The Last Da Vinci. Василий Ласовский

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Название The Last Da Vinci
Автор произведения Василий Ласовский
Год выпуска 2024

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to the ships of Pan-Asia (including China), the Dragon port was updated with a floating little dragon.

      Update 0.11.0 – Pan-Asian Cruisers: Part 1

      Research work “Could a crocodile swallow the Sun?” (section of “Exact Sciences and New Technologies”, link in Russian)

      Naydorf M. I. “Essays on European myth-making” ( publ. Odessa, 1999, opened January 22, 2022 at 2:46 pm, link in Russian)

      “Myth summarizes experience that has not lost its significance for the present and future. Therefore, the myth speaks of what always exists, although in the form of a story about what happened once upon a time. This apparent contradiction between the present and the past is easily removed by the observation that the myth interprets events that once happened and have eternal significance, or have been constantly repeated since then, i.e. about Beginnings that have an eternal continuation. For example, about the beginning of the world, about the first people, or about ‘where did fire come from’ or ‘why does an elephant have long ears’…

      I.3. ‘STOLEN SUN’

      Fairy tale and myth are closest relatives. The difference is that a fairy tale is a fiction, and this is accepted from the very beginning, and a myth is alive only as long as it is wholeheartedly believed in. The myth of a neighboring people or the myth of our ancestors, having lost the power of authenticity, turns into a fairy tale. Some fairy tales especially clearly preserve the features of their mythopoetic past. These include the very famous fairy tale ‘The Stolen Sunby Korney Chukovsky

      The disappearance of the sun appears here as an act of gigantic cosmic drama: some world evil, personified by the alien Crocodile, disrupted the normal course of life. The death of the world is coming…

      It is precisely the scale of events that they acquire in this fairy tale that brings it closer to its prototype and source – myth. In our case, to the ‘sun’ myth according to the accepted classification of myths, or ‘solar’ (from the Latin ‘sōl’ – sun).

      Myth exists in the collective consciousness of the people as an eternal or, better to say, timeless plot-semantic core (‘archetype’), which, when presented, can become overgrown with various and not at all necessary details. At the center of the myth cited by Chukovsky in the tale of the sun is the idea of the world as a giant pendulum, oscillating between Light and Darkness, between Existence and Non-existence, despite the fact that this oscillation itself reflects the struggle of world forces, friendly and hostile to man (tribe, clan, community, i.e. what can be designated by the concept ‘we’). In The Stolen Sun the Crocodile and the Bear personify these forces.

      The choice of the Bear as a cultural hero is probably explained by the fact that the bear is the traditional totemic ancestor of the ancient Slavs, the founder of the clan, the protector of the tribe, the teacher of life. The crocodile, in contrast to the bear, is an exotic animal, familiar to our distant ancestors only from pictures, but also known for its ruthless strength. In a thousand-year-old manuscript he is depicted as a fantastic bristling monster with wings that make him look like a dragon.”

      And if it is not possible to beat this “trump card”, then perhaps it will do one interesting thing. Namely, it will transfer this entire History into a fictional, fantasy, illusory, creative world, just like a small hole gives a barely noticeable leak, which over time leads to the sinking of a giant ship. (Paragraph was written on the evening of April 19, 2021)

      I wondered how my Infinity might feel from the outside? The most attractive option for me is that from the outside it can be bordered by a creative Event Horizon, i.e. a working space on the border with reality, in the zone of action of which the processing of “real” and the creation and subsequent destruction of temporary fictitious, illusory events takes place. That is, people who fall within the zone of action of the Event Horizon will have creative, illusory, but at the same time false thoughts that are not related to their reality.

      If this has even a slight chance of authenticity, then my desire to feel myself may well lead to the fact that I involuntarily attract to my Infinity some external events, as it seems to me, “that are directly related to me”. I.e. we subconsciously desire something, and now – oops, life gives us something very similar. There is a small flaw in this scheme, namely that I am not at all close to religious topics. This topic has never interested me, and still doesn’t interest me. Perhaps this is a consequence of my practicality.

      On the importance of Rapture of the Bride event. I added it to material of the book because a specific date was mentioned, September 9–10, 2017, and of course for the reason that the associations that arise when interpreting this event fit into the general event sequence of the book. And this event is not the main or super-important for me, my Fantastic Week is a fully completed event, everything before or after it is added if a possible connection is felt.

      East asked me, is there anyone else who was affected by the Rapture of the Bride event? Perhaps there is, but it is important to understand that if a person, after an event, or knowing about an upcoming event, adjusts his life or gives significance to facts that otherwise he would not have given significance without this event, then his involvement in this action is very controversial.

      In my case, there were personal experiences and activity in the physical world, I was writing my first book 19+, in the middle of writing it, Solar activity occurred, and then, after finishing writing the book, I learned about the Rapture of the Bride. The impact of this Solar activity on me is quite insignificant, I “cleaned up my tails” and removed unnecessary garbage from my life, became a little more friendly towards the people around me and much more responsible for my actions, and received some additional feeling of internal stability. I am an ordinary, narrow-minded person, with “average statistics” thoughts and feelings, nothing special, an ordinary person.

      The observer factor

      If there is no person to whom, for some reason, these events are important, then they will very quickly “dissolve in the infinity of the world”.

      There is also no need for excessive “reliability” or “plausibility” of events. The main thing is that they will be small, separated from other events, unconditional for the mind, not rejected by human feelings and have a supposedly fantasy, illusory essence, i.e. events that the personal Infinity could split and increase its potential.

      This book is precisely dedicated to such “unliquid assets”, useless incidents, which I looked for from the world around me in order to first put together the puzzle, and then, perhaps, divide it into original elements. And this story is interesting to me in its further development…

      Description of the Rapture of the Bride event on one of the Internet sites (the date September 9–10, 2017 is not mentioned).

      Rapture of the Bride Apocalyptic date September 23, 2017 from the standpoint of astronomy and astrology (link in Russian)

      “On September 23, 2017, we will see the constellation Virgo, in which the Sun will emerge. The Bible speaks of the same phenomenon in the Apocalypse, and describes ‘a woman clothed in the sun’ – the Virgin Mary. In addition, these events will unfold exactly on the hundredth anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. At the same time, we know that the hundredth anniversary is an important milestone.

      Patrick Archbold goes on to say that ‘November 20, 2016 will begin