Название | Исторический английский фразеологический словарь |
Автор произведения | Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин |
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Серия | |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2024 |
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Elephant stepped on his Purse. An Americanism implying that a creditor or some unlucky speculation has squeezed all the money out of a man.
Elgin Marbles. Brought from Greece by the seventh Earl of Elgin. Acquired by the nation for the British Museum in 1816.
Elia. The pseudonym of Charles Lamb for his “Essays” contributed to The London Magazine. This was the name of a gay, light-hearted foreigner, who fluttered about the South Sea House at the time when Lamb was a clerk there. At the moment of penning his signature to the first essay he bethought himself of that person, and substituted the name of Elia for his own.
Eltham. Anciently Ealdham, “the old home.” Here Anthony Bec, the “Battling Bishop of Durham,” built himself a palace midway in the thirteenth century. After his death it fell to the Crown, and became a Royal residence, until the time of James I. The original Banqueting-Hall, used in modern days as a barn, may yet be seen.
Ely Place. Marks the site of the residence of the Bishops of Ely.
89Ember Days. This term has no connection with embers or sackcloth and ashes as a penitential observance. The Saxons called them Ymbrine dagas, or “running days,” because they came round at regular seasons of the year.
Emerald Isle. Ireland, from its fresh verdure, due to its shores being washed by the warm waters of the “Gulf Stream.”
Empire Day. May 24th, formerly the Queen’s Birthday. In the last days of Victoria the British Empire was consolidated through the assistance lent by the Colonies to the Mother Country in the South African War. When, therefore, King Edward VII. came to the throne, the former Queen’s Birthday was invested with a greater significance than of old.
Empire State. New York, which, owing to position and commercial enterprise, has no rival among the other states of the Union.
Empire State of the South. Georgia, in consequence of its rapid industrial development.
Ena Road. In honour of Princess Ena, the consort of the young King of Spain.
Encore. From the Latin hauc horam, till this hour, still, again.
Encyclopædia. A book containing general or all-round instruction or information, from the Greek enkylios, circular or general, and paideia, instruction. An epitome of the whole circle of learning.
Endell Street. After the name of the builder. This is one of the few streets in London that has preserved its old characteristics, steadfastly refusing to march with the times.
England. In the time of Alfred the Great our country was styled Engaland, or the land of the Engles or Angles, who came over from Jutland.
Englishman’s House is his Castle. By the law of the land a bailiff must effect a peaceable entrance in order to 90distrain upon a debtor’s goods; therefore the latter is, as it were, sufficiently secure in his own fortress if he declines to give the enemy admittance.
Ennis. Expresses in Ireland, like Innis, the Celtic for an island. Both these words enter largely into Irish place-names.
Enniskillen. The kirk town on an island, the Celtic kil, originally implying a hermit’s cell, and later a chapel.
Ennismore Place. After Viscount Ennismore, Earl of Listowel, the ground landlord.
Enough is as good as a Feast. Because at no time can a person eat more than enough.
Enrol. See “Roll Call.”
Entente Cordiale. Expresses the French for cordial good will.
Entire. A word still to be met with on old tavern signs. It meant different qualities of ale or beer drawn from one cask.
Entrées. French for entries or commencements. Those made dishes are served after the soups, as an introduction to the more substantial portions of the repast, the joints.
Epicure. After Epicurus, a Greek philosopher, who taught that pleasure and good living constituted the happiness of mankind. His followers were styled Epicureans.
Epiphany. From the Greek Epiphaneia, an appearance, a showing; relative to the adoration of the Magi, who came from the East twelve days after the birth of the Saviour.
Epsom Salts. From the mineral springs at Epsom.
Equality State. Wyoming, where, first among the communities of the world, women were accorded the right to vote.
Erie. Indian for “Wild Cat,” the fierce tribe exterminated by the Iroquois.
91Escurial. Properly Escorial, Spanish for “among the rocks.” King Philip II. built this superb convent and palace after the battle of St Quentin, in the course of which he had been obliged to bombard a monastery of the Order of St Jerome. He dedicated it to St Lawrence. He caused the structure to be in the form of a gridiron, the symbol of the Saint’s martyrdom.
Esk. A river name derived from the Celtic uisg, water.
Esquimaux. An Alonquin Indian term signifying “eaters of raw flesh.”
Essex. The kingdom of the East Saxons under the Heptarchy.
Essex Street. From the mansion of Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex, the Parliamentary General in Cromwell’s time.
Ethelred the Unready. From his incapacity and unwillingness to accept rede, or counsel.
Ethiopia. From the Greek aithein, to burn, and ops, the face. Hence “the country of the blacks.”
Etiquette. A French word for “label.” Formerly a ticket or card of instructions was handed to visitors on ceremonial occasions. Nowadays such rules as pertain to deportment or decorum are supposed to enter into the education of all well-bred persons.
Etna. From the Phœnician attuna, a furnace.
Eton. The Anglo-Saxon Eyton, “island town.”
Ettrick Shepherd. The literary sobriquet of James Hogg, the poet, of Ettrick, Selkirkshire.
Europe. From the Greek euros, broad, and ops, the face; literally “the broad face of the earth.”
Euston Road. From the seat of the Earl of Euston at Thetford, Norfolk, the ground landlord.
Evacuation Day. November 25th, observed in the United States as commemorating the evacuation of New York city by the British after the War of Independence, 1783.
92Evangelist. From the Greek euanggelion, “good news.” One of the four writers of the Gospels of the New Testament.
Evelyn Street. From the residence of John Evelyn, the diarist. One of his descendants, the Rev. W. J. Evelyn, of Wolton, built the church of St Luke, Deptford, in 1872.
Everglade State. Florida, from its tracts of land, covered with water and grass, called Everglades.
Ex. Another form of the Celtic uisg, water.
Exchequer. The table of this Court was formerly covered with checkered cloth, so called from the Old French eschequier, chess board.
Executive City. Washington, which contains the White House, the official residence of the President of the Republic, the House of Representatives, and the Senate Chamber.
Exellers. The 40th Foot, from the Roman numerals XL.
Exeter. Called by the Saxons Exancester, or the Roman camp town on the Exe.
Exeter College. Founded at Oxford by Walter Stapleton, Bishop of Exeter and Lord Treasurer of England, in 1316.
Exeter Street. From the mansion and grounds of the Earl of Exeter, the eldest son of the great Lord Burleigh.
Exhibition Road. This wide thoroughfare formed the eastern boundary of the plot of ground purchased by the Commissioners for the Great Exhibition of 1862.
Exodus. The Scriptural narrative of the departure of the Israelites from the Land of Bondage.
Eye. Expresses the Anglo-Saxon for island. The river