Learn to Speak. Заговори на английском по методу Г.Г.Оллендорфа. Татьяна Кубатина

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Название Learn to Speak. Заговори на английском по методу Г.Г.Оллендорфа
Автор произведения Татьяна Кубатина
Год выпуска 2024

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У меня есть ваши белые туфли.

      Есть ли у купцов свои книги? – Не имеют.

      EXERCISE 13

      Does the author have my volume or thine? – He does not have my volume, but he has thine.

      Does the goldsmith have anything pretty? – He has nothing pretty but his nose and his hair.

      Do you have my white paper? – I have your white paper and your brown paper.

      Do you have my hammer? – No, I do not have it.

      Do you have his red and black dog? – I do not have his dog, but I have his green cat.

      Which pencil does the editor have? – He has his father’s good black pencil.

      Which lake is it? – It is the large blue lake in your small park.

      What good do we have? – We have nothing good, but we have something handsome and pretty.

      What handsome and pretty do you have? – We have the admiral’s handsome nest and the author’s pretty orchards.

      Which horses do we have? – We have the admiral’s beautiful horses.

      What horses are they? – They are the horses of the duke.

      Which orchard is it? – It is their orchard.

      Which orchards are they? -They are the green orchards of the sick gentleman.

      What beautiful do they have? – They have their beautiful green parks, groves, marshes, and gardens.

      LESSON 14


      Of the

      The woman


      The mother

      The daughter

      The sister

      The aunt

      The niece

      The candle

      The bottle

      The lock

      The key






      Our mothers

      Our fathers


      The pear

      The nut

      The plum

      The cherry

      The razor

      The sword

      The nail

      The hook

      The father and his son or his daughter

      The mother and her son or her daughter

      Does the mother have her son’s gold key? – No, she has her daughter’s silver key.

      Does she have?

      Does she have the golden key? – No, she has the silver key and the iron lock.

      УРОК 14

      Определенный артикль


















      Наши мамы

      Наши отцы










      Отец и его сын или его дочь

      Мать и ее сын или ее дочь

      Есть ли у матери золотой ключик сына? – Нет, у нее есть серебряный ключик дочери.

      Есть ли у нее?

      Есть ли у нее золотой ключик? – Нет, у нее есть серебряный ключ и железный замок.

      EXERCISE 14

      Which pear do you have? – I have your good aunt’s green pear.

      Do you have my sister’s small copper key? – No, I do not have your sister’s small copper key, but I have you daughter’s large iron key.

      Which wine do you have? – I have the good red wine and the strong white wine.

      Which bread do your women have? – They have the fine brown bread.

      Which keys do you have? -I have the keys of the small gold lock.

      Do you have my good red pencil, or my bad yellow pencil? – I do not have your good red pencil, but I have your bad yellow pencil and your niece’s blue pencil.

      Does the woman have her son’s or her pretty daughter’s gold cherry? – She does not have the gold cherry, but she has the black nut.

      Which black nut does she have? – She has the gardener’s black nut and the admiral’s black nut in the count’s garden.

      Does your mother have my daughter’s silver poniard, or your son’s niece’s steel award? – No, but she has her father’s daughter’s copper razor.

      Do you have my nail or my hook? – I have your nail, but not your hook.

      LESSON 15









      The young man

      The young woman















      The table

      The chair

      The house
