Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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Liberal, princely, bounteous, generous.

      ANT: Niggardly, beggarly.


      KEY: Murky, [See MUGGY].


      KEY: Murmur.

      SYN: Undertone, whisper, mutter, grumble, complaint, repining.

      ANT: Clamor, vociferation, bawling, outcry, defiance, execration, salutation, acclamation.


      KEY: Murmur \v.\ [See GROWL].


      KEY: Muscular.

      SYN: Powerful, brawny, robust, sinewy, strong, stalwart, athletic, lusty, sturdy.

      ANT: Debile, flabby, feeble, lanky.


      KEY: Muse.

      SYN: Reflect, ponder, cogitate, dream, think, meditate.

      ANT: Stir, act, move.


      KEY: Musical.

      SYN: Melodious, harmonious, dulcet, concordant, rythmical, tuneful, mellifluous.

      ANT: Unmelodious, inharmonious, harsh, discordant.


      KEY: Muster \v.\

      SYN: Marshal, collect, assemble, rally, enroll, gather.

      ANT: Dismiss, disperse, relegate, remit, disband.


      KEY: Musty.

      SYN: Fusty, rank, mouldy, frowzy, stale, sour, fetid, mildewed.

      ANT: Fragrant, fresh, balmy, aromatic, odorous.


      KEY: Mutable.

      SYN: Changeable, changeful, mobile, transient, ephemeral, inconstant, unsteadfast, fickle, fitful, undecided, restless.

      ANT: Unchanging, permanent, immutable, persistent, changeless, Mutation, [See VARIATION].


      KEY: Mute.

      SYN: Silent, speechless, dumb, taciturn, voiceless, still, death-like.

      ANT: Chattering, talkative, garrulous, loquacious, vocal, tuneful, loud.


      KEY: Mutilate, [See MAIM].


      KEY: Mutinous.

      SYN: Turbulent, seditious, insurgent, riotous, tumultuous, unruly, refractory, insurrectionary.

      ANT: Obedient, loyal, submissive.


      KEY: Mutter.

      SYN: Murmur, mumble.

      ANT: Enunciate, exclaim, pronounce, vociferate.


      KEY: Mutual.

      SYN: Reciprocal, common, interchangeable, alternate.

      ANT: One-sided, unreciprocated, unmutual.


      KEY: Muzzle.

      SYN: Silence, burke, restrain, gag, stop.

      ANT: release, liberate, open, unmuzzle, free.


      KEY: Mysterious.

      SYN: Dim, obscure, unrevealed, unexplained, unaccountable, reserved, veiled, hidden, secret, incomprehensible, mystic, inexplicable.

      ANT: Clear, plain, obvious, explained, understood, easy, explainable, simple, frank, communicative.


      KEY: Mystery.

      SYN: Enigma, puzzle, obscurity, secrecy, veil, shroud, arcanum.

      ANT: Publication, solution, commonplace, truism, matter-of-fact.


      KEY: Mystic.

      SYN: Mysterious, cabalistic, magical.

      ANT: Plain, matter-of-fact, everyday, familiar, commonplace, obvious, household.


      KEY: Mystify.

      SYN: Confuse, bamboozle, hoodwink, puzzle, confound, mislead, obfuscate.

      ANT: Illumine, enlighten, inform, guide.


      KEY: Myth.

      SYN: Fable, legend, parable, supposition, fiction, allegory, fabulous story, fabrication.

      ANT: Fact, history, narrative.


      KEY: Mythological.

      SYN: Fabulous, mythical, [See H].


      KEY: Nab, (\coll.\)

      SYN: Catch, clutch, grasp, seize, lay hold on, lay hands on, [See CATCH].


      KEY: Nabob.

      SYN: Millionaire, Croesus, mau of wealth, man of fortune, very rich man, man of great distinction.

      ANT: Man not wealthy, man not distinguished.


      KEY: Nacreous, [See IRIDESCENT].


      KEY: Naked.

      SYN: Nude, bare, unclothed, denuded, undraped, defenceless, destitute, unqualified, uncolored, unvarnished, mere, simple.

      ANT: Dressed, robed, draped, muffled, protected, qualified, veiled, shrouded, colored, varnished.


      KEY: Name \n.\

      SYN: Designation, cognomination, appellation, title, fame, reputation, authority, appointment, stead, representation.

      ANT: Namelessness, anonymousness, misnomer, pseudonym, obscurity, ingloriousness, disrepute, individuality, person.


      KEY: Name \v.\

      SYN: Spectry, designate, call, Indicate.

      ANT: Misname, miscall, misdesignate, misindicate, hint, suggest, shadow, adumbrate.


      KEY: Narrate.

      SYN: recite, tell, report, detail, relate, rehearse, recount.

      ANT: Suppress, conceal, blink, misreport, misrepresent, misrelate, misstate.


      KEY: Narrow.

      SYN: Straight, straightened, slender, thin, spare, contracted, limited, cramped, pinched, scant, close, scrutinizing, near, bigoted, niggardly, tight.

      ANT: Wide, broad, ample, thick, expanded, easy, liberal.


      KEY: Nascent.

      SYN: Youthful, rising, green, incipient, embryo, rudimental, budding.

      ANT: Mature, aged, confirmed, developed, grown.


      KEY: Nasty.

      SYN: Fool, offensive, odious, disagreeable, indelicate, impure, gross, unclean, obscene.

      ANT: Nice, pleasant, sweet, savory, agreeable, pure.


      KEY: Nation.

      SYN: Race, people, realm, community, commonwealth, state, [See COMMUNITY and PEOPLE].


      KEY: Native.

      SYN: Indigenous, home, exported, artless, natural, proper, suitable, congenital, inbred, vernacular.

      ANT: Foreign, Imported, exotic, alien, artificial, acquired, assumed, affected.


      KEY: Natural.

      SYN: Intrinsic, eventual, regular, normal, cosmical, true,