Imprint of Heart. Illumination with love. Elena Speranskaya

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Название Imprint of Heart. Illumination with love
Автор произведения Elena Speranskaya
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449094926

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music, sports.

      From now on, everything became one.

      Whoever was crawled,

      That mind also ruled the world.

      Covenants, slander, loss…

      All this is not for boss.

      When the fanfares are silently,

      Headlights flicker obstinately.

      Showcases temptingly shine.

      What a beautiful wine!

      And how much they pay

      For the cycle way?

      Weekdays, concerts, holidays,

      Shows, vanity and pragmatism.

      Ah, why do give advice?!

      Everyone will think about cubism.

      Turning over the notebook, she looked for the most vivid and colorful moments. The mood increased significantly, and she continued reading, forgetting about time. She liked the syllable and rhyme, but especially admired that the verse resembled a goblet. Mentally she put in this vase flowers presented by Alexey.

      She, as a mathematician and programmer, was familiar with the exact number of characters needed to write poetry and versification. On the basis of mathematical formulas, it would be easy to create more complex figures, which is easy to achieve by following the mathematical logic.

      But Lucy was disappointed when she took the next page and realized that the poems were dedicated to the fan-knight in the helmet.

      Modern Knights

      Who you are? Can you fate decide?

      Or maybe you are builders, the tamers of universe!

      Perhaps your name will be called

      Ship, park, institute or other world.

      You, the knight of the future, stand

      Before me so handsome silent on land.

      In business, in my thoughts, it’s time for me

      To understand the essence of human being.

      Forget the sorrows until the morning,

      Let us sound the harmony!

      I collect all the stars in the palm of my hand

      And I’ll throw them over your head.

      And with a blue mane a white horse

      It will leave my long path.

      To him I will affectionately say

      To be faithful to the end anyway.

      Only tie the mane near mound

      I will not ask the bright crown.

      Whether will I succeed in melodies?

      More fully convey than in words?

      Or I’ll be in helping of a few,

      While walking on the morning dew?

      Removed the visor and the fire gun.

      You do not know the fear run.

      This is a true living steel.

      Be glorified in the ages will!

      Such a flowerish poetry gamut she liked more and inspired to talk with Alexey. She dialed his number, but then deleted it.

      The autumn evening evoked memories of police visits, interrogations, signing of papers, a meeting with the accused, a private detective and policemen. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves on the street, and it seemed that the leaves tell each other something important and interesting. Her head hurt. She turned off the music, picked it up from the table, and washed the dishes. Having finished her household affairs, she looked into her father’s room, where they sometimes met with Alex. The father slept with the sleep of the righteous. She closed the door and took the first book that fell into her hands and began to read, trying to find in it answers to the worried questions. She read “Walking on Torments” by Tolstoy not for the first time, and knew some places almost by heart.

      Thoughts constantly jumped on the poetry of her girlfriend, and this poetic notebook worried more and more. She put the book aside, and her gaze fell on another page. Lucy read carefully:


      Tired hands and feet, headache from rumor.

      What’s a steep road? I do not mind more.

      As if a pink bouquet, donated once,

      I bear the dream for many years of wearisome hopes.

      Frozen stormy sounds and words,

      Ghosts disappeared in the night.

      And now the story begins

      With the beautiful music and might.

      How many varieties around,

      Exciting songs and bounty wide.

      So, that frightens me and bound

      Suddenly, pushing and carries aside.

      After all, the nice holiday will be ahead —

      Wonderful days so stunning and mad.

      But I’ll say to myself some:

      “Go. Your day will come.”

      Do I need much glory then?

      If I will put off only the pen,

      All the torments of Tantalus hell

      Will want to do a struggle as well.

      Hand writes, brain works a few,

      For a bully is more interesting with worry.

      Fatigue will answer: “What are you,

      There is nowhere for you to hurry!”

      She was fond of philosophy within the limits of the program of the candidate’s minimum, but these lines were touched for the living.

      An example of complex orthopedic treatment of her moral appearance, she laid on verses, hoping to subsequently refer to them as questions arise in her personal life.

      But the pressing everyday problems were added with catastrophic speed… They expanded the space and worsened the relationship between subjects of intraplasma reality, facilitating the amendment of the ritual of investigation and the initiation of criminal proceedings for a specific medical examination of all postal employees in order to achieve their full justification and confirmation of alibi.

      7. Happy Hours Are Not Watching

      That day, Tanya Ivanova laid out on the table their dice and dropped numbers, the significance of which confirmed the correctness of the actions regarding the killer of mail employees. A long term was waiting for him ahead, but Alexey had questions to him, so she called and invited him to come into the office on a confrontation with witnesses and criminalist to prove Zheka’s sanity. At the same time to find out who is to blame for the murder of the second victim. The warrant for the arrest and search, she had already used in these vicissitudes of fate.

      The next day Lucy worked with enthusiasm. Contact was found with Alexey, not today or tomorrow they were going to marry. She wanted to do herself charming, to look attractive. The shopping trip was postponed until Sunday. All the working day, instead of the schemes and drawings in the head, the shapes of dresses, shoes and coats were turning. She had to look more closely at the computer to understand what changes had been made.

      The deputy chief of the workshop approached, looking at the modern interior of the design department in a businesslike way:
