The Queen Bee, and Other Nature Stories. Ewald Carl

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Название The Queen Bee, and Other Nature Stories
Автор произведения Ewald Carl
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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in every cell lay a pretty little bee-baby.

      "What funny creatures!" said the young bees. "They have no eyes, and where are their legs and wings?"

      "They are grubs," said the queen. "You simpletons looked just like that yourselves once upon a time. One must be a grub before one can become a bee. Be quick now, and give them something to eat."

      The bees bestirred themselves to feed the little ones, but they were not equally kind to them all. The ten, however, that lay in the large cells got as much to eat as ever they wanted, and every day a great quantity of honey was carried in to them.

      "They are princesses," said the queen, "so you must treat them well. The others you can stint; they are only working people, and they must accustom themselves to be content with what they can get."

      And every morning the poor little wretches got a little piece of bee-bread and nothing more, and with that they had to be satisfied, though they were ever so hungry.

      In one of the little six-sided cells close by the princesses' chambers lay a little tiny grub. She was the youngest of them all, and only just come out of the egg. She could not see, but she could plainly hear the grown-up bees talking outside, and for a while she lay quite still and kept her thoughts to herself.

      All at once she said out loud, "I could eat a little more," and she knocked at her door.

      "You have had enough for to-day," answered the old bee who was appointed to be head bee-nurse, creeping up and down in the passage outside.

      "Maybe, but I am hungry!" shouted the little grub. "I will go into one of the princesses' chambers; I have not room to stir here."

      "Just listen to her!" said the old bee mockingly. "One would think by the demands she makes that she was a fine little princess. You are born to toil and drudge, my little friend. You are a mere working bee, and you will never be anything else all your days."

      "But I want to be queen!" cried the grub, and thumped on the door.

      Of course the old bee did not answer such nonsense, but went on to the others. From every side they were calling out for more food, and the little grub could hear it all.

      "It is hard, though," she thought, "that we should have to be so hungry."

      And then she knocked on the princess's wall and called to her, "Give me a little of your honey. Let me come into your chamber. I am lying here so hungry, and I am just as good as you."

      "Are you? Just you wait till I am a reigning queen," said the princess. "You may be sure that when that time comes I shall not forget your impertinence."

      But she had scarcely said this before the other princesses began to cry out in the most dreadful manner.

      "You're not going to be queen! I shall be queen! I shall be queen!" they shrieked all together, and they began to knock on the walls and make a frightful disturbance.

      The head bee-nurse came running up in an instant and opened the doors.

      "What are your graces' orders?" she asked, dropping a curtsy and scraping the ground with her feet.

      "More honey!" they shouted, all in one voice. "But me first – me first. I am the one who is to be queen."

      "In a moment, in a moment, your graces," she answered, and ran off as fast as her six legs could carry her.

      She soon came back with many other bees. They were dragging ever so much honey, which they crammed down the cross little princesses' throats. And then they got them to hold their tongues and lie still and rest.

      But the little grub lay awake, thinking over what had happened. She longed so much for some honey that she began to shake the door again.

      "Give me some honey! I can't stand it any longer. I am just as good as the others."

      The old bee tried to hush her.

      "Hold your tongue, little bawler! The queen's coming."

      And at the same moment the queen bee came.

      "Go your ways," she said to the bees; "I wish to be alone."

      For a long time she stood in silence before the princesses' chambers.

      "Now they are lying there asleep," she said at last. "From morning till evening they do nothing but eat and sleep, and they grow bigger and fatter every day. In a few days they will be full grown, and will creep out of their cells. Then my turn will be over. I know that too well. I have heard the bees saying to one another that they would like to have a younger and more beautiful queen, and they will chase me away in disgrace. But I will not submit to it. To-morrow I will kill them all; then I can remain queen till I die."

      Then she went away. But the little grub had heard all she said.

      "Dear me!" she thought; "it is really a pity about the little princesses. They are certainly very uppish, and they have not been nice to me, but still it would be sad if the wicked queen killed them. I think I will tell the old growler outside in the passage all about it."

      She began once more knocking at the door, and the head bee-nurse came running up, but this time she was fearfully angry.

      "You must mind what you are doing, my good grub," she said. "You are the youngest of them all, and you are the worst for making a noise. Next time I shall tell the queen."

      "First listen to me," said the grub, and she told her about the queen's wicked design.

      "Good gracious! is that true?" cried the old nurse, and beat her wings in horror. And without hearing a word more, she hurried off to tell the other bees.

      "I think I deserve a little honey for what I have done," said the little grub. "But I can now lie down and sleep with a good conscience."

      Next evening, when the queen thought that all the bees were in bed, she came to kill the princesses. The grub could hear her talking aloud to herself. But she was quite afraid of the wicked queen, and dared not stir.

      "I hope she won't kill the princesses," she thought, and squeezed herself nearer to the door to hear what happened.

      The queen looked cautiously round on all sides, and then opened the first of the doors. But at the same moment the bees swarmed out from all directions, seized her by the legs and wings, and dragged her out.

      "What is the matter?" she cried. "Are you raising a rebellion?"

      "No, your majesty," answered the bees, with great reverence; "but we know that you are intending to kill the princesses, and that you shall not be allowed to do. What would become of us in the autumn after your majesty's death?"

      "Let me go!" cried the queen, and tried to get away. "I am queen now anyway, and have the power to do what I like. How do you know that I shall die in the autumn?"

      But the bees held her fast, and dragged her outside the hive. There they set her free, but she shook her wings in a passion and said to them, —

      "You are disloyal subjects, who are not worth ruling over. I won't stay here an hour longer, but I will go out into the world and build a new nest. Are there any of you who will come with me?"

      Some of the old bees, who had been grubs at the same time as the queen, declared that they would follow her. And soon after they flew away.

      "Now we have no queen," said the others, "we must take good care of the princesses." And so they crammed them with honey from morning till night; and they grew, and grabbed, and squabbled, and made more noise each day than the day before.

      As for the little grub, no one gave a single thought to her.

      One morning the doors of the princesses' chambers flew open, and all ten of them stepped out, beautiful full-grown queen bees. The other bees ran up and gazed at them in admiration.

      "How pretty they are!" they said. "It is hard to say which is the most beautiful."

      "I am!" one cried.

      "You make a mistake," said another, and stabbed her with her sting.

      "You are rather conceited," shrieked a third. "I imagine that I am rather prettier than you are."
