The Years Between. Rudyard Kipling

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Название The Years Between
Автор произведения Rudyard Kipling
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0

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honour, lives, and land

      Are given for reward

      To Murder done by night,

      To Treason taught by day,

      To folly, sloth, and spite,

      And we are thrust away.

      The blood our fathers spilt,

      Our love, our toils, our pains,

      Are counted us for guilt,

      And only bind our chains.

      Before an Empire's eyes

      The traitor claims his price.

      What need of further lies?

      We are the sacrifice.

      We asked no more than leave

      To reap where we had sown,

      Through good and ill to cleave

      To our own flag and throne.

      Now England's shot and steel

      Beneath that flag must show

      How loyal hearts should kneel

      To England's oldest foe.

      We know the war prepared

      On every peaceful home,

      We know the hells declared

      For such as serve not Rome —

      The terror, threats, and dread

      In market, hearth, and field —

      We know, when all is said,

      We perish if we yield.

      Believe, we dare not boast,

      Believe, we do not fear —

      We stand to pay the cost

      In all that men hold dear.

      What answer from the North?

      One Law, one Land, one Throne.

      If England drive us forth

      We shall not fall alone.



      We thought we ranked above the chance of ill.

      Others might fall, not we, for we were wise —

      Merchants in freedom. So, of our free-will

      We let our servants drug our strength with lies.

      The pleasure and the poison had its way

      On us as on the meanest, till we learned

      That he who lies will steal, who steals will slay.

      Neither God's judgment nor man's heart was turned.

      Yet there remains His Mercy – to be sought

      Through wrath and peril till we cleanse the wrong

      By that last right which our forefathers claimed

      When their Law failed them and its stewards were bought.

      This is our cause. God help us, and make strong

      Our wills to meet Him later, unashamed!



      Broke to every known mischance, lifted over all

      By the light sane joy of life, the buckler of the Gaul;

      Furious in luxury, merciless in toil,

      Terrible with strength that draws from her tireless soil;

      Strictest judge of her own worth, gentlest of man's mind,

      First to follow Truth and last to leave old Truths behind —

      France, beloved of every soul that loves its fellow-kind!

      Ere our birth (rememberest thou?) side by side we lay

      Fretting in the womb of Rome to begin our fray.

      Ere men knew our tongues apart, our one task was known —

      Each must mould the other's fate as he wrought his own

      To this end we stirred mankind till all Earth was ours,

      Till our world-end strifes begat wayside thrones and powers —

      Puppets that we made or broke to bar the other's path —

      Necessary, outpost folk, hirelings of our wrath

      To this end we stormed the seas, tack for tack, and burst

      Through the doorways of new worlds, doubtful which was first,

      Hand on hilt (rememberest thou?) ready for the blow —

      Sure, whatever else we met, we should meet our foe.

      Spurred or balked at every stride by the other's strength,

      So we rode the ages down and every ocean's length!

      Where did you refrain from us or we refrain from you?

      Ask the wave that has not watched war between us two!

      Others held us for a while, but with weaker charms,

      These we quitted at the call for each other's arms.

      Eager toward the known delight, equally we strove —

      Each the other's mystery, terror, need, and love

      To each other's open court with our proofs we came.

      Where could we find honour else, or men to test our claim?

      From each other's throat we wrenched – valour's last reward —

      That extorted word of praise gasped 'twixt lunge and guard.

      In each other's cup we poured mingled blood and tears,

      Brutal joys, unmeasured hopes, intolerable fears —

      All that soiled or salted life for a thousand years.

      Proved beyond the need of proof, matched in every clime,

      O companion, we have lived greatly through all time!

      Yoked in knowledge and remorse, now we come to rest,

      Laughing at old villainies that Time has turned to jest,

      Pardoning old necessities no pardon can efface —

      That undying sin we shared in Rouen marketplace.

      Now we watch the new years shape, wondering if they hold

      Fiercer lightnings in their heart than we launched of old.

      Now we hear new voices rise, question, boast or gird,

      As we raged (rememberest thou?) when our crowds were stirred,

      Now we count new keels afloat, and new hosts on land,

      Massed like ours (rememberest thou?) when our strokes were planned.

      We were schooled for dear life's sake, to know each other's blade

      What can blood and iron make more than we have made?

      We have learned by keenest use to know each other's mind.

      What shall blood and iron loose that we cannot bind?

      We who swept each other's coast, sacked each other's home,

      Since the sword of Brennus clashed on the scales at Rome,

      Listen, count and close again, wheeling girth to girth,

      In the linked and steadfast guard set for peace on earth!

      Broke to every known mischance, lifted over all

      By the light sane joy of life, the buckler of the Gaul;

      Furious in luxury, merciless in toil,

      Terrible with strength renewed from a tireless soil;
