The World as an Illusion. Мир как иллюзия. Андрей Тихомиров

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Название The World as an Illusion. Мир как иллюзия
Автор произведения Андрей Тихомиров
Год выпуска 2024

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slaves of people, whose brain is "clogged" with all sorts of illusions! The brain is the anterior (highest) section of the center, nerve, system of vertebrates and humans, located in the cranial cavity; the material substrate of higher nervous activity. Along with the endocrine system, it regulates all vital functions of the body. It consists of the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain and medulla oblongata. The sections located between the diencephalon and spinal cord form the brainstem. The brain has reached its highest development in humans (it weighs an average of 1,375 g in men and 1,275 g in women). The human brain: 1 – cerebral hemisphere; 2-4 – diencephalon: 2 – thalamus, 3 – epithalamus, 4 – hypothalamus; 5 – corpus callosum; 6—pituitary gland; 7-8—midbrain: 7—quadruple, 8—cerebral peduncles; 9-10—hindbrain: 9—pons, 10—cerebellum; 11—medulla oblongata; 12—fourth ventricle.

      The television manipulation technique is associated with the effect of discussion, comparison and struggle of different points of view. With the help of this technique, the illusion of impartiality and objectivity of information is created. A rehearsed discussion or even a heated verbal altercation (this is a show-performance, specially played out for gullible viewers) creates the appearance of a struggle of opinions, a comparison of positions, etc. Quite often, entire verbal battles are played out, the purpose of which is to prove that, supposedly, this is real democracy, since the opponents represent mutually exclusive views and opinions, but this is only an imitation, everything has long been decided behind the scenes by the largest oligarchs. Ultimately, the bickering in speeches shown in the oligarchic media, opposition figures whose point of view does not fully agree with the official one, is nothing more than a carefully prepared political performance, where today's words mean nothing for tomorrow's practical activities. As one American journalist noted during the next presidential elections, from what Reagan said “on the eve of his election, he was consistent only in relation to his promises to the Pentagon,” while everything else for him was the necessary propaganda tinsel of the election campaign.

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