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study the obvious, therefore we propose to immediately accept it as an axiom: We see all objects according to one principle. That is, stars, sky, trees, and own body – all visible objects are contemplated by us technically in the same way, by means of one instrument – “vision”; We suggest that we first discuss the terms needed here – clarify and accept their brief meanings:

      Reason – is an individual instrument of the “I”, which ensures work with data and experience, analysis, and conclusions. The importance of reason cannot be overestimated in any way – without the use of reason, the “Act of self-certainty of the ‘I’” will be absolutely impossible, since it requires analysis (I think) and conclusions (Therefore, I exist). Reason does not make decisions, this instrument cannot be considered independently active. We will discuss this later;

      Obviously, it follows from this that the “I” itself, without reason, is an unconscious wave function, but – and in that case, we would not be aware of vital activity and the manifestation of the ability to express will;

      Besides this, the question arises: In relation to What? Firstly (and in any case), the necessity of the basic relativity of being is determined itself, i.e. in general – to the static, passive opposite, in relation (comparison), or in direct integration, with which the “I” has the opportunity to manifest the activity inherent to “It”. Let’s say – “Consciousness”. Secondly, we have a self-evident conclusion about the multiplicity of various “other I’s?”, which (from the position of each) are not my “I”, i.e. those others who are “Not I”. We will also discuss questions concerning this later;

      * * *

      Mind – is a developing means of Reason and a set of methods – individual methods of using the capabilities of the mind, building special thinking functions using experience (including sensory and mental) and logical conclusions. The mind itself does not decide anything – any decisions are made by the “I” (literally “From Above”), however, the Mind controls the category of criteria, operates with properties and methods. Here is an example of choice: multiply one hundred by three, or – to three, 99 times add three. You can have hundreds of separate methods and techniques, or combine them into one very effective tool – “Mind”;

      Intelligence – is the property of special living beings to develop rationally and effectively, through the use of reason and the application of the mind. Intelligence, beings are capable of expressing desire, showing will and intention, thinking and studying, creating, creating, loving and rejoicing, having culture – speaking, dancing, singing, joking… “Capable within the Universe’, have a potentially infinite number of conceivable and inconceivable properties. However, depending on the level of development, or even mental state, they can have a number of special characteristics, among which (let’s smile): they, for some “appropriate reason”, or for no reason at all :), can be sociable, hospitable and friendly, and on the contrary – aggressive, insidious and very dangerous, or is this subjective and “we think so because we ourselves are like that”?

      * * *

      Among people (and not only :)), there is a statement that “the brain sees surrounding objects’. However, it is clear to us that there is only one most important Element that states all the results, which feels directly, and “sees in fact’ – in the final instance, and as a result of all systemic iterations (of reason). The Main Element! – endowed with Life, desiring, manifesting intention, feeling, recognizing the process as completed. It is precisely this Element that is That which we call “I” – it is precisely That which we consider “Ourselves” – in all cases when we say “I”, whether to ourselves or to someone else, and also when we think: “I” – meaning by this “Myself”, in the direct sense, and in Our Person;

      Treat repetitions with understanding – it is necessary to convey the meaning to Yourself first of all, and then, equally correctly to everyone – capable of understanding, realizing, and never confusing the “I”, that is, “Yourself”, with your own body, which is an important “thing”, this is of course, but it is precisely the representation of a specific “I” in the conditions of reality (and in the appropriate form), for the possibility of participating in situations (and gaining experience);

      * * *

      So, continue the research:

      Let us consider the mechanism of current contemplation, that is, at the present moment in time, as at any moment, but right now; It should be noted that we do not consider mental visions, in a dream, in delirium, under hypnosis, since the mechanism of contemplation is fundamentally the same, if we often confuse the vision of active reality in those states | with obvious factual reality;

      We will base our reasoning on the most popular, materialistic position – this will be accessible and understandable for most people [this is here and now]:

      1. Photons emitted by any light source are reflected from the object and affect the retinal cell of the eye;

      2. A retinal cell initiates an electrical signal to the brain;

      3. The signal is processed by using a handler (our Reason);

      4. “I” contemplate the object as a result of processing. We say – “I see” – this is the moment of current contemplation;

      The content of the contemplated result of processing must be interpreted – taking into account the existing experience of the “I”. We see before we understand – “What exactly do we see?” Then what we know very well happens – these are internal processes: comparisons, thinking, analysis, mental, and others – they are performed by means of Reason. Any experience, as a subjective conclusion of the “I”, is also formed by Reason. The situation is remembered as a whole, stored in memory as information, not being an experience;

      The experience that is extracted is only new {relationships, knowledge, objects, feelings, sensations, emotions, forms, thoughts, thought forms, situations, situation patterns};

      That is, it can be argued that any situation is only a potential experience, just as it can be argued that there are no “empty details” that do not contain any meaning, and from each of them, with due attention and analysis, one can extract experience, be it any object (also its dynamics and changes), or part of the situation, or the situation as a whole;

      The moment of realization* of reality always corresponds to the point of concentration – this is the point of current attention. The quality of realization at this point is the highest – interpretation provides the necessary conditions for precise qualification, clarity of understanding, detailing of properties and forms from those available in experience, corresponding to individual capabilities, and namely: “Potential of Reason’, which uses unique methods and functions, that is, subjective, and subject to special psychic relationships and influences of the superstructure. It should be noted that the quality of other, lateral objects is lower than at the point of concentration. On the periphery, what is contemplated is significantly blurred, the clarity of the boundaries of objects is almost absent, they seem to float, compared to the clarity and specificity at the point of concentration. The colors of objects on the periphery are distorted to approximate, with shades of gray. The quality of interpretation? of peripheral objects, their situational meanings, as well as the general semantic content, is inferior to those in the center of attention. The general picture of contemplation is that the Content of the so-called “Frame of Reality” looks like a aureole, with highest quality in the center and a gradual decrease as you move away from the center to the sides (Resembling a “pipe”, which is very important – it is necessary to keep this oddity in mind);

      The mechanism and processes of contemplating