The Scalp Hunters. Reid Mayne

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Название The Scalp Hunters
Автор произведения Reid Mayne
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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whatever caused its melancholy expression had lined and clouded it. It was this expression that had struck me on first seeing the man.

      Whilst I was making these observations, eyeing him cross-wise all the while, I discovered that he was eyeing me in a similar manner, and with an interest apparently equal to my own. This caused us to face round to each other, when the stranger drew from under his manga a small beaded cigarero, and, gracefully holding it out to me, said —

      “Quiere a fumar, caballero?” (Would you smoke, sir?)

      “Thank you, yes,” I replied in Spanish, at the same time taking a cigar from the case.

      We had hardly lit our cigarettes when the man again turned to me with the unexpected question —

      “Will you sell your horse?”


      “Not for a good price?”

      “Not for any price.”

      “I would give five hundred dollars for him.”

      “I would not part with him for twice the amount.”

      “I will give twice the amount.”

      “I have become attached to him: money is no object.”

      “I am sorry to hear it. I have travelled two hundred miles to buy that horse.”

      I looked at my new acquaintance with astonishment, involuntarily repeating his last words.

      “You must have followed us from the Arkansas, then?”

      “No, I came from the Rio Abajo.”

      “The Rio Abajo! You mean from down the Del Norte?”


      “Then, my dear sir, it is a mistake. You think you are talking to somebody else, and bidding for some other horse.”

      “Oh, no! He is yours. A black stallion with red nose and long full tail, half-bred Arabian. There is a small mark over the left eye.”

      This was certainly the description of Moro; and I began to feel a sort of superstitious awe in regard to my mysterious neighbour.

      “True,” replied I; “that is all correct; but I bought that stallion many months ago from a Louisiana planter. If you have just arrived from two hundred miles down the Rio Grande, how, may I ask, could you have known anything about me or my horse?”

      “Dispensadme, caballero! I did not mean that. I came from below to meet the caravan, for the purpose of buying an American horse. Yours is the only one in the caballada I would buy, and, it seems, the only one that is not for sale!”

      “I am sorry for that; but I have tested the qualities of this animal. We have become friends. No common motive would induce me to part with him.”

      “Ah, señor! it is not a common motive that makes me so eager to purchase him. If you knew that, perhaps – ” he hesitated a moment; “but no, no, no!” and after muttering some half-coherent words, among which I could recognise the “Buenos noches, caballero!” the stranger rose up with the same mysterious air that had all along characterised him, and left me. I could hear the tinkling of the small bells upon the rowels of his spurs, as he slowly warped himself through the gay crowd, and disappeared into the night.

      The vacated seat was soon occupied by a dusky manola, whose bright nagua, embroidered chemisette, brown ankles, and small blue slippers, drew my attention. This was all I could see of her, except the occasional flash of a very black eye through the loophole of the rebozo tapado. By degrees, the rebozo became more generous, the loophole expanded, and the outlines of a very pretty and very malicious little face were displayed before me. The end of the scarf was adroitly removed from the left shoulder; and a nude, plump arm, ending in a bunch of small jewelled fingers, hung carelessly down.

      I am tolerably bashful; but at the sight of this tempting partner, I could hold in no longer, and bending towards her, I said in my best Spanish, “Do me the favour, miss, to waltz with me.”

      The wicked little manola first held down her head and blushed; then, raising the long fringes of her eyes, looked up again, and wits a voice as sweet as that of a canary-bird, replied —

      “Con gusto, señor.” (With pleasure, sir.)

      “Nos vamos!” cried I, elated with my triumph; and pairing off with my brilliant partner, we were soon whirling about in the mazy.

      We returned to our seats again, and after refreshing with a glass of Albuquerque, a sponge-cake, and a husk cigarette, again took the floor. This pleasurable programme we repeated some half-dozen times, only varying the dance from waltz to polka, for my manola danced the polka as if she had been a born Bohemian.

      On one of my fingers was a fifty-dollar diamond, which my partner seemed to think was muy buenito. As her igneous eyes softened my heart, and the champagne was producing a similar effect upon my head, I began to speculate on the propriety of transferring the diamond from the smallest of my fingers to the largest of hers, which it would, no doubt, have fitted exactly. All at once I became conscious of being under the surveillance of a large and very fierce-looking lepero, a regular pelado, who followed us with his eyes, and sometimes in persona, to every part of the room. The expression of his swarth face was a mixture of jealousy and vengeance, which my partner noticed, but, as I thought, took no pains to soften down.

      “Who is he?” I whispered, as the man swung past us in his chequered serape.

      “Esta mi marido, señor,” (It is my husband, sir), was the cool reply.

      I pushed the ring close up to the root of my finger, shutting my hand upon it tight as a vice.

      “Vamos a tomar otra copita!” (Let us take another glass of wine!) said I, resolving to bid my pretty poblana, as soon as possible, a good-night.

      The Taos whisky had by this time produced its effect upon the dancers. The trappers and teamsters had become noisy and riotous. The leperos, who now half-filled the room, stimulated by wine, jealousy, old hatreds, and the dance, began to look more savage and sulky. The fringed hunting-shirts and brown homespun frocks found favour with the dark-eyed majas of Mexico, partly out of a respect for, and a fear of, courage, which is often at the bottom of a love like theirs.

      Although the trading caravans supplied almost all the commerce of Santa Fé, and it was clearly the interest of its inhabitants to be on good terms with the traders, the two races, Anglo-American and Hispano-Indian, hated each other thoroughly; and that hate was now displaying itself on one side in bullying contempt, on the other in muttered carrajos and fierce looks of vengeance.

      I was still chatting with my lively partner. We were seated on the banquette where I had introduced myself. On looking casually up, a bright object met my eyes. It appeared to be a naked knife in the hands of su marido who was just then lowering over us like the shadow of an evil spirit. I was favoured with only a slight glimpse of this dangerous meteor, and had made up my mind to “’ware steel,” when someone plucked me by the sleeve, and turning, I beheld my quondam acquaintance of the purple magna.

      “Dispensadme, señor,” said he, nodding graciously, “I have just learned that the caravan is going on to Chihuahua.”

      “True, there is no market here for our goods.”

      “You go on then, of course?”

      “Certainly, I must.”

      “Will you return this way, señor?”

      “It is very likely; I have no other intention at present.”

      “Perhaps then you might be willing to part with your horse? You will find many as good in the great valley of the Mississippi.”

      “Neither is likely.”

      “But, señor, should you be inclined to do so, will you promise me the refusal of him?”

      “Oh! that I will promise you, with all my heart.”

      Our conversation was here interrupted by a huge, gaunt, half-drunken Missourian, who, tramping rudely upon the stranger’s