Memories and Studies. William James

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Название Memories and Studies
Автор произведения William James
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0

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      Words spoken at the reception of the American Society of Naturalists by the President and Fellows of Harvard College at Cambridge, December 30, 1896. Printed in Science, N. S. V. 285.


      An Address delivered at the Centenary of the Birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Concord, May 25


Words spoken at the reception of the American Society of Naturalists by the President and Fellows of Harvard College at Cambridge, December 30, 1896. Printed in Science, N. S. V. 285.


An Address delivered at the Centenary of the Birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Concord, May 25, 1903, and printed in the published proceedings of that meeting.


Oration at the Exercises in the Boston Music Hall, May 31, 1897, upon the Unveiling of the Shaw Monument.


G. W. James: "The Assault upon Fort Wagner," in War Papers read before the Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Milwaukee, 1891.


An address delivered at the Memorial Service to Francis Boott in the Harvard Chapel, Sunday, May 8, 1904. Printed in 38 Harvard Monthly, 125.


First published in McClure's Magazine for May, 1905.


"The Education of the Wage-Earners." Boston, Ginn & Company, 1904.


Written upon the publication of Herbert Spencer's "Autobiography." Published in the Atlantic Monthly for July, 1904.