The Danish History, Books I-IX. Grammaticus Saxo

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Название The Danish History, Books I-IX
Автор произведения Grammaticus Saxo
Жанр История
Издательство История
Год выпуска 0

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      A horn and a tusk of great size are described as things of price, and great uroch's horns are mentioned in Thorkill's Second Journey.  Horns were used for feast as well as fray.


      Such bird-beaked, bird-legged figures occur on the Cross at Papil, Burra Island, Shetland.  Cf. Abbey Morne Cross, and an Onchan Cross, Isle of Man.


      Waldemar the Second (1203-42); Saxo does not reach his history


A horn and a tusk of great size are described as things of price, and great uroch's horns are mentioned in Thorkill's Second Journey.  Horns were used for feast as well as fray.


Such bird-beaked, bird-legged figures occur on the Cross at Papil, Burra Island, Shetland.  Cf. Abbey Morne Cross, and an Onchan Cross, Isle of Man.


Waldemar the Second (1203-42); Saxo does not reach his history.