Artificial intelligence. Freefall. Dzhimsher Chelidze

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Название Artificial intelligence. Freefall
Автор произведения Dzhimsher Chelidze
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006509900

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—degree of complexity is plotted vertically.

      !Matrix of zones (the chatbot’s editorial staff, which is exactly how he designated this area)

      Each zone requires a different approach to retrospectives and improvements. In the chaos zone, the team faces unpredictable and extreme situations that require rapid response and adaptation. In this case, retrospectives should be short, frequent, and focused on survival and stabilization. In the difficulty zone, the team works with unclear and dynamic requirements that require creativity and experimentation. In this case, retrospectives should be long, sparse, and focused on learning and innovation. In the order zone, the team works with clear and stable requirements that require discipline and optimization. In this case, retrospectives should be average, regular, and focused on efficiency and quality. In the simplicity zone, the team works with obvious and simple requirements that require minimal effort and attention. In this case, retrospectives can be omitted or conducted as necessary.

      However, it is important to understand that zones are not static and can change over time. Therefore, the team must constantly evaluate its context and adapt its approach to retrospectives. The purpose of retrospectives is not to apply Agile indefinitely, but to lead the team from a situation of uncertainty to a situation of complex ordered or simple ordered systems. Only then will retrospectives bring benefits and pleasure to the team and the project”.”

      Answer GigaChat: “Agile is a software development methodology that has become very popular in recent years. It offers a flexible approach to project management that allows you to quickly respond to changes and adapt to new requirements. However, the endless application of Agile can lead to problems.

      One of the main reasons why Agile is infinitely wrong to apply is that it can lead to a situation of uncertainty. In Agile projects, we often encounter changes in requirements and priorities, which can cause uncertainty about what needs to be done next.

      Conducting retrospectives is one way to deal with this uncertainty. Retrospectives help the team understand what was done right and what needs to be improved in the future. They also help the team move from a situation of uncertainty to a situation of complex ordered or simple ordered systems.

      However, if we endlessly apply Agile without doing retrospectives, then we may be left in a situation of uncertainty. This can lead to the team spending a lot of time fixing bugs and adapting to new requirements, rather than creating new functionality.

      In addition, the endless use of Agile can lead to the fact that the team will constantly work on small tasks and will not have time to create large functional blocks. This may cause the project to develop slowly and not meet the customer’s expectations.

      In general, Agile is a great approach to project management, but its endless application can lead to problems. Conducting retrospectives helps the team move from a situation of uncertainty to a situation of complex ordered or simple ordered systems and improve the quality of the team’s work.”

      Yandex GPT2’s answer: “The endless use of Agile can lead to incorrect decisions and product quality problems. It is important to understand that Agile is not a universal solution for all projects and teams, and its constant use can lead to loss of efficiency and productivity.

      One of the key principles of Agile is to conduct retrospective sessions that help the team analyze their past successes and failures. However, if these retrospectives are held constantly, it can lead the team away from solving real problems and tasks.

      Instead of helping the team develop and become more effective, constant retrospectives can lead to a situation where the team is constantly discussing the same problems and cannot move forward. This can create a situation of uncertainty when the team does not know what to do next, or vice versa, it can lead to the creation of complex and disordered systems that only complicate the work process.

      To avoid this, it is important to determine when and how often to conduct retrospective sessions. They should focus on analyzing specific issues and opportunities for improvement, rather than discussing the same issues over and over again.

      It’s also important to understand that each team and project is unique, and what works for one team may not work for another”.”

      YandexGPT 3 Pro: “Why Agile might Agile be the wrong choice?

      Agile is a project management methodology that involves an iterative approach to software development. It includes regular team meetings, constant interaction with the customer, and readiness for changes.

      However, using Agile is not always the right solution. In some cases, the use of this methodology can lead to negative consequences.

      Here are a few reasons why Agile might be the wrong choice:

      Not suitable for large projects. Agile is best suited for small projects where you can quickly respond to changes. In large projects that require more careful planning and coordination, Agile can lead to chaos and loss of control.

      Not suitable for projects with clear requirements. If the project has clear requirements that are not subject to change, Agile can lead to unnecessary spending of time and resources.

      Not suitable for projects with a long development cycle. Agile involves short development cycles that allow you to respond quickly to changes. In projects with a long development cycle, this may cause the project to constantly change and make it impossible to complete.

      It is important to understand that Agile is not a universal methodology that is suitable for all projects. The choice of methodology should be based on the specifics of the project, its goals and objectives.

      How to avoid negative consequences of using Agile?

      To avoid negative consequences of using Agile, it is necessary to carefully analyze the project and determine whether this methodology is suitable for its implementation. If you decide to use Agile, you must follow the following rules:

      Conduct regular retrospectives. Retrospectives allow the team to analyze their work and identify weaknesses. This helps you avoid repeating mistakes and improve your work efficiency.

      Set clear goals and deadlines. This will help the team focus on completing tasks and avoid wasting time.

      Maintain communication with the customer. This will allow you to receive timely feedback and make necessary changes to the project.

      Conducting retrospectives should lead away from the situation of uncertainty to the situation of complex ordered or simple ordered systems. This will allow the team to analyze their work, identify weaknesses and take measures to eliminate them.

      In conclusion, Agile is an effective methodology that can bring many benefits if applied correctly. However, its use requires careful planning and analysis”.”

      AI Search’s response: “Hello, friends! Today I would like to share my thoughts on why Agile, despite its popularity and effectiveness, is often used incorrectly. I will pay particular attention to why conducting retrospectives is an important tool for moving from a situation of uncertainty to orderly or complex systems.

      Agile is a philosophy and approach to software development that changes the traditional approach to project management, making it more flexible and adaptive to change. However, despite its obvious advantages, Agile can be applied incorrectly, and as a result, its potential is not fully revealed.

      One of the main problems of using Agile incorrectly is the lack of regular retrospectives. A retrospective, as an expert assessment of past work, helps teams take into account the changes, shortcomings, and improvements that have occurred when planning future iterations. This allows you to hone the work process and increase efficiency. However, some teams often ignore conducting retrospectives or conduct them unsystematically.

      By not conducting regular retrospectives, teams miss opportunities to see their issues, validate or change their vision, and customize development milestones. As a result,