Audubon and his Journals, Volume 2 (of 2). John James Audubon

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Название Audubon and his Journals, Volume 2 (of 2)
Автор произведения John James Audubon
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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vary in color, presenting a case which, as Audubon justly observes, is a "puzzle to all the naturalists in the world." See note, p. 14. – E. C.


Vulpes utah of Aud. and Bach., Quad. N. Am. iii., 1853, p. 255, pl. 151, or V. macrourus of Baird, as already noted. This is the Western variety of the common Red Fox, now usually called Vulpes fulvus macrourus. – E. C.


Among the "birds shot yesterday," July 26, when Audubon was too full of his Buffalo hunt to notice them in his Journal, were two, a male and a female, killed by Mr. Bell, which turned out to be new to science. For these were no other than Baird's Bunting, Emberiza bairdii of Audubon, B. Amer, vii., 1844, p. 359, pl. 500. Audubon there says it was "during one of our Buffalo hunts, on the 26th July, 1843," and adds: "I have named this species after my young friend Spencer F. Baird, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania." Special interest attaches to this case; for the bird was not only the first one ever dedicated to Baird, but the last one ever named, described, and figured by Audubon; and the plate of it completes the series of exactly 500 plates which the octavo edition of the "Birds of America" contains. This bird became the Centronyx bairdii of Baird, the Passerculus bairdi of Coues, and the Ammodramus bairdi of some other ornithologists. See "Birds of the Colorado Valley," i., 1878, p. 630. One of Audubon's specimens shot this day is catalogued in Baird's Birds of N. Am., 1858, p. 441. – E. C.


See Bell's account of the trip, page 176.