADMIRALL. O let me pray before I dye.

         GONZAGO. Then pray unto our Ladye, kisse this crosse.

              Stab him.

         ADMIRALL. O God forgive my sins.

         GUISE. What, is he dead Gonzago?

         GONZAGO. I my Lord.

         GUISE. Then throw him down.

      [The body is thrown down. Exeunt Gonzago and rest above.]

         ANJOY. Now cosin view him well,

         It may be it is some other, and he escapte.

         GUISE. Cosin tis he, I know him by his look.

         See where my Souldier shot him through the arm.

         He mist him neer, but we have strook him now.

         Ah base Shatillian and degenerate,

         Cheef standard bearer to the Lutheranes,

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